I liked the skating and team play.
It is improving each olympic game.
Hockey Talk
Customizing your gaming experience
The boards that come with the game are fine, however, if you don’t like them separating while you play, you can use strong paper clamps, or velcro to keep them together. If you play a lot and have the money, you might consider downloading a file and printing a large custom map which can be found here…Money
The game does not come with any tangible currency, you can get special paper money at HBG (historical board gaming), or special poker chips at IWNGU (I will never grow up).Facilities
Everyone hates using those cardboard counters for facilities because they are hard to pickup, time consuming to setup, and they take up valuable space on the board. I use the gray factories from 1942 1st edition as minor ICs, and the factories from risk revised as major ICs, but you could also use anything from settlers of catan settlements, to monopoly houses and hotels. Also, HBG has many types of plastic facilities including bases, and shape ways has a variety of plastic factories.Extra Units
I myself bought 2 copies of both 1940 Europe and 1940 Pacific when I first got started, and I have never run out of anything during a game, but I understand if people don’t want to spend that much money. My suggestion is to play the game a few times and find out what you usually run out of, and then buy extras from HBG. For example: if you find that the Japanese tend to use mech infantry a lot, or if Germany always buys bombers in your games… than add extra units accordingly.Chips
The game does not provide enough chips, and HBG is usually of stock when it comes to the A&A out of box chips. So apart from buying 2 full sets of 1940 global, I suggest replacing all of them with HBG chips, I would get 100 whites, 50 greens, 50 reds, and 10 blues.Dice
Even if you buy 2 full sets of 1940 Global, you still won’t have enough dice… and HBG is always out of stock. I just got a ton from IWNGU which are almost identical to the A&A out of box dice.Game Aids
There are helpful game aids here like my national objective cards that you can download, print and cut in order to track NOs better. Just keep in mind that there is an error on the “North Africa” NO for Italy which states that Egypt is needed to collect the 5 IPCs, you can find that file here… -
My name is Bryzgalov, where can I submit a “change of address” form for my cheques?
G40 GAME COMPONENTS (When both Europe and Pacific are combined)
Control markers
20 German
20 Russian
40 Japanese
45 American
5 Chinese
35 British (including 2 Union Jacks)
20 Italian
5 FrenchFacilities and Kamikazes
18 Major factories
20 Minor factories
30 Air bases
32 Naval bases
6 Kamikaze tokensGame aids
2 battle boards (the Europe board is bigger)
2 casualty zone strips
1 research & development tracker
2 Rulebooks (1 Europe, 1 Pacific)Game accessories
4 Game boards (2 from Europe, 2 from Pacific)
10 Unit trays
1 German
1 Russian
1 Japanese
1 American
1 China
2 United Kingdom (1 Europe, 1 Pacific)
1 Italian
1 American / France110 Gary plastic chips
30 Green plastic chips
20 Red plastic chips6 Red dice
6 Black dicePlastic unit pieces
40 Infantry
8 Artillery
9 Mechanized Infantry
12 Tanks
8 Antiaircraft Artillery8 Fighters
9 Tactical Bombers
4 Strategic Bombers2 Battleships
2 Aircraft Carriers
4 Cruisers
6 Destroyers
6 Submarines
6 TransportsSOVIET UNION
40 Infantry
8 Artillery
9 Mechanized Infantry
10 Tanks
8 Antiaircraft Artillery8 Fighters
9 Tactical Bombers
2 Strategic Bombers2 Battleships
2 Aircraft Carriers
2 Cruisers
4 Destroyers
4 Submarines
4 TransportsJAPAN
41 Infantry
12 Artillery
9 Mechanized Infantry
12 Tanks
8 Antiaircraft Artillery16 Fighters
9 Tactical Bombers
8 Strategic Bombers8 Battleships
8 Aircraft Carriers
8 Cruisers
12 Destroyers
12 Submarines
12 TransportsUNITED STATES
40 Infantry
12 Artillery
15 Mechanized Infantry
12 Tanks
16 Antiaircraft Artillery16 Fighters
15 Tactical Bombers
12 Strategic Bombers8 Battleships
8 Aircraft Carriers
8 Cruisers
12 Destroyers
12 Submarines
12 TransportsCHINA
30 Infantry
40 Infantry
12 Artillery
12 Mechanized Infantry
16 Tanks
16 Antiaircraft Artillery16 Fighters
12 Tactical Bombers
12 Strategic Bombers8 Battleships
4 Aircraft Carriers
8 Cruisers
12 Destroyers
12 Submarines
12 TransportsITALY
20 Infantry
8 Artillery
6 Mechanized Infantry
10 Tanks
8 Antiaircraft Artillery8 Fighters
6 Tactical Bombers
4 Strategic Bombers2 Battleships
2 Aircraft Carriers
4 Cruisers
6 Destroyers
6 Submarines
6 TransportsANZAC
20 Infantry
6 Artillery
6 Mechanized Infantry
8 Tanks
8 Antiaircraft Artillery8 Fighters
6 Tactical Bombers
6 Strategic Bombers4 Battleships
4 Aircraft Carriers
4 Cruisers
6 Destroyers
6 Submarines
6 TransportsFRANCE
20 Infantry
8 Artillery
8 Mechanized Infantry
10 Tanks
8 Antiaircraft Artillery8 Fighters
6 Tactical Bombers
2 Strategic Bombers2 Battleships
2 Aircraft Carriers
2 Cruisers
4 Destroyers
4 Submarines
4 Transports