We all get carried away at times and forget where we are. I do when I have been drinking!
@Garg: I said I would try it when Maddy goes to school (Sept 2013).
We spend all day with her and work evenings. Talk to you guys, otherwise am not free at all.
Sub vs. Battleship
Hi everybody.
A sub attacks a battleship with no enemy destroyer around. The sub hits with its first shot.
Question: Is the battleship destroyed at once (deadly “first-stike”-ability of the sub) or is the battleship only turned on its side (with the possibility to fight back), because normally it needs two hits to destroy a battleship.So which rule is the stronger one: " deadly first-stike" or “two hits to destroy a battleship” ???
Thanks everyone for your help.
Tom. -
Battleship on its side.
Thanks for answering… :smile:)
The Battleship can take the frist hit but if it is hit the second time it is sunk with no retrun fire.
can the sub submerge immediately after hitting, without the chance of the battleship fighting back?
can the sub submerge immediately after hitting, without the chance of the battleship fighting back?
No, it has to suffer a shot from the battleship. If it survives, it can submerge, but why would you?