The Ultimate Tech Chart (36 TECHS)…

  • Roll 1D6 to determine Tech Path:

    1. Shipping
    2. Barrage
    3. Flight
    4. Industry / Production
    5. Land Warfare
    6. Political

    Roll 1D6 to determine Tech:

    1a) Super Transports
    1b) Super Submarines
    1c) Heavy Battleships
    1d) Stealth Submarines
    1e) Super Carriers
    1f) Long Range Naval Vessels

    2a) Super AA guns
    2b) Heavy Artillery
    2c) Rockets
    2d) Radar
    2e) Heavy Machine Guns
    2f) Heavy AA guns

    3a) Long Range Aircraft
    3b) Heavy Bombers
    3c) Jet Power
    3d) Folding Wings
    3e) Strategic Fighters
    3f) Bomber Sights

    4a) Industrial Technology
    4b) Industrial Growth
    4c) Expanded Conscription
    4d) Foreign Legion
    4e) Expanded Naval Production
    4f) Expanded Aircraft Production

    5a) Mechanized Infantry
    5b) Heavy Armor
    5c) Trench Warfare
    5d) Tank Bunkers
    5e) Super Land Mines
    5f) Super Armor

    6a) Technical Conference
    6b) Propaganda
    6c) Lend Lease
    6d) Patriotic Fervor
    6e) Volunteer Corps
    6f) Technological Espionage


    Super transports - Each of your Transports may now carry up to 3 infantry or 1 armor and 1 infantry (or Equivalent)

    Super submarines - Same as old rules

    Heavy Battleships - Each of your battleships roll 2 dice instead of 1 (this includes shore bombardment)

    Stealth Submarines – Defending submarines may retreat from combat before any attack is made (subject to normal retreating rules)

    Super Aircraft Carriers – Each Aircraft Carrier can hold up to 3 fighters or 1 bomber (if combined with Folding Wings technology – each Aircraft Carrier can hold 4 fighters or 1 bomber and 1 fighter)

    Long Range Naval Vessels – All of your naval vessels movement rate is increased to 3

    Super AA guns - Each of your AA guns roll 2 dice instead of 1

    Heavy Artillery - Your Artillery units now receive 2 dice when attacking or defending, and 2 dice when shelling

    Rockets - Same as old rules

    Radar – All AA guns get +1 to their attack strength for the rest of the game (this may be rolled again giving your AA guns additional bonuses)

    Heavy AA guns – Territories may now contain multiple AA guns, but no more than 3 AA guns are allowed in each territory

    Heavy Machine Guns – All machine guns attack at 3 or less

    Long Range Aircraft - Same as old rules

    Heavy Bombers - Each attacking Bomber rolls 2 dice (not 3) instead of 1 (this includes Strategic Bombing Raids)

    Jet Power - Same as old rules

    Folding Wings - Up to 3 of your Fighter units may land on your Aircraft Carriers

    Strategic Fighters – Fighters can now be used to perform Strategic Bombing Raids on IC’s (damage is the following: 1-2 = 1 IPC, 3 = 2 IPC’s, 4-5 = 3 IPC’s, 6 = 4 IPC’s)

    Bomber Sights – All bombers attack at 5 or less

    Industrial Technology - Every unit’s production cost is reduced by 1 IPC (if Expanded Naval or Aircraft Production is also acquired, the cost of ships or aircraft can only be reduced by 2 IPC’s maximum)

    Industrial Growth - The quantity of units that any of your new factories can produce is doubled (i.e. a factory is India can produce 6 units per turn instead of 3)

    Expanded Conscription - Receive 2 infantry units during the “Place New Units” phase on each of your turns

    Foreign Legion – You may build 1 infantry per turn on territories that do not contain IC’s as long as they have at least an IPC value of 2

    Expanded Naval Production – All ships cost 2 IPC’s less

    Expanded Aircraft Production – All aircraft cost 2 IPC’s less

    Mechanized Infantry – All your infantry units movement is now 2 (infantry units may only “blitz” through enemy controlled territories if accompanied by at least one tank)

    Heavy Armor – All tanks attack at 4 or less

    Trench Warfare – All infantry units defend at 3 or less

    Tank Bunkers – All tanks defend at 3 or less

    Super Land mines – All land mines defend at 2 or less

    Super Armor – All tanks now require 2 hits to kill

    Technical Conference – You may give one invention of your choice to any one of your allies (you must presently possess the invention) or any one of your allies may give you one of his inventions

    Propaganda – You persuade a neutral country to join your side (your choice), the neutral territory has a productivity of 2 and starts with 2 infantry and 1 armor (this may be rerolled)

    Lend Lease – You may build one unit a turn for any one of your allies (units built are of his color and they appear on any of his IC’s ready for use in his turn) or any one of your allies may build one unit a turn for you

    Patriotic Fervor - Once, now or in the future, you may add 10 infantry to your build (these units must be built from your capitol and this may be rerolled)

    Volunteer Corps – You may transfer any one unit per turn that is currently located in any of your Allies’ territories to a unit of his color and they are ready for use in his turn (you are not allowed to move this unit during your turn)

    Technological Espionage – Your spies steal one invention or technology of your choice from any one enemy (if no enemy has an invention or technology, tough luck)

  • It’s still pay 5 IPC and roll a 6, correct?

    Heavy Battleships - Each of your battleships roll 2 dice instead of 1 (this includes shore bombardment)

    Should also include 2 hit BBs.

    Heavy Artillery - Your Artillery units now receive 2 dice when attacking or defending, and 2 dice when shelling

    Are we playing A&AE, or introducing arty to A&A?

    Heavy Machine Guns – All machine guns attack at 3 or less

    What is this for?

    Super Land mines – All land mines defend at 2 or less

    Do land mines have to be researched as well?

    I’m a little unclear on these, but otherwise I like them all. 8)

  • Yeah … still pay 5 ipcs and have to roll 6.

    Techs are for original A&A.

    The artillery, machine guns and land mines are expansion pieces that we (my group of A&Aers) use … bought from Table Tactics expansion sets.

    Those 3 techs can be modified or changed for those who don’t have these pieces.

  • Ok…cool. Do you have the Table Tactics website? I’d like to look into these expansion pieces.

  • Moderator

    …the more tech’s the better right Mista :wink: …

  • @Guerrilla:

    …the more tech’s the better right Mista :wink: …

    My thoughts EXACTLY GG!!! 8)

  • 2007 AAR League

    What about nuclear weapons? You can get rules for nuclear weapons at

  • @UKcommander:

    What about nuclear weapons? You can get rules for nuclear weapons at

    Feel free to remove/replace/edit/add any techs you like!

  • 2007 AAR League

    Hey thanks :D :D !

  • This was just a starter kit – to help people expand their techs!

  • I’ve recently seen some A&A tech cards and data for sale/bid on eBay as low as $0.99 …

    Was a little suspicious of one that said all bidders would get a copy free except the high bidder. Thought it might be a virus as it was a down load.

  • Moderator

    I think everyone should get a free tech roll every turn…

  • @Guerrilla:

    I think everyone should get a free tech roll every turn…

    Mmm….I dunno - the issue in techrolls is that you use ressources that could be used to create more units, to - mayby - improve your units stats, so I’ll oppesit your idéa, but it’s absolutly worth the discussion…

  • Moderator



    I think everyone should get a free tech roll every turn…

    Mmm….I dunno - the issue in techrolls is that you use ressources that could be used to create more units, to - mayby - improve your units stats, so I’ll oppesit your idéa, but it’s absolutly worth the discussion…

    It’s mainly for fun :lol:

  • 2007 AAR League

    During a game just for fun; sure why not :D :D ! However, if your playing a serious game I think all the players should probably agree on it: and if they do, great :D :D !

  • I agree with UKcommander – As long as EVERYONE agrees on it … ANY rule is fine. After all … it is ONLY a game – ENJOY YOURSELVES!!! :P

  • Excellent work! mind If I borrow some?

  • @sherman28:

    Excellent work! mind If I borrow some?

    Not at tall!! That’s why they’re posted here. Also, I would love to hear any new techs or modified techs that you might come up with!

    Have FUN!!

  • Moderator

    Bomber Sights – All bombers attack at 5 or less (this includes Strategic Bombing Raids)

    Explain what you mean by including SBR’s

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