• Personally, I can’t forsee a reason to put bid units in Africa. Unless someone gave me an incredible bid like 30+ IPCs… (of course, with that bid, I might go all tanks for a fast kill of USSR and putting them all in Manch…)

    You should check out the game DarthMax and I are playing in the games section. Also, be sure to check on how it develops. Hopefully, I can show how to best play an Africa bid, but it can work wonders if done right.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I’m just thinking if you stacked the deck in Asia you’d be better off. Or at the least stacking it in Europe. Anything to kill Mother Russia faster.

    You can always secure Africa after you own Asia uncontested.

  • Moderator

    I like 9 inf, 1 arm or 10 inf.

    On rare rare rare occasions I’ll buy a ftr and 6 inf save 2.

    I don’t really like the tran buy because

    1. It will get sunk by rd 3 at the latest. I try to make the German ships a priority.
    2. to utilize 2 trans means you are taking 4 inf out of Europe. For what? 8 IPC to buy a tran, then an extra 6 IPC for the extra inf. That is 14 IPC for only 1 round, meaning even if you hold all of Africa you only earn about 10. And, IMO, it is very hard to do that.

    I think you are much better off with the 1 tran, taking Egy and Syr and whatever else you can early on, while you build up your European if and make a push for Cauc.

  • I’m just thinking if you stacked the deck in Asia you’d be better off. Or at the least stacking it in Europe. Anything to kill Mother Russia faster.

    Based on when I’ve played against it Asia bids should always fail. This is because the quick start Japan will get off to is offset by a corresponding weakened Germany which will limit the two front pressure Russia is under. IMO its the ability to wage a successful 2-3 front war that gives the Axis an advantage. A PE has limitations because Africa is so quickly and easily nailed down thus forcing the Germans hand against Russia ie Karelia. If they don’t take Karelia fast, and they don’t always, it will be a short game. Even if they do it doesn’t always matter as the Allies should maintain a production advantage against the Axis. Further, if Russia falls back from Karelia to Moscow this will further impede Japans timetable into Novo. I find a good Africa bid will often force the Allies to abandon position in Europe/Asia or Africa and either can be used against them.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Fighter could be nice. Give you a little more playing power in round one, less risk of loosing all and not having killed enough navy.

  • Ftr purchases only work with a PE bid in which case you primarily need offense and not defense anyway. The standard G1 ftr purchase is 4arm ftr.

  • I regularly play thorugh every country (AXIS or ALLY) to work every scenerio imaginable. Last time I played Germany, I built 1 Transport and spent the rest on Infantry beacause I wanted to take out England first and then the US, just to see if they could be taken down before Russia. I relocated all navy below SEu (and later built a sufficient navy to stop England from producing a navy) and relocated my ground forces to EEu to hold off any attacking Russian forces. I sent my fighters and bomber to destroy England’s navy every turn until I was able to move my navy in and load up transports for invasion. I spent most of my time re-enforcing Africa to secure IPC’s. It seemed to work well. Japan struggled for a bit with Russia, but eventually wore her down.

  • @Jacob_b22:

    I regularly play thorugh every country (AXIS or ALLY) to work every scenerio imaginable. Last time I played Germany, I built 1 Transport and spent the rest on Infantry beacause I wanted to take out England first and then the US, just to see if they could be taken down before Russia. I relocated all navy below SEu (and later built a sufficient navy to stop England from producing a navy) and relocated my ground forces to EEu to hold off any attacking Russian forces. I sent my fighters and bomber to destroy England’s navy every turn until I was able to move my navy in and load up transports for invasion. I spent most of my time re-enforcing Africa to secure IPC’s. It seemed to work well. Japan struggled for a bit with Russia, but eventually wore her down.

    i would love to see the opening turns of that game. I am not sure that this would work well against an effective opponant, but it’s an interesting strat.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I’m sure it would work fine against an opponent of my skill, but you’d have to make almost no errors throughout the game to capitalize on my errors. (I routinely forget to unload transports, or protect a flank….it’s really quite frustrating.)

    Though, I bet attacking the best players this way wouldn’t be the wisest of strategies.

  • In theory this should be impossible, simply because (1) with the UK building the right ships, you’d eventually lose so many planes you couldn’t keep attacking, but more importantly (2) if nothing else, the UK could simply build a bunch of infantry. Even if Germany has a production of 42 (and if they’re not aggressive against Russia or at least taking back lost territories, they definitely should not have this) and the UK is as low as 18 (again, unrealistic) the UK would still be able to defend itself. They could build 6 infantry in a turn with 18 IPCs. Germany would not be able to use planes they had lost, and after several turns of attacking carriers and possibly American fighters they most likely have lost the majority unless they stopped hitting UK’s fleet. So they’d be attacking only with infantry and/or armor they could transport - even assuming that the UK didn’t have a fleet that turn to destroy first somehow - the UK would still be building 6 infantry per turn directly on London, while Germany would have to spend 14 IPCs for a transport and 2 infantry to transport them with. Even if you use some of the infantry you start with - an asinine idea in my opinion since it begs of Russia “Take me!” - you’re still only getting the ability to go with 6 infantry a turn (3 transports and 6 men = 42 IPCs) or, even worse, substituting a tank (one unit instead of 2) for 2 men, something I think should never be done in a direct amphibious assault on a one-territory island. 6 offensive men should never match up against 6 on defense, and that’s not even including the fact that the UK will be at least 2 turns’ building ahead of you, since to move transports from Italy to UK will take 2 turns. So in theory, you’re facing a minimum 12-men disadvantage with a lower firing rate, less hits for you to get killed, and the fact that Russia will take your capital without any difficulty should you actually play this idea.

    As for hitting the US with Germany before Russia, you’d better hope Japan has heavy bombers, long range aircraft, a laughable number of bombers, transports and men just outside WUSA, and the US player is the dumbest you have ever met. The only times I ever took the US with Germany were against that dopey AI and against a kid with ADD, and only against the AI (not even the kid with ADD) have I ever claimed UK before Russia.

  • Seems like AP describes it well why this never will happen. If Ger wants a tiny chance to succeed, they will need to buy at least 24 ipcs per turn for air to attack NOR, they would need at least 20 ipcs to encounter Russian attacks on EEu, and they would need at least 8 ipcs for building a navy (all per turn). 52 ipcs per turn to make this happen, and still it will look bad on all fronts (36/24/16 ipcs -> 76 ipcs is more likely to get acceptable chances), given that US is doing nothing. So even in an unlikely scenario its impossible (nothing is impossible with a dicegame, but you know what I mean).

  • Yes, it was against the “Dopey AI”. I have no other opponents to play against. None the less, it did happen. England routinely built a carrier and fighters until I moved my navy up to restrict their production to only transports (which were easily destroyed each time) and infantry. But, by that time I had produced enough infantry to continueously attach England with all that I had until it was depleted. And the US fell quickly after that (I wasn’t exactly watching the US that closely, but I assume they were pushing the Pacific theatre). I didn’t say it was the best strategy. I said it was a different scenerio. Were we not talking about different First Turn Builds for Germany? “why this never will happen” …but you already knew that, didn’t you?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Again, you are assuming a skill level for players.

    If someone of sufficient skill was playing Germany against 3 novice allies, one would HOPE they play a game like this just to help even the odds a bit.

    I would never play my “A” game against someone who’s a novice. But I also wouldn’t just let them win. A good comprimise is to try new strategies you wouldn’t dare play in a veteran game.

  • I totally agree. I only attempt these scenerios for the love of the game. Since I’m playing an AI that will seemingly never change…why not try something new? What fun is it to annihilate another player the same way everytime? What appreciation is derived from beating someone that you knew you would beat from the beginning? Victory is much more sweet when odds are overcome.

  • Jacob,

    why dont you join an online A&A club? Lots of competition and skilled players outthere.

  • PBEM? I’ve never played before. Not exactly sure how it works. I’ve studied discussions on here to try to decypher it somewhat, but maybe I’m just too lamen. I’m afraid it’ll have to be explained. I’m only online at work. I don’t have internet at home. I’m afraid I won’t be able to respond fast enough or often enough for most opponents.

  • There are 2 types of online A&A. CD-games obiously wouldnt fit, but Play By Email maybe would. You can determine your own game speed (1 turn a day, 1 turn in 3 days, multiple turns a day etc). Furthermore there are tools for pbem such as maptools and online diceservers.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I’d love a PBEM game, however, there isn’t a place in my house I could leave a board set up for more then 30 minutes. (assuming I start setting up the board when my son starts his nap…)

    Too bad there isn’t a remote hosting site that can leave a board set up on their servers and allow someone with a mouse to manipulate it as needed…

  • '19 Moderator

    There are several utilities available that basicly amount to a map file that you email along with your turn orders to your opponent.

    Not near as good as a face to face game, but when you have a hard time finding players or your looking for some varied competition it works.

  • If you want to try A&A pbem, try http://www.dicey.net/nuke/ (AAMC). Lots of info and help. The download section contains some maptools, so you dont need to have a real gameboard.

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