The Great War 1914-1918: Clash of Empires

  • What scale do you guys make your fighters, tanks, ships, artillery in? I assume the infantry are about 1/72.

    I have not seen the infantry, but it will be AA scale. This was a very important point that was made….compatibility

    Fortress: Fires twice at 3 on Defense, takes 4 hits
        Fortresses (representing large areas of concentrated fortifications and coastal batteries) take 4 hits and fire two times at a 3.  Fortress units fire preemptively in battle and may benefit from improved spotting (see aerial superiority).
        Fortresses are not built, but they may be captured if all enemy pieces have been killed. Any fort that takes its fourth hit is considered wrecked and may no longer participate in the battle.  To remain functional the fort must have at least one hit left and a single infantry, cavalry, or storm troop (exception pass-through fire, see below).

    If enemy surface ships move next to or passes through the following areas:

    1. Strait of Gibraltar
    2. Fao
    3. Dardanelles (from Aegean Sea)
    4. Dardanelles (from Black Sea)
    5. Gulf of Bothnia to get to Saint Petersburg, then the fortress there gets pass-through fire.  Pass-through fire is resolved by making one attack (rolling twice) against the ships. The enemy’s movement is temporarily halted to conduct this fire.  In the Dardanelles, the defender gets to use both forts. This fire is done each time the area is entered and there need not be an infantry, cavalry, or storm troop present with the fort.  Note that submarines are not affected by pass-through fire.

    If a coastal fort is invaded by sea, or if a naval battle is being fought in the zone next to the fortress, then the fort may participate in the combat and fire twice each round.
    A fortress that was damaged is repaired during phase 6 of the owners turn in which it was not the subject of an attack by five or more land units.

  • Looks great. I love the updates. When will we be able to see more of the pieces?

  • They are working on sculpts. I will see what i can post and come back. I think i have a few other pics.

  • Customizer

    Have you posted any rules or samples of the mechanics anywhere? I’m interested to see how ‘Entrenched Infantry’ work.

  • Infantry: Attack at 1, Defend at 2, Move 1, Cost 1.5
        Infantry move 1 and are better on defense than offense.  They may entrench if they did not move during their turn.  While entrenched they will have a strike first advantage.  Entrenched troops are represented with a machine gun.  As long as the unit does not move it remains entrenched.  It loses this ability if it moves.

    See land combat sequence:

    Land combat sequence:
    This, like naval combat, must be performed step-by-step.

    Part A – Note: Planes are only hitting other planes

    1. Air combat takes place and the survivor gains air superiority. These extra planes may boost land units in the first round by aerial spotting.  Either side may retreat all their planes after any round, first the attacker and then the defender.
    2. Once the sky is cleared of enemy planes, plane hits can go against land units (and vice versa).

    Part B – Note: After each step the loses are removed

    1. The attacker conducts gas attacks (defender can adjust the damage if they have “gas mask” technology). The defender can reply if they have “gas shells” technology.
    2. If the attacker has artillery (including rail guns that are in an adjacent space) or aircraft he can fire them preemptively. These units may be boosted by planes using aerial spotting.
    3. If the defender has any artillery (including rail guns that are in an adjacent space) or aircraft he may fire them preemptively. These units may be boosted by planes using aerial spotting.
    4. Attacking Storm Troops attack preemptively.
    5. Defending entrenched troops fire preemptively.
    6. The attacker and defender then fire with all their remaining units including air units.
    7. The attacker has the option to retreat.  He may retreat all units back to his territory or he may remain in the space and contest it with all.  If the attacker does not retreat then the defender may retreat to friendly or allied territory.  If not then proceed with step 3.

  • Is there a official link to this game? Ori is this all we got? :?

  • Once the announcement on release date is set, all those items will be addressed.

    What i don’t want is to establish such a place and have all these peeps asking “when is it coming out”, or worse having established a date and the game does not come out in time…ala WOTC

    That wont happen.

  • Ok, thanks for the info!

  • Customizer

    Are extra units likely to be made available for the game. I’ll need more fighters…

  • How big is the rulebook Imperious? I plan on buying this one unfortunately I am the one that has to explain all the rules to the other players. They all play Axis and Allies, how hard will it be on a scale of 1 to 10 to get them going on this game?

  • The larger the rulebook and more complex the game, the less people I can get to play.  For example, its much easier to get someone to play spring 1942 than global 1940…

  • Are extra units likely to be made available for the game. I’ll need more fighters…

    Not till much latter after the games release. Our goal is to sell games, not parts.

    How big is the rulebook Imperious?

    The rulebook is laid out for standard and advanced games with optional rules. Under 40 pages, but complexity is just a tad more than global for the standard game.

  • Awesome Map!

    Russia - perfect!
    Germany, A-H: Perfect! BUT colours should be switched! PLEASE! Germany ought to be field grey (light), A-H is supposed to be the darker grey.
    Italy: Green! No question!
    UK, OT: Fine! (I would have given them Khaki and Sand (yellow) based on WWI era uniforms though! And of course all the sand in the Middle-East battlegrounds :-D)

    USA: Why do all people think green is logical! Basically USA introduced the green-based fighting uniforms in interwar period! WWI was brown! So…

    Very nice work with the sculpts! 8-)
    Count me in for a buy!

  • oh good. Note the British pieces will be khaki and not matching the color of the areas. The point for all pieces is to be slightly different shade within the same color family.

    Germany will be OOB milton bradley Grey for example, while her territories are a bit darker.

  • Very good, khaki UK pieces!  :-)
    The grey of OOB MB German pieces is good, too. Not perfect as the field grey is slightly brighter but ok.
    I assume, Russia will be beige, similar to UK AAP/AAE, correct?

    How about the other nations?

    • Will France come in 1914 Royal blue or 1915-1918 Heaven-Blue (light blue)?
    • USA? Can you still get rid of green and make them brown at this point of production?
    • Turks will be red like the flag, right?
    • Which Green will Italy be? Flag or Arditi green?

    Last question: Any chance at this point to make the Germans Light Gray and the Austrians Dark Gray?
    Come on Imperious, do me this favour, as I am German and want to put my Pickelhaube on! :-D
    Germany and Austria have to be “right”!

  • I assume, Russia will be beige, similar to UK AAP/AAE, correct?

    Russia will be OOB Milton Bradley

    How about the other nations?

    • Will France come in 1914 Royal blue or 1915-1918 Heaven-Blue (light blue)?

    Blue like Global 40

    • USA? Can you still get rid of green and make them brown at this point of production?

    naw they olive green #2

    • Turks will be red like the flag, right?

    Not fire engine red, more like the color of those areas

    • Which Green will Italy be? Flag or Arditi green?

    Kinda like the map areas for Italy, except a shade lighter

    Last question: Any chance at this point to make the Germans Light Gray and the Austrians Dark Gray?

    It will be the opposite. Austrians light grey

    Come on Imperious, do me this favour, as I am German and want to put my Pickelhaube on! grin
    Germany and Austria have to be “right”!

    Germans will have Pickelhaube in honor of Col. Klink

  • @Imperious:

    I assume, Russia will be beige, similar to UK AAP/AAE, correct?

    Russia will be OOB Milton Bradley

    Sorry to say, but this is a poor choice!
    “Red” was the Revolution. The “Red Army” was formed 1918 to fight the Tsarist loyal troops and had (almost) nothing to do with WWI.
    Russia ought to be WHITE (if you follow political reasoning) or beige (if you consider the Tsarist army uniform).
    RED-BROWN belongs to WW 2!!!

    P.S.: If you play the Russian Revolution out in your game, you can even let red-brown Russians represent the Bolsheviks and white or beige ones the Tsarist troops!

  • Just discovered the picture of the box srt!

    And it is pure AWESOMENESS!!!

    Game could be bought for the box alone!  :wink:

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