Not much worse than a creased matt.
Mt first try would be to warm the fold with a hair dryer/heat gun, depending how much heat the vinyl can handle. May help you move the material back into the correct position.
Photoshop help?
Sarcasm gets lost too easily in text…
Sarcasm gets lost too easily in text…
––I hope and guess this means ya’ll were the ones being sarcastic. :? For a minute I thought I’d run into a “pirated” software problem or something.
“Tall Paul”
Sarcasm gets lost too easily in text…
Two can play at that game…. my friend :evil:
lol…. just kidding buddy.
Any good web or scanned picks of battle boards or roundels?
Any good web or scanned picks of battle boards or roundels?
Not sure about roundels, but I printed out 94Canuck’s battle board (http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=25530.0) for my table at roughly A4 size (I think that is Letter size in North America ??) and it looks great. I have 2 of them either end of the board on removable platforms. It also has the turn order in the casualty zone too, but might not serve the purpose you needed.
I have every roundel known to mankind.
I might be able to use that stuff. Thanks.
Wow! Very cool, thanks.