TripleA Turn Summary for game: The Rising Sun, version: 1.7.2
Game History
Round :1
Combat Move - Yamamoto
1 Tank moved from Hopeh to N.Shangsi
1 Tank moved from Hopeh to Shangsi
2 Tanks moved from Hopeh to Kichedung
1 Tank moved from Korea to Vladivostok
1 EarlyFighter moved from Korea to Vladivostok
1 T.Boat moved from sz67 to sz68
1 Artillery moved from Naha to sz74
1 Infantry moved from Nagasaki to sz74
1 Artillery, 1 Infantry and 1 Transport moved from sz74 to sz68
2 Submarines moved from sz67 to sz60
1 Artillery and 1 Infantry moved from sz68 to W.Borneo
1 Carrier moved from sz74 to sz68
2 EarlyFighters moved from sz74 to sz60
2 Artillerys moved from Kwangsi to N.French I.
3 Infantry moved from Kwangsi to N.French I.
1 Tank moved from Kwangsi to N.French I.
2 Artillerys moved from S.Japan to sz78
1 Artillery moved from Nagasaki to sz78
3 Infantry moved from Nagasaki to sz78
3 Artillerys, 3 Infantry and 3 Transports moved from sz78 to sz67
3 Artillerys and 3 Infantry moved from sz67 to Hongkong
2 EarlyFighters moved from sz20 to sz25
2 EarlyFighters moved from sz11 to sz25
1 Submarine moved from sz21 to sz25
2 Submarines moved from sz30 to sz25
3 Submarines moved from sz20 to sz25
1 Cruiser and 1 Submarine moved from sz11 to sz25
1 Carrier moved from sz11 to sz25
1 Carrier moved from sz20 to sz25
1 Submarine moved from sz12 to sz25
1 Submarine moved from sz76 to sz70
1 Submarine moved from sz17 to sz45
1 EarlyFighter moved from Marcus to sz45
1 EarlyFighter moved from Iwo Jima to sz45
2 EarlyFighters moved from Tokyo to sz71
2 EarlyFighters moved from sz78 to sz70
1 Bomber moved from Tokyo to sz70
1 Tank moved from Japan to sz16
2 Artillerys moved from Japan to sz16
3 Infantry moved from Japan to sz16
1 Infantry, 1 Tank and 1 Transport moved from sz16 to sz1
1 Infantry and 1 Tank moved from sz1 to Vladivostok
2 Artillerys, 2 Infantry and 2 Transports moved from sz16 to sz19
2 Artillerys and 2 Infantry moved from sz19 to Wake
1 Submarine moved from sz78 to sz71
1 Destroyer moved from sz78 to sz68
1 Battleship moved from sz78 to sz67
1 Bomber moved from Japan to sz70
Purchase Units - Yamamoto
Yamamoto buy 1 Battleship, 1 Infantry and 3 Transports; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;
Combat - Yamamoto
Battle in sz71
Yamamoto attack with 2 EarlyFighters and 1 Submarine
Americans defend with 1 Submarine
Yamamoto roll dice for 1 Submarine in sz71, round 1 : 1/1 hits
Americans roll dice for 1 Submarine in sz71, round 1 : 0/1 hits
1 Submarine owned by the Americans lost in sz71
Yamamoto win with 2 EarlyFighters and 1 Submarine remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
Casualties for Americans: 1 Submarine
Battle in sz70
Yamamoto attack with 2 Bombers, 2 EarlyFighters and 1 Submarine
Americans defend with 1 Destroyer, 1 Submarine and 1 Transport
Yamamoto roll dice for 1 Submarine in sz70, round 1 : 0/1 hits
Americans roll dice for 1 Submarine in sz70, round 1 : 1/1 hits
Yamamoto roll dice for 2 Bombers and 2 EarlyFighters in sz70, round 1 : 1/4 hits
Americans roll dice for 1 Destroyer and 1 Transport in sz70, round 1 : 0/2 hits
1 Transport owned by the Americans and 1 Submarine owned by the Yamamoto lost in sz70
1 Submarine owned by the Americans Submerged
Yamamoto roll dice for 2 Bombers and 2 EarlyFighters in sz70, round 2 : 3/4 hits
Americans roll dice for 1 Destroyer in sz70, round 2 : 1/1 hits
1 Destroyer owned by the Americans and 1 EarlyFighter owned by the Yamamoto lost in sz70
Yamamoto win with 2 Bombers and 1 EarlyFighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
Casualties for Yamamoto: 1 EarlyFighter and 1 Submarine
Casualties for Americans: 1 Destroyer and 1 Transport
Battle in sz45
Yamamoto attack with 2 EarlyFighters and 1 Submarine
Americans defend with 1 Destroyer and 1 Transport
Yamamoto roll dice for 1 Submarine in sz45, round 1 : 0/1 hits
Yamamoto roll dice for 2 EarlyFighters in sz45, round 1 : 2/2 hits
Americans roll dice for 1 Destroyer and 1 Transport in sz45, round 1 : 1/2 hits
1 Destroyer owned by the Americans , 1 Transport owned by the Americans and 1 Submarine owned by the Yamamoto lost in sz45
Yamamoto win with 2 EarlyFighters remaining. Battle score for attacker is 8
Casualties for Yamamoto: 1 Submarine
Casualties for Americans: 1 Destroyer and 1 Transport
Battle in sz25
Yamamoto attack with 2 Carriers, 1 Cruiser, 4 EarlyFighters and 8 Submarines
Americans defend with 3 Battleships, 2 Carriers, 1 Cruiser and 1 Destroyer
Yamamoto roll dice for 8 Submarines in sz25, round 1 : 3/8 hits
Units damaged: 3 Battleships owned by the Americans
Yamamoto roll dice for 2 Carriers, 1 Cruiser and 4 EarlyFighters in sz25, round 1 : 0/7 hits
Americans roll dice for 3 Battleships, 2 Carriers, 1 Cruiser and 1 Destroyer in sz25, round 1 : 2/7 hits
2 Submarines owned by the Yamamoto lost in sz25
Yamamoto roll dice for 6 Submarines in sz25, round 2 : 3/6 hits
Yamamoto roll dice for 2 Carriers, 1 Cruiser and 4 EarlyFighters in sz25, round 2 : 4/7 hits
Americans roll dice for 3 Battleships, 2 Carriers, 1 Cruiser and 1 Destroyer in sz25, round 2 : 6/7 hits
1 Destroyer owned by the Americans , 2 Carriers owned by the Americans , 3 Battleships owned by the Americans , 1 Cruiser owned by the Americans and 6 Submarines owned by the Yamamoto lost in sz25
Yamamoto win with 2 Carriers, 1 Cruiser and 4 EarlyFighters remaining. Battle score for attacker is 58
Casualties for Yamamoto: 8 Submarines
Casualties for Americans: 3 Battleships, 2 Carriers, 1 Cruiser and 1 Destroyer
Battle in sz60
Yamamoto attack with 2 EarlyFighters and 2 Submarines
Dutch defend with 2 Destroyers, 1 Submarine and 2 Transports
Yamamoto roll dice for 2 Submarines in sz60, round 1 : 0/2 hits
Dutch roll dice for 1 Submarine in sz60, round 1 : 0/1 hits
Yamamoto roll dice for 2 EarlyFighters in sz60, round 1 : 1/2 hits
Dutch roll dice for 2 Destroyers and 2 Transports in sz60, round 1 : 2/4 hits
1 Transport owned by the Dutch and 2 Submarines owned by the Yamamoto lost in sz60
Yamamoto roll dice for 2 EarlyFighters in sz60, round 2 : 1/2 hits
Dutch roll dice for 2 Destroyers and 1 Transport in sz60, round 2 : 3/3 hits
1 Submarine owned by the Dutch and 2 EarlyFighters owned by the Yamamoto lost in sz60
Dutch win with 2 Destroyers and 1 Transport remaining. Battle score for attacker is -16
Casualties for Yamamoto: 2 EarlyFighters and 2 Submarines
Casualties for Dutch: 1 Submarine and 1 Transport
Battle in sz68
Yamamoto attack with 1 Carrier, 1 Destroyer, 1 T.Boat and 1 Transport
British defend with 1 Submarine
British roll dice for 1 Submarine in sz68, round 1 : 0/1 hits
Yamamoto roll dice for 1 Carrier, 1 Destroyer, 1 T.Boat and 1 Transport in sz68, round 1 : 1/3 hits
1 Submarine owned by the British lost in sz68
Yamamoto win with 1 Carrier, 1 Destroyer, 1 T.Boat and 1 Transport remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
Casualties for British: 1 Submarine
Battle in Wake
Yamamoto attack with 2 Artillerys and 2 Infantry
Americans defend with 1 Infantry and 1 Tank
Yamamoto roll dice for 2 Artillerys and 2 Infantry in Wake, round 1 : 1/4 hits
Americans roll dice for 1 Infantry and 1 Tank in Wake, round 1 : 1/2 hits
1 Infantry owned by the Yamamoto and 1 Infantry owned by the Americans lost in Wake
Yamamoto roll dice for 2 Artillerys and 1 Infantry in Wake, round 2 : 2/3 hits
Americans roll dice for 1 Tank in Wake, round 2 : 0/1 hits
1 Tank owned by the Americans lost in Wake
Yamamoto win, taking Wake from Americans with 2 Artillerys and 1 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 5
Casualties for Yamamoto: 1 Infantry
Casualties for Americans: 1 Infantry and 1 Tank
Battle in N.French I.
Yamamoto attack with 2 Artillerys, 3 Infantry and 1 Tank
Dutch defend with 1 Artillery, 1 Infantry and 1 Tank
Yamamoto roll dice for 2 Artillerys, 3 Infantry and 1 Tank in N.French I., round 1 : 1/6 hits
Dutch roll dice for 1 Artillery, 1 Infantry and 1 Tank in N.French I., round 1 : 1/3 hits
1 Infantry owned by the Yamamoto and 1 Infantry owned by the Dutch lost in N.French I.
Yamamoto roll dice for 2 Artillerys, 2 Infantry and 1 Tank in N.French I., round 2 : 4/5 hits
Dutch roll dice for 1 Artillery and 1 Tank in N.French I., round 2 : 2/2 hits
1 Artillery owned by the Dutch , 2 Infantry owned by the Yamamoto and 1 Tank owned by the Dutch lost in N.French I.
Yamamoto win, taking N.French I. from Dutch with 2 Artillerys and 1 Tank remaining. Battle score for attacker is 5
Casualties for Yamamoto: 3 Infantry
Casualties for Dutch: 1 Artillery, 1 Infantry and 1 Tank
Battle in Hongkong
Yamamoto attack with 3 Artillerys and 3 Infantry
British defend with 1 AAGun, 1 Bunker, 1 Factory and 2 Infantry
Yamamoto roll dice for 1 Battleship in Hongkong, round 1 : 1/1 hits
Units damaged: 1 Bunker owned by the British
Yamamoto roll dice for 3 Artillerys and 3 Infantry in Hongkong, round 1 : 3/6 hits
British roll dice for 1 Bunker and 2 Infantry in Hongkong, round 1 : 1/3 hits
1 Bunker owned by the British , 2 Infantry owned by the British and 1 Infantry owned by the Yamamoto lost in Hongkong
Yamamoto win, taking Hongkong from British with 3 Artillerys and 2 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 8
Casualties for British: 1 Bunker and 2 Infantry
Casualties for Yamamoto: 1 Infantry
Battle in Vladivostok
Yamamoto attack with 1 EarlyFighter, 1 Infantry and 2 Tanks
Russians defend with 1 Bunker
Yamamoto roll dice for 1 EarlyFighter, 1 Infantry and 2 Tanks in Vladivostok, round 1 : 1/4 hits
Units damaged: 1 Bunker owned by the Russians
Russians roll dice for 1 Bunker in Vladivostok, round 1 : 0/1 hits
Yamamoto roll dice for 1 EarlyFighter, 1 Infantry and 2 Tanks in Vladivostok, round 2 : 1/4 hits
Russians roll dice for 1 Bunker in Vladivostok, round 2 : 0/1 hits
1 Bunker owned by the Russians lost in Vladivostok
Yamamoto win, taking Vladivostok from Russians with 1 EarlyFighter, 1 Infantry and 2 Tanks remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
Casualties for Russians: 1 Bunker
Battle in N.Shangsi
Yamamoto attack with 1 Tank
Chinese defend with 1 Infantry
Yamamoto roll dice for 1 Tank in N.Shangsi, round 1 : 1/1 hits
Chinese roll dice for 1 Infantry in N.Shangsi, round 1 : 1/1 hits
1 Tank owned by the Yamamoto and 1 Infantry owned by the Chinese lost in N.Shangsi
Chinese win with no units remaining. Battle score for attacker is -3
Casualties for Yamamoto: 1 Tank
Casualties for Chinese: 1 Infantry
Battle in Kichedung
Yamamoto attack with 2 Tanks
Chinese defend with 2 Infantry
Yamamoto roll dice for 2 Tanks in Kichedung, round 1 : 1/2 hits
Chinese roll dice for 2 Infantry in Kichedung, round 1 : 1/2 hits
1 Tank owned by the Yamamoto and 1 Infantry owned by the Chinese lost in Kichedung
Yamamoto roll dice for 1 Tank in Kichedung, round 2 : 1/1 hits
Chinese roll dice for 1 Infantry in Kichedung, round 2 : 0/1 hits
1 Infantry owned by the Chinese lost in Kichedung
Yamamoto win, taking Kichedung from Chinese with 1 Tank remaining. Battle score for attacker is -1
Casualties for Yamamoto: 1 Tank
Casualties for Chinese: 2 Infantry
Battle in Shangsi
Yamamoto attack with 1 Tank
Chinese defend with 1 Infantry
Yamamoto roll dice for 1 Tank in Shangsi, round 1 : 0/1 hits
Chinese roll dice for 1 Infantry in Shangsi, round 1 : 0/1 hits
Yamamoto roll dice for 1 Tank in Shangsi, round 2 : 1/1 hits
Chinese roll dice for 1 Infantry in Shangsi, round 2 : 1/1 hits
1 Tank owned by the Yamamoto and 1 Infantry owned by the Chinese lost in Shangsi
Chinese win with no units remaining. Battle score for attacker is -3
Casualties for Yamamoto: 1 Tank
Casualties for Chinese: 1 Infantry
Battle in W.Borneo
Yamamoto attack with 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry
British defend with 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry
Yamamoto roll dice for 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry in W.Borneo, round 1 : 1/2 hits
British roll dice for 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry in W.Borneo, round 1 : 0/2 hits
1 Infantry owned by the British lost in W.Borneo
Yamamoto roll dice for 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry in W.Borneo, round 2 : 0/2 hits
British roll dice for 1 Artillery in W.Borneo, round 2 : 0/1 hits
Yamamoto roll dice for 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry in W.Borneo, round 3 : 1/2 hits
British roll dice for 1 Artillery in W.Borneo, round 3 : 0/1 hits
1 Artillery owned by the British lost in W.Borneo
Yamamoto win, taking W.Borneo from British with 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
Casualties for British: 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry
Non Combat Move - Yamamoto
2 EarlyFighters moved from sz71 to sz68
1 Destroyer and 1 Submarine moved from sz16 to sz19
1 Carrier moved from sz78 to sz68
1 EarlyFighter moved from sz70 to sz68
1 EarlyFighter moved from sz45 to sz68
1 EarlyFighter moved from sz45 to Iwo Jima
2 Bombers moved from sz70 to Iwo Jima
1 EarlyFighter moved from Vladivostok to Japan
2 Artillerys and 4 Infantry moved from Korea to Manchuria
5 Infantry moved from Hopeh to Shansi
6 Infantry moved from S.Japan to Nagasaki
1 Tank moved from Kochi to Nagasaki
2 Tanks moved from S.Japan to Nagasaki
6 Infantry moved from Tokyo to S.Japan
1 Infantry moved from Ani Jima to Bonin
1 Artillery moved from Tokyo to S.Japan
2 Tanks moved from Tokyo to S.Japan
5 Infantry moved from Japan to S.Japan
3 Tanks moved from Japan to S.Japan
Place Units - Yamamoto
1 Battleship and 3 Transports placed in sz78
1 Infantry placed in Tokyo
Turn Complete - Yamamoto
Yamamoto collect 57 PUs; end with 57 PUs total