Owkey, I really shouldn’t do this, but… Cruisers suck. And even Larry and his crew turned to “I still think it is balanced” when I presented them the irrationality behind cruisers.
Let’s go for a warship round up and usability. I’ll start of with the uncontroversial ones:
Sub: cheap hit, good for sneaking, can’t attack air => very useful for disrupting enemy waters
DD: counter of sub, cheap hit, can attack air => basic sea unit
Carrier: expensive, but allows excess of fighters to fight sea battles => flexible and certainly useful with fighters already purchased
I think everyone agrees with the above.
Battleship: expensive, has double hit, high attack, and, most importantly, auto-repair.
Auto-repair is the reason why a Cru and DD aren’t the equal of a BB. After taking a hit in sea battle, with DD + Cru, you end up with only Cru.
With BB, you end up with a fully repaired BB. Net gain: 8 ipc’s. Which one is better now?
Shore bombard is a nice extra, but without it, the BB would still be a decent buy.
I remember Caspian Sub used to describe a strategy with the USA to kill Japan: Build IC in Alaska, build a fleet of BB’s. Use the BB’s to hit-and-run the Japanese navy, using auto-repair to soak up losses, while Japan keeps sacrificing subs. This was back in the days when a BB was 24 (!) IPC’s, and was an interesting idea. In 1942, the idea gets only more interesting, maybe to the point it is a viable strategy :evil: So in short: BB’s have their use thanks to auto-repair. Think about it ;)
Now, why are Cru’s bad?
Cru: expensive, no double hit, only plus is their shore bombardment => overpriced.
Shore bombardment isn’t what it used to be (you have to send an inf every time, and the opponent still gets to shoot back!).
Compared to other units, a Cru sucks. Which would you like best, a bmr or a Cru?
A bmr is the better offensive piece: much greater range, better attack, can strategically bombard (which is at least as good as shore bombard).
One can argue that the Cru is better at sea defense than a bmr.
Which is true, but a Cru is MUCH worse than a DD at sea defense: at sea defense, the number of hits one can take is essential. A DD takes a hit at 8 IPC’s, a Cru at 12 IPC’s. An increase of 50%!
The meager shore bombardment doesn’t equalise, and the damage/IPC count is equal between Cru and DD, which also has sub detection.
Not to mention you can buy two sea hits (=two subs) for the price of one Cru.
So at defense, Cru is also not a good choice.
But is it an “all round” unit then, not particularly good at anything, but decent at everything? Maybe, I say.
If they were priced at 10, they would be. Or if they had the sub detection instead of DD.
Or an AA to counter those overpowered bombers at sea. But alas, a rational mind is hard to find. So any time my opponent purchases a Cru, I silently smile, because he just flushed 2 IPC’s down the drain. Litteraly 8-)