Hi all,
I’ve bought G40.1 maybe a year ago, and I never actually played it FTF. I only played it by forum with ABattlemap, so I never got to use the pieces or the map. Now that G40.2 is out, I’m not sure if I’m willing to buy it seeing that I didn’t use G40.1 yet. So I would like to use my G40.1 stuff to play G40.2. Here are the things that I think I need :
-E40.2 and P40.2 rules and FAQ (from AH)
-Updated setup charts (I printed Minor Treat’s, or Sexhual Panda’s, for Alpha 3.9 and I think the only differences are 1 less UK Inf in Egypt and the Soviet attack on Korea that nullifies the NAP?)
-AAA pieces for each nation (that’s the problem)
Am I missing something?
Now, for the AAA pieces. What should I do to get these pieces? I guess I could use the old AAguns from previous versions (I have almost every A&A version) and “glue” them atop of nation markers, or paint them to match the different colors. Alternatively, I could buy some AAA units from Historical Board Gaming. Having not played G40.1 for a long time, I’m not even sure the new AAA rules were implemented at that time. So according to your experience, how many AAA pieces I should be looking at for each nation (assuming I’m using one AAA piece per territory with grey chips)?
I did not find a “AAA pieces package for G40 Alpha rules” or something like that on Historical Board Gaming, it would be the best!
So, what do you guys think of all that? What should I do to replace the cardboard AAguns?