Japan Tactic to help hold off america

  • I get your point, but I am not sure how you can have a transport or two sitting at Japan and have a large Navy at the Philippines.  The US should be able to destroy your navy piecemeal if it is split up.  Usually after war with the US I cannot build any ships at Japan because my Navy is at Philippines and the US would just kill what I build.

    ANZAC would happily trade transports for islands.

  • I am not sure how you can have a transport or two sitting at Japan and have a large Navy at the Philippines

    You only need one transport.  3 planes in japan.  A destroyer or 2 in sz 6 and 1 destroyer in sz 16.  If US wants to commit its navy to sz 16 and all its planes to take out sz 6 stuff thats fine.  As the Allies it has never been good for me to set up shop in sz 16.  Too limited on what you can do next.  With Japans fleet at phillipines and most other planes in Kwangsi if the US moves to sz 6 it will surely be death.

    ANZAC would happily trade transports for islands.

    With Japan fleet at phillipines it would only be a trade once, twice at most.  Japan could easily take the island back while wiping out whatever Anzac navy has built leaving guys on Java.  Anzac only making 19 ipcs at the most (assuming they have New Guinea and snag Java). Anzac buys another transport and a destroyer maybe with an inf.  2 guys won’t be enough to take back the only island they can get to (Java).  If you don’t buy a destroyer, all Japan has to do is leave a destroyer by Java so your transport can’t get there.  Say you had purchased a MIC in Queensland.  Any naval unit you placed there could get taken out easy by the navy at the phillipines.

    All these options you bring up are very viable options for the Allies and they all work in certain situations.  I just disagree with the general notion that a J4 could never be successful.  I will work on a guide and try to make it half as good as the ones Cow puts out and maybe it will promote people trying it.  If not, no big deal:)

  • ANZAC threatening islands does force Japan into retaking them.  This in combination with India threatening SE Asia/Yunnan;  Russia threatening Manchuria/Korea; and the US threatening Japan and Carolines- create lots of places Japan needs to worry about, but may not be able to handle all at once- leaving weak points the Allies can exploit.

    The US doesn’t have to go into the Japan SZ hard, but if its only a DD and 3 fighters to get through, they could send some forces in there- they have had 3 full turns to build up a Pacific fleet, so it should be quite large.  Plus doubtful that Japan is going to attack wake island so the Philippine fighter could be there to join in the battle.  Anything to knock down some Japanese air.

    I would have to see your J4 in action, it just seems like Japan is in a marginally better position while the Allies are in a much better position, due to increased money/larger forces for India/ANZAC.

    One thing that I would agree with though- a J4 can be deadly in combination with a G1 attack on Russia.  US has to wait 3 whole turns to be able to help the UK out.  Especially if Japan attacks Russia early- they can hit Russia in the pocketbook quickly.

  • I am going to post a J4 strat soon.  When I feel like typing out a novel:)

    Take a peek at that.  There will be tons of what ifs… but it does show how you can knock china down by the end of turn 3.

    The allies can really dictate a lot of it as well.
    If Russia makes themselves available turn 2 or 3 then you probably take them out.  If US leaves navy available to take after turn 1 then the whole thing changes.  If Anzac doesn’t protect at all then on turn 3 you can make them pay.  If India attacks in order to restore yunnan to the allies then japan has a bunch of available transports to take islands with no fear of the US for another turn or 2.

    Look for the thread and you can rip it apart on that one:)

  • @elevenjerk:

    I am going to post a J4 strat soon.  When I feel like typing out a novel:)

    Take a peek at that.  There will be tons of what ifs… but it does show how you can knock china down by the end of turn 3.

    The allies can really dictate a lot of it as well.
    If Russia makes themselves available turn 2 or 3 then you probably take them out.  If US leaves navy available to take after turn 1 then the whole thing changes.  If Anzac doesn’t protect at all then on turn 3 you can make them pay.  If India attacks in order to restore yunnan to the allies then japan has a bunch of available transports to take islands with no fear of the US for another turn or 2.

    Look for the thread and you can rip it apart on that one:)

    Not trying to rip you apart, just posing questions that you may not have thought about.  :evil:

  • 2024 '13

    Really like the Aluetian strat, given the right circumstaces.  As for your J4 strat, keep in mind that UK/Anzac will almost surely attack rnd 3 as there’s virtually no drawback.

  • except for sure death :-D

    Yea, thats generally what happens but by that point it usually doesn’t mean much.  I can usually take away the bonuses for Anzac and UK if they attack and US still can’t do anything till turn 4.  It actually helps in taking the islands over without spreading very thin.  In the perfect scenario, UK would have to attack on turn 2 in order to hold the road.  If they do then they are really in trouble.  If they don’t you can land most of your air force in Yunnan and its all over but the crying for Calcutta.

  • Really like the Aluetian strat

    Thanks for the compliment by the way.  I will be posting my J4 strat pretty soon. I believe it will garner much debate.  Ill give you a preview though.  At the end of turn 3 Japan will have….

    2 AC loaded, 2 BB, 1 CV, 1 DD, 2 TT loaded with 2 inf and 2 art in sz 42
    1 AC loaded, 1 CV, 1 DD, 4 TT loaded with 6 inf and 2 art in sz 35
    3 TT loaded in sz 6 as well

    That should be able to cover any attacks from anybody and still take isands on turn 4 possibly all income (Malaya,Kwantung,Shan,FIC)

  • I really feel like you should test this strategy on experienced players before you assume its viable

  • @ghr2:

    I really feel like you should test this strategy on experienced players before you assume its viable


  • Just because I use a strategy that you have never executed effectively or had executed on you effectively does not make it any less “viable”.  Im not on here questioning your skill level or the skill level of the people you play.

  • @elevenjerk:

    Just because I use a strategy that you have never executed effectively or had executed on you effectively does not make it any less “viable”.  Im not on here questioning your skill level or the skill level of the people you play.

    I never said your strategy isn’t viable, just that at first glance it seems sub-optimal.  It may very well turn out to work well.

    There have been a lot of 1940 games played and the majority of players would not wait until J4 for attack, or if they do it is to keep the US out of the war because Germany is going all out on Russia turn 1.  But in that case they are not really going for victory in the Pacific, but rather victory in Europe.

    I would have to see this in action combined with what you do in Europe.

  • elvenjerk -

    I’m late to this discussion, but the essence of what you’re saying is “does a transport and a couple infantry from Japan to the Aleutians help to hold off the US in the Pacific”.

    The answer is absolutely, unequivocally yes.

    But it’s a qualified yes.

    Here’s how I see it (I’ve done it and had it done to me): Japan’s job is simple - take DEI take China take India suck economy from Russia fend off US fend off Anzac maintain economy take away economy get victory cities  :-D

    While in the pursuit of those tasks, I always glance over to see what the US has to bring against me on the next turn… what are they up to? If they have no transports in range, no carriers are in range with aircraft, and one of my other main agenda items doesn’t immediately need the troops, I’ll pull the trigger on the Aleutians.

    I want to say - I’ve had it done to me. I purchased the requisite transport, infantry, artillery, and threw down a bomber to get it back. I figured the bomber was worth it and would be in play the rest of the game. Guess what? My marines couldn’t take it back, even with solid air support. It was an absolute thorn, and the economic exchange for Japan was more than worth it.

    It can have another, more important effect: let’s say you’re in a tenuous transport war over the Phillipines/DEI with the Allies. Making the US turn around and spend a turn dealing with your stiletto jab could actually cost them the initiative in the Pacific. The ripple effects could be enormous.

    So yes, it can work. I rarely do it, but I take a look over at the Aleutians every single turn.

  • And elvenjerk - J4s work just fine. I do them all the time. They really work people who are used to J1/J2 into a lather…

    “What the bleep is Japan doing not attacking me, letting my fleet get away, and letting my economy grow… I’ll surely win this game! And why are they building all those transports…”

    Then they find out.

  • @Stalingradski:

    And elvenjerk - J4s work just fine. I do them all the time. They really work people who are used to J1/J2 into a lather…

    “What the bleep is Japan doing not attacking me, letting my fleet get away, and letting my economy grow… I’ll surely win this game! And why are they building all those transports…”

    Then they find out.

    True, J4’s can work, but it depends on what Germany/Italy are doing.  If Germany isn’t doing a G1/G2 attack on Russia, then what is Japan waiting for?

  • Germany is doing a G4 as well. Hey, it works for me.

    Everyone is so hasty!  :-D

    I see the charm in a G1 + J1/J2… it makes great sense. It’s a matter of taste - it’s possible to win either way.

  • I realized I didn’t answer your question…

    The answer is - setting yourself up to have it all - China, DEI, and eventually India.

    The first key is to kick the snot out of China for a few rounds, uncontested. I like to park all my aircraft in Kwangsi, and use straight aircraft to kill the Chinese in Szechwan on J2 - no matter the size of the stack. That means the Burma Road is only collected on once. That matters quite a bit, and losing a couple fighters with Japan is completely worth it.

    Build one IC - that’s all for now. I see people make the mistake (in my opinion) of building three, or more. Why? Transports are so much more versatile, and do the same thing - they just need to be properly protected. You start with all the air power in the world you’ll ever need to maintain a large fleet.

    Build a couple transports each round. Get to at least six, or seven. Then don’t be afraid to keep buying them as needed throughout the game.

    Then, turn and prepare for island taking, with the transports you’ve been building. It’s a creative process from there - it would be boring to try to go  blow by blow, because every game is different. A lot depends on what the Allies have been up to with their staging.

    The goal is to keep contesting the DEI, finishing off China, and engaging in a war of attrition with India. In the meantime, timely purchasing of carriers and destroyers is everything. A second IC makes great sense in F Indo, or Malaya once your infrastructure is set up. Then if you’ve been patient, you can settle into a long, slow dismantling of India.

    It also works to take out India very, very quickly - just not my style.

  • It can have another, more important effect: let’s say you’re in a tenuous transport war over the Phillipines/DEI with the Allies. Making the US turn around and spend a turn dealing with your stiletto jab could actually cost them the initiative in the Pacific. The ripple effects could be enormous.

    Yes sir.  Attacked J4 and the US had 3 transports poised to take over the Corolines on US4.  I had 2 fighters, 2 inf, 1 aa in carolines so they needed all 3 transports in order to take it.  Slipped a transport with 2 inf to the islands and now what is the US gonna do?  Can’t get Carolines with 1 loaded transport and no air can help (unless US had bombers in Queensland but who does that? Especially at US4).  At the islands, 4 @ 2 against 2 @ 2 is pretty risky since I have lost that battle a lot and I am sure other people have as well.  Don’t want to lose the battle if you go so you have to take some navy if your the US.

    And elvenjerk - J4s work just fine. I do them all the time. They really work people who are used to J1/J2 into a lather…

    “What the bleep is Japan doing not attacking me, letting my fleet get away, and letting my economy grow… I’ll surely win this game! And why are they building all those transports…”

    Then they find out.

    Well said :-D

    Build a couple transports each round. Get to at least six, or seven. Then don’t be afraid to keep buying them as needed throughout the game.

    I have a J4 strat written out where they actually have 10 transports by the time they attack on J4.  There are so many options at that point its really quite fun.

    The first key is to kick the snot out of China for a few rounds, uncontested. I like to park all my aircraft in Kwangsi, and use straight aircraft to kill the Chinese in Szechwan on J2 - no matter the size of the stack. That means the Burma Road is only collected on once. That matters quite a bit, and losing a couple fighters with Japan is completely worth it.

    This matters more than quite a bit… this is huge.  This puts china in a huge dilemma.  If japan has 2 units left then china has to take at least 4 inf and fighter into yunnan in order to take it back.  You can’t risk not getting it back cause if Japan can land all its airplanes there on turn 2 then Calcutta is hosed.  That leaves China with 8 inf at the most left in Szechwan and a fighter if they are crazy enought to leave it in there.  Japan will have 8 fighters, 5 tacs, 2 bombers and thats if they choose to leave all planes on the carriers (exchanging the Korean fighter with one on a carrier so the carriers are full). If UK wants to attack on UK2 in order to hold the road then that just benefits Japan more.  If they don’t attack then Japan can land all its airplanes in Yunnan on J3 and can do what ever they want from that point.

    The goal is to keep contesting the DEI, finishing off China, and engaging in a war of attrition with India. In the meantime, timely purchasing of carriers and destroyers is everything

    By J5 you should have all the islands along with Kwantung, FIC, Malaya and maybe even Shan State.  You may have to do some back and forth with Anzac but that is to be expected.  Its pretty frustrating as US when Japan spends 16 to have a loaded carrier and the US has to spend 37.

    The thing with J4 is that up to this point the allies can’t really do anything about it since they are not at war.  UK/Anzac attack turn 2 then Japan can make a lot of money by turn 4 and have full focus on the US.  If they attack on turn 3 (which is expected) they get a one turn bonus on income but its all gone in the next 2 turns.  Anzac back to 15 at the most and UK down to 6 or 7.

    Germany is doing a G4 as well. Hey, it works for me.

    I would be interested in hearing this strategy.  It has always seemed to work best for me attacking Russia G1 with the J4 strat.  US gets 2-3 turns in the war and the Russians are saluting Hitler :-D

  • Waiting until G4 to attack Russia; ballsy.  Unless you took London turn 3, why are you waiting to attack Russia?  They make 37 IPC’s turn, less than Germany sure, but they are going to have a wall of Infantry by G4.

  • Elven - 10 transports! I like it. Economically, two of those transports might be a carrier for me… but if you handed me a game with 10 japanese transports on the board, I’d be pretty ok with that.

    To everything else you said… yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes. And I don’t mean that facetiously; we just think alike.

    BJCard - G4 talk! Very fun to talk about.

    Firstly - the reason for delaying: it’s all about creating an unstoppable infantry/artillery force, and making Russia pay you 5 IPCs per turn to feed wheat to the new troops you’re mobilizing  :-D

    J4 brings a similar benefit - 10 IPCs per round for not attacking F Indo, + paralyzes the US and their economy. Back to Germany and a G4 Barbarossa…

    Basic basics - Germany has the ability in this game to create a dominant fleet in SZ112. Add a few ground troops to Normandy, and a decent amount of fighters defending the fleet (carriers + airbase W Germany), you can hold out for a long, long time against superior allied fleets. And just when they think they’ve got you, you add a carrier (best) or an airbase to Denmark (ok). Or a single destroyer in the English Channel. Creating and maintaining this fleet presence keeps the allies out of Norway and Normandy, and keeps forcing them to buy non-transports and non-land units to overcome your ever-growing Kriegsmarine/Luftwaffe combo.

    The only way to win the game of Axis and Allies (other than surrender) is for your opponent to get land units to your capitals/victory cities. The more non-transports and non-land units your opponent is buying, the better. I’ve never seen a victory city taken by a nice looking group of fighters. You have to put boots on the ground. There, I italicized the whole d$#%^d paragraph, because to me it’s that important.

    So the German fleet/air achieves something terribly important - keeping large quantities of men from landing on your shore… the US keeps buying non territory-taking subs/destroyers/planes to overcome your fleet… good!

    But the second (and more rewarding) part of the SZ112 spiked shield is this: it buys you an amazing amount of time to isolate and dismantle Russia, piece by bloody piece. Important components:

    • Buy in the correct proportion. 6 infantry/artillery/mech infantry/2 armor/fighter/destroyer is a 56 IPC buy I can really, really sink my teeth into. This kind of a purchase, from G2 forward, gives you a crazy amount of versatility and flexibility in your decision making. You can be all things against your enemies, as needed - growing navy, growing air force, lots of infantry for both offense and defense, artillery for punch, mech infantry to needle behind enemy lines, and armor to carry the Wehrmacht to victory in Moscow.

    • Take Novgorod as soon as possible, of course: for obvious economic reasons and for the purchasing power. This should never be in question, based on what you start the game with, unless Russia sells out to keep it, in which case you go south and make them wish they had stayed in the middle of the board.

    • In the meantime, you’ve pooled a good sized infantry/artillery glob… this will be able to muscle into Belarus and then attrit Russia relentlessly.

    • And my favorite part: using an ever-growing mechanized force/aircraft to encircle Moscow, both north and south, and feast upon the Russian hinterlands. It is great fun to send a couple armor and a couple mech past the giant Russian monolith and take economy all around the perimeter. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been able to get away with it, even when the person I’m playing knows it’s coming… because the large German infantry/artillery force makes the infantry-based Red Army static, and predictable.

    So yes there is a wall of Russian infantry waiting, and yes it is bigger than the Geman forces lined up against it… but if you’ve been purchasing well, your defensive value is better than the Russians can handle… and when Russia holes up and still has 60 infantry, guess what? Next round, through attrition there’ll only be 56… then 53… then 48… etc. My mechanized forces with the help of Italy make a mess of any relief coming up through the Caucasus region… and Russia will fall. Maybe turn 11, or 12, or 13, or whatever.

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