How much would you pay for a painted copy of 1914?

  • Considering the game alone is going to retail for $100, how much do you think a painted copy would go for?  $500? $750? $1000?

  • Probably around $700, not that I would pay that much though. I don’t really care for them painted.

  • Customizer

    Maybe $150, but it would also have to come with a bigger board, like the War of the Ring Collector’s Edition.

    And full national roundels & crosses on the airyplanes.

    And East Prussia in Germany.

    And railway lines where they need to be.

    By painted, do you mean in authentic uniform colours, or in the garish game piece shades?

    It’s no good painting pieces in authentic colours if you cannot immediately identify the controlling country at a glance.

  • @stroutqb22:

    I don’t really care for them painted.

    Nor do I.  As the line of A&A sculpts has increased in variety over the past decade or so, part of the fun has been to see what kind of mixing-and-matching can be done with the OOB colours to represent more national groups than the game officially depicts.  For example: using the lime green British pieces from Revised to give the Chinese from Anniversary and Pacific 1940 their own set of equipment sculpts, or redesignating the butternut grey British-patterned ANZAC pieces from Pacific 1940 (1st ed) to represent Canadian forces owing to the fact that Pacific 1940 (2nd ed) gave ANZAC its own set of sculpt designs.  Painting pieces kind of spoils this kind of fun, in my humble opinion, though of course that’s just a personal preference.

  • Customizer

    If I wanted painted infantry pieces I’d probably buy HaT figures and get the exact poses I want.

    By paining the bases in player colours you can still retain the colour coding.

    But I’d need that bigger board; someone could make a killing from producing them.

    Just a quick ask on what folks would want -

    An exact copy of the official board at double size?

    A copy with anomalies such as East Prussia fixed?

    A copy with a global dimension; i.e. Indian Ocean and Pacific included, possibly as an optional extension?

  • Lets not get crazy here. But I am considering buying a 2nd or 3rd game just to paint the 400 pieces tastefully. Pale blue for france, just like their ww1 uniforms. Dazzle paint on UK ships.

    It would be in good taste. The infantry would be easy to identify, as would the fighters. Boats and tanks however……

  • @Flashman:

    If I wanted painted infantry pieces I’d probably buy HaT figures and get the exact poses I want.

    By paining the bases in player colours you can still retain the colour coding.

    But I’d need that bigger board; someone could make a killing from producing them.

    Just a quick ask on what folks would want -

    An exact copy of the official board at double size?

    A copy with anomalies such as East Prussia fixed?

    A copy with a global dimension; i.e. Indian Ocean and Pacific included, possibly as an optional extension?

    At some point when I have some time and money I want to pimp my game with those HAT units. I love the idea of doing that, but at the same time I’m hesitant because at the moment I have no one to game with and who spends money on cazy pimped out games without players? LOL

    All of the above. Yes the Pacific wasn’t vital in the war, but for WWI buffs it would be fun to have it included. The African fronts weren’t that important either and they are in this game. I think it would be fun to have an optional extension. The fighting would or should last a round or 2 at the most, yet it just adds flavor. Plus then you can actually ship troops from Australia and New Zealand and fight the Germans in the Pacific and China for a turn. As the Germans with your few Cruisers you can decide to fight or run away to fight the allies another day. Maybe have more areas over there that the Germans can do shipping damage like the Atlantic. I’m really hoping for a deluxe edition with the Pacific included and a few more unit choices like bombers and advanced rules like poison gas, Rail movement, ect.

  • Customizer

    I might paint my pieces, but only in national colours. Being able to identify a unit is more important than authentic camouflage or uniform colour.

    However I prefer a muted mat finish, with dry-brushed weathering effects added on. A custom board will determine if I keep the official colour scheme - the Great East Prussia Question may well determine that.

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Axis & Allies Boardgaming Custom Painted Miniatures







