your argument is the worst IMO, while i provided ingame scenarios, you just go on some type of old man serman about the good ol days :P
literally none of your argument applies to the game. The most recent changes, esp to naval, have made the game more fun to play, this is evident by the sheer number of G40 games played on tripleA alone
how many games of classic and/or revised are played for every game of global?
my argument: classic trannies made the game stale because they were spammed and warships were rarely purchased. go play some games of revised on GTO, you will see just how stale naval combat is with transports that defend
your argument: erehggh im old! george lucas ruined star wars, turn off the dammned rock and roll,back in my da……snore…
LH came up with all the origional rules, and through many years of testing/tweaking and community input, we have the better game that is now
just because it is change, and its not like it used to be, doesn’t make it terrible
now go put your pants on gramps!