• in recent games we have determined that these are very important in the game and 15ipcs seemed a little steep to us. So we came up with half price (8ipc) air and naval bases. It seems to be working well in our games and a better buy at 8ipcs. What do you guys think? Good idea or bad? Should we go back to normal price?

  • I can’t imagine many more being built even at a cheaper price.  The other issue is that it makes Japan’s turn 3 India crush a bit easier due to cheaper NB/AB in Kwangsi.

    Other than Kwangsi area the only other place I’ve seen them built at $15 is Romania (AB for scrambing on Black sea to protect Transports).

  • my buddy has been playing as the Allies in recent games. He starts off buy purchasing one for Gibraltar and later on for Egypt. To me it seems like a good strategy because he tends to go heavy on airpower and that makes Gibraltar very hard to take. I also have put one in Romania plus a carrier to protect my transports and thats working very well. Ill be pushing towards the Middle East in a turn or two. It doesnt seem to unbalance the game aloy but we were thinking 8ipcs is a better buy.

  • @corporal:

    my buddy has been playing as the Allies in recent games. He starts off buy purchasing one for Gibraltar and later on for Egypt. To me it seems like a good strategy because he tends to go heavy on airpower and that makes Gibraltar very hard to take. I also have put one in Romania plus a carrier to protect my transports and thats working very well. Ill be pushing towards the Middle East in a turn or two. It doesnt seem to unbalance the game aloy but we were thinking 8ipcs is a better buy.

    Gibraltar starts with an Airbase doesn’t it?

    I don’t see a downside to it unless the Jap’s start abusing it in an India push as mentioned by BJCard.

  • '12


    Gibraltar starts with an Airbase doesn’t it?

    Not in 2e, but I think it did in previous additions.  Having one at the start would obviously be a big help for the Allies.

  • @Eggman:


    Gibraltar starts with an Airbase doesn’t it?

    Not in 2e, but I think it did in previous additions.  Having one at the start would obviously be a big help for the Allies.

    Maybe that’s why it rings bells.  I thought it started with one but don’t remember seeing it in the last couple of games, and it’s not on the setup chart I have.

  • Customizer

    I don’t think it’s a good idea to lower the cost of air or naval bases. I know they are a bit pricy at $15, but that’s still not too bad considering how much they could help you, particularly in certain strategies. After all, a carrier is only $1 more and I bet we all buy a lot of these and they stand the chance of getting destroyed. At least bases are permanent. Sure an enemy could capture them, but you could capture them back. Plus, when you buy an air or naval base, all your Allies can use it as well.

    In general, I think most people buy an air or naval base for a specific purpose (Japan India crush, protecting transports off Romania, strengthening Gibraltar or Egypt, etc.). I don’t think it would be right to make it easier (ie. cheaper) to accomplish those goals. If you are going to decide on a certain course of action, you should have to really commit to it at full price, whether it be buying bases, ICs or specific units to accomplish it.
    Also, I just think Air and Naval bases provide too many advantages to cut the price down so. If they were so cheap, it seems to me like there would be bases all over the board.

  • This just makes things so much better for the allies than the axis.  Easy airbases in Gib/Malta/Egypt,  makes italy smash and india/russia air reinforcing A LOT easier.

    To be honest, Japan would only ever build 1 airbase and 1 naval base in a normal game.  German should really not need to.  Italy is in no pisition to.  Hell, russia is in betetr position to build an airbse in siberia so US planes can get to moscow faster and safer.  This is not to mention Samoa AB/NB, Panama NB, American controlled norway/korea AB/NB etc.

  • '16

    I have found that their use is very situational.  When I consider buying one its always been, "yeah, that would be nice, but not 15 IPC nice, OR  “for the benefit it brings it is worth it”.

    So, on balance if they were cheaper and fell out of the “this whole plan hinges on having that base there” and into a “logistic unit that you could drop anywhere to make life easier” I feel that the purchasing strategy that makes up such a big part of the game would be lost.

    I’d entertain 12 IPC, especially for a harbor, but half is too much.

  • a base is soo much more than a harbour, it is all the industry, logistics and support you need to operate at maximum efficency. For pacific it means heavy convoy lines. for europe it probably also mean many rail lines and also alot of gaoline.

    I like the prize at 15. it makes it expesive but worth it to build it in egypt and gibraltar.

    In my games I have seen german airbase in yugo and an italian one in north italy (or is it south that starts without one)

    it is also important for the dynamic, if all the german bombers are in italian controlled ukraine or rostov, an italian airbase there can make the allies less safe on the seas. that extra airbase might mean counterattack with all planes in the north sea or with bombers and finns in norway. Well worth the 15 IPC, but the italians have to save if they have to small income.

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