FMGC 2013 - Gaming Convention - GTA CANADA

  • @IWillNeverGrowUp:


    I tried to register this morning and I kept getting this screen when trying to sign up.

    Error Detected
    Error Message

    Some required information is missing or incomplete. Please correct your entries and try again.
    Some required information is missing or incomplete. Please correct your entries and try again.

    Please advise.

    The only way I have been able to replicate this while trying to register for the event (ie : pay for admission) is to NOT fill out the “Name on Gamer Pass” field.

    You have to fill out that field or you get this error.

    I did fill it out.

    I will try again though.

  • I tried again with a variety of name variants and it still gave me an error message every time I hit the buy now button.

    I don’t know what to say.  Is there another way to pay?

  • PM Sent Craig

    However, I’ve fixed the registration page.  It seems (for some odd reason) the buy now button was broken.

    For anyone who has tried to register, please try again.  It looks like it is working again!

  • The 1 year date has passed, but this years isn’t that far away

  • Sponsor


    The 1 year date has passed, but this years isn’t that far away

    Can’t wait!

  • Well, it looks like I am coming!

    It’s either that or I just made a $50 donation to the FMG cause.

    I was thinking that I could bring all my playtesting material from my work on AA50 and AA40 for all to see a glimpse into how the process works.  A real look at how the sausage is made. :wink:

  • TripleA


    Well, it looks like I am coming!

    It’s either that or I just made a $50 donation to the FMG cause.

    I was thinking that I could bring all my playtesting material from my work on AA50 and AA40 for all to see a glimpse into how the process works.  A real look at how the sausage is made. :wink:

    please do bring the playtesting material craig.  i’m looking forward to seeing how the playtesting was done.

  • '10


    Well, it looks like I am coming!

    It’s either that or I just made a $50 donation to the FMG cause.

    I was thinking that I could bring all my playtesting material from my work on AA50 and AA40 for all to see a glimpse into how the process works.  A real look at how the sausage is made. :wink:

    Thanks for coming!  We did get your registration.

    This means it must be working and others can now register.

    Note that FMGC has it’s own separate Paypal account now that is not connected or related to FMG in any way.



  • @FieldMarshalGames:

    Note that FMGC has it’s own separate Paypal account now that is not connected or related to FMG in any way.

    ^ this … FMGCon is its own, entirely separate entity now that is not under the control of any single person or business but rather run by a committee with the goal of being financially self-sufficient.  /fingerscrossed!

  • Sponsor



    Note that FMGC has it’s own separate Paypal account now that is not connected or related to FMG in any way.

    ^ this … FMGCon is its own, entirely separate entity now that is not under the control of any single person or business but rather run by a committee with the goal of being financially self-sufficient.  /fingerscrossed!

    It’s “The Field Marshal Gaming Convention” not “The Field Marshal Games Convention”.

  • @Young:



    Note that FMGC has it’s own separate Paypal account now that is not connected or related to FMG in any way.

    ^ this … FMGCon is its own, entirely separate entity now that is not under the control of any single person or business but rather run by a committee with the goal of being financially self-sufficient.  /fingerscrossed!

    It’s “The Field Marshal Gaming Convention” not “The Field Marshal Games Convention”.

    Confusing ain’t it?  :D

  • What is the turn out looking like so far for this con? I registered last year but was unable to attend in the end (I think it was in April last year no?). I hear that the event was a success last year. I am wondering if this year will bring out any WWI 1914 players? I guess I’ll bring my box and find out. I’m looking forward to connnecting with the community and actually getting some games in. I see there is going to be a big RoE table but has anyone ever brought out Flames of War? I’m also curious to see Angels on the table so I hope there will be one.

  • It’s too early to tell what the turnout will be tbh.  People are notoriously slow at registering for events.  ;)

    That said, there’s no reason to believe that the numbers will not match (or exceed) last years turnout of ~50-60 participants (I don’t have the hard numbers in front of me), or at worst the previous years turnout of ~40-50.

    Word is out in more places than ever before.  More games are involved.  We’re hoping to snag a ‘celebrity’ guest attendee or two (no more on that unless we get confirmation of course) and we have not only a tank DEMO but tank RIDES this year.  It just keeps getting bigger and for only the 3rd year in existence FMGCon is already bigger than many other of the smaller gaming events that people travel to … so really, who knows what the turnout will really be is what I’m saying.  lol.

    Expect 50+ people this year but we’re hoping for a packed house (100+/- a few).

    Flames of war has not been brought to date, no.  For miniatures we’ve had RoE, 40K, Angels 20, Wings of War and Axis and Allies miniatures.  This year we’re adding Bolt Action and Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures (all miniatures games provided by I Will  Never Grow Up Gaming and available for anyone to play without even bringing their own stuff  … except for A&A minis which is brought by a somewhat local A&A mini club).

    Plenty of games to choose from (board games, card games, dice games and miniatures), whether you bring your own or not!

  • Sponsor


    What is the turn out looking like so far for this con? I registered last year but was unable to attend in the end (I think it was in April last year no?). I hear that the event was a success last year. I am wondering if this year will bring out any WWI 1914 players? I guess I’ll bring my box and find out. I’m looking forward to connnecting with the community and actually getting some games in. I see there is going to be a big RoE table but has anyone ever brought out Flames of War? I’m also curious to see Angels on the table so I hope there will be one.

    A large number of the members that you’ll be meeting at the Cliffside Bunker in May will be attending this event, it’s definitely worth going to especially with you living in the GTA. I myself am only interested in A&A 1940, 1914, ROE, and settlers of Catan, but a lot of the guys at the Bunker are into A&A miniatures, so you’ll have a chance to talk to them on our game day and arrange meet ups if your interested in that stuff.

  • We’re hoping to snag a ‘celebrity’ guest attendee or two…

    Wait a second?!?!?!?! :-o :-o :-o

    I don’t rate as at least a “B”-lister in the A&A community? :cry:

  • '10


    We’re hoping to snag a ‘celebrity’ guest attendee or two…

    Wait a second?!?!?!?! :-o :-o :-o

    I don’t rate as at least a “B”-lister in the A&A community? :cry:

    You are an “A” in my books….  the biggest AAA “celebrity” that I have ever defeated in Battle  8-)


  • @Craig:

    We’re hoping to snag a ‘celebrity’ guest attendee or two…

    Wait a second?!?!?!?! :-o :-o :-o

    I don’t rate as at least a “B”-lister in the A&A community? :cry:

    Well, if we’re including every gaming community, then certainly you can be a B-lister.  ;)  I wasn’t really thinking just the A&A community though tbh.  We’ve got feelers out to a couple of gaming celebrities.  I doubt any of them will attend, but it’s worth a shot!

    Remember, this is a gaming weekend, not just an A&A event.  A&A may have the largest representation in attendance, but it’s far from the only thing happening!

  • @FieldMarshalGames:


    We’re hoping to snag a ‘celebrity’ guest attendee or two…

    Wait a second?!?!?!?! :-o :-o :-o

    I don’t rate as at least a “B”-lister in the A&A community? :cry:

    You are an “A” in my books….  the biggest AAA “celebrity” that I have ever defeated in Battle  8-)


    You beat whom???  I don’t remember any such thing!!!

    Actually, all I really remember about that game of AA50 was the young guy who was playing Italy kept leaving and coming back.  I remember more about the multiple Acquire games and the Agricola game that we played.  Also, I think we played Cosmic Encounter.

    Must have been the Sleeman’s!!!

  • The date is still Sept 14-15 right?

  • @suprise:

    The date is still Sept 14-15 right?

    It sure is.

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