• Customizer


    Tried playing a game of Anniversary a couple months ago.  Seemed way too simple after playing the amazing game that Global 1940 is.

    That being said, hopefully the 1942 setup of Global will get better and allow for a faster game start.

    Just give it a once over, it’s essentially the same as 1942 with a couple extra rules for developments and such

  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '12


    Global has a great deal of structure in the first few rounds, boring for USA and Russia for the first couple hours. It’s a great game but Anniversary is much better. Quite a few more options.

    Yes, Global is scripted, but I love all the units and sweep of the game.

    You guys at Dicetruction kill me. When I used to live in Idaho, I had a buddy who I used to stay up all night with playing A&A variants we created.  We often polished off a 24 pack of Natty Light and then tap into some Carlo Rossi. (Hard to believe now how we could drink that shitt) Needless to say, around 1am the game would go weird places.  The variant we had was based on the World at War by Xeno, an A&A knock off.  I was going to adapt the variant to the Global map.  If I ever get it done I’ll post it on the site.

  • Customizer

    Episode 72

    Round 8 begins! Axis & Allies 1914


  • Customizer

    Episode 73

    Round 9

    All the info is here: http://dicetruction.blogspot.ca/

  • Customizer

    You guys crack me up. Wish I had your older episodes. Sounds like you guys have great times.

  • Customizer

    All the older episodes can be accessed here: http://dicetruction.podbean.com/mobile/

  • Customizer

    Episode 74
    It wen t up Friday but I have been busy. If it isn’t work it’s my rampant drunkenness. Rest assured there was dice rolling going on too, in about a month you’ll see the results of that with a special guest.

    Get the new episode here: http://dicetruction.blogspot.ca/

  • Customizer

    Episode 75

    Dear listeners, a thousand apologies for this coming out a day late but you know what they say: “better to have loved and lost than to have” … Oh wait, this is a board game podcast. No one gives a crap if it’s a day late. Here it is. Axis & Allies 1914 Round 11.

    Check out the details here: http://dicetruction.blogspot.ca/

  • Customizer

    Episode 76

    Round 12 begins, we don’t seem very drunk, for which I apologize but I had to leave the guys to go into work for a bit. Rest assured I’ll make up for it in coming episodes.


  • Customizer

    Dave, me, is mostly not here for this episode. Is that a good thing? Find out in this thrilling episode! Round 13 of Axis & Allies 1914.


  • If you are not there who will keep Ray’s turns to under 1 hour? Does that mean this entire episode is just one of Ray’s turns?

  • Customizer

    Hey on your yard sale find, I’m betting those pieces are from a game called ‘Attack!’ from Eagle Games.

  • Customizer


    If you are not there who will keep Ray’s turns to under 1 hour? Does that mean this entire episode is just one of Ray’s turns?

    it WAS his turn for most of the episode, lol.

  • Customizer


    Hey on your yard sale find, I’m betting those pieces are from a game called ‘Attack!’ from Eagle Games.

    I’ll see if he’ll bring them over this Sunday and get some pics of them.

  • Customizer



    Hey on your yard sale find, I’m betting those pieces are from a game called ‘Attack!’ from Eagle Games.

    I’ll see if he’ll bring them over this Sunday and get some pics of them.

    LOL yeah you should. I’ve been listening to you guys play 1914 while painting and sealing some old Fortress America pieces. I have another “scrap” game called Attack!, the guys have square bases and the sculpts have a lot of flash. If that’s what you have they’d be good for neutrals if you don’t have HBG’s.

  • Customizer

    Episode 78 sees the end of our 1st shot at this cool new game. Hope you enjoyed listening to all 14 rounds.

    Get all the info here: http://dicetruction.blogspot.ca/




    Hey on your yard sale find, I’m betting those pieces are from a game called ‘Attack!’ from Eagle Games.

    I’ll see if he’ll bring them over this Sunday and get some pics of them.

    LOL yeah you should. I’ve been listening to you guys play 1914 while painting and sealing some old Fortress America pieces. I have another “scrap” game called Attack!, the guys have square bases and the sculpts have a lot of flash. If that’s what you have they’d be good for neutrals if you don’t have HBG’s.

    I’ve got the HBG guys all painted but Ray needs some for his Global. That’s a good idea, I’ll let him know. Thanks for listening.

  • I remember that game Attack!, it was fun but a little too simplistic

  • Customizer


    Episode 78 sees the end of our 1st shot at this cool new game. Hope you enjoyed listening to all 14 rounds.

    Get all the info here: http://dicetruction.blogspot.ca/




    Hey on your yard sale find, I’m betting those pieces are from a game called ‘Attack!’ from Eagle Games.

    I’ll see if he’ll bring them over this Sunday and get some pics of them.

    LOL yeah you should. I’ve been listening to you guys play 1914 while painting and sealing some old Fortress America pieces. I have another “scrap” game called Attack!, the guys have square bases and the sculpts have a lot of flash. If that’s what you have they’d be good for neutrals if you don’t have HBG’s.

    I’ve got the HBG guys all painted but Ray needs some for his Global. That’s a good idea, I’ll let him know. Thanks for listening.

    Ooops I almost forgot, those figs were great! I love your style man.
    When you talked about your hero units I painted a Red Baron helo from Fortress America just for shits-and-giggles. Anyway, your classic series inspired me to paint my beat up veteran Classic set from 1994. That game you guys played was total freakin’ anarchy! if I’m ever in Canada we’ll have to play a game…I’ll bring the Coors the real thing not light LOL.

  • Customizer

    Awesome, glad to inspire you, it’s a vicious circle. Ray’s painted pieces were what inbspired me and then mine inspired him to do a better job on his. Here’s a pic of the pieces that came with his garage sale find.


  • Customizer


    Awesome, glad to inspire you, it’s a vicious circle. Ray’s painted pieces were what inbspired me and then mine inspired him to do a better job on his. Here’s a pic of the pieces that came with his garage sale find.

    Wow those pieces are strange… never have seen those before. I’ll have to post the ones from Attack! so people can see them though.

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