What it was that made James Holmes go nuts.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Oh he’s commenting on your opinion.

    and comparing it to the same ludicrousity of his mentioned thoughts on Hawking, summizing it as your own position.

    It’s quite effective.

  • It’s quite effective.

    Not as effective as eating kettle corn popcorn while shooting zombies 3 Klicks out with sniper rifle. :mrgreen:

  • Customizer

    Kettle corn popcorn tastes like ass! Also, you sure make a lot of “shooting people with sniper rifle” comments.

    Cue the quote box where Imp asks how I know what ass tastes like.

  • Kettle corn popcorn tastes like ass!

    Not even.

    Also, you sure make a lot of “shooting people with sniper rifle” comments.

    I guess to make things easier for some, i got to talk the talk of guns and manifestos and analogies of the same or face incredible posts of things i never said.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Yea holy… we better be careful…

    Here we are bugging him a bit, and he’s threatening to kill us.

    We all know how unpopular he is around here too… I wonder if we’re all on a list?  Fk…  I’m buying another shotgun for my house just in case.

    Djensen should be informed.  And perhaps the local police?  IL has clearly made the case that Comics lead to violent recourse, and he’s the only one with a Comic book character as his chosen alias…

    What are we going to do?

  • Here we are bugging him a bit, and he’s threatening to kill us.

    I will kill with kettle corn. Not wasting ammo on chumps. Oh and nobody bugging me. Not once

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    I live and breath anger , this does not come from reading comic books but from having to deal with moronic people like you on a daily basis.

    But that was what the killer said, only he had anger against himself due to low self esteem. Does the irony hit home?

    Look at the subliminal messaging!  The Irony really is starting to hit home!

    Hides behind Lhoffman

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    Vic Morrow, and his Soap’s for men.

    what? He has been dead for like 30 years and what soaps?

    How do you really know He’s been dead for 30 years?  Unless YOU killed Vic Morrow?  So you could wear his face as your internet avatar 30 years later?

    Let me guess… he naturally choked on Kettle Corn?

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Quick Hoffman! Do something!

  • How do you really know He’s been dead for 30 years?

    look it up? Also look up this “soap” thing you attach to him.

  • Customizer

    Kettle Corn! tastes the same coming out as it did going in!

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Posting pictures of the choice weapons you want to kill us with isn’t cool IL…

  • Kettle Corn! tastes the same coming out as it did going in!

    That says alot, probably way too much.

  • Customizer


    Posting pictures of the choice weapons you want to kill us with isn’t cool IL…

    Seriously. The an alarming amount of ammunition. I’ll bet whoever sold it to him was too apathetic to notify the FBI. Profit over public safety. боже мой!

  • Customizer

    Glad to see there’s a sense of humor in there though Imp. I was beginning to wonder. Back to the topic at hand. The nut job. Let’s say for the sake of argument that he read comic books with ideas in them that were too violent or anti societal and thats what pushed him over the edge. Do we ban comics? Were novels banned when that guy wacked Lennon with a copy of Catcher in the Rye in his pocket? What about that other work of fiction filled with super powered beings? The one with as many plot holes and continuity flubs as your average long running comic series. The one printed on paper worse than comics and that has outsold every other book in the world. The one that has been responsible for more deaths than a closet full of kettle corn could ever dream of. Should it be banned? Should it be relegated to children’s reading just because children read it too? I think not. And not because I believe in it but because some people like it just like I like comic books. You don’t like comics but saying that they should be just for kids is like saying Shakespeare should be just for teenage girls because it is made in the same medium as the Twilight books.

  • No just have parents encourage them to stay away from low grade reading and promote classics.

  • Customizer

    Of course. That’s a given. Too often in this society of dual income families does the parent leave the child to te own devices. My point is lumping all comic books together as child oriented is closed minded. Don’t get me wrong, there is a ton of garbage on the comic book shelves. About 99% of the books coming out every week are utter trash but the same can be said for novels. Go to your local book store and I’ll bet you could carry in a back pack the number of worthwhile books in there out of the truck load that is on the shelves. It’s the same with TV and Video Games. I can’t even watch TV anymore. It’s all garbage pedaled to the lowest common denominator because that’s where the money is. Once in a great while do you get something that has intelligence on TV and it usually doesn’t last because the proles don’t want to think they want to be entertained without having to think. Not to sound pompous but the people here want more from their entertainment. That’s not to say that the low brow stuff can’t be entertaining, I’m guilty of that myself. I like Family guy but I don’t watch anything regularly. My main form of entertainment is podcasts. Half the stuff in my list is History, educational and news stuff. The other half is comedy and most of hat Kevin Smith. Which is the ultimate lowest denominator. But I find it funny and I don’t care who knows it. Like what you like Imp, but don’t dump on what I like just because you have an opinion that’s based on nothing but an outsiders notion. You said you like Ulysses by Joyce. I never read it, but I read Finnegans Wake and found it to be nonsense. Should I hen say Joyce writes Gibberish and gibberish only? No. Because I never read the book you spoke of I refrain from commenting in it. Please do the same with the stuff I read. If you read Maus by Speigleman and hate it then tell me about that but not about stuff you’ve never read. In fact. I’ll give you a challenge. Make a wish list on Amazon. Or Give me your amazon info and I’ll BUY you the first book. You read t and tell me it’s fo kids or it’s a piece of junk and that will be that. I’ll bet you though that you’ll buy the second part yourself.

  • Evil was at work.

    Had he wanted to end his life, he could have ended it quietly. Instead he takes the lives of others in some sick statement.

    The only encouraging things to come out of this is knowing several people took bullets for people they loved.

  • @Gargantua:

    How 3 shells bust out of a shotgun stock is beyond me…

    But great pic none the less!

    And Ironic, that Bane is killed by a cannon on the batbike…

    They are spring-loaded into a cylinder below the barrel.  Were the cylinder to break the spring loaded shells would pop right out…up to 10 of them depending on the shotgun.

  • Customizer


    Evil was at work.

    Had he wanted to end his life, he could have ended it quietly. Instead he takes the lives of others in some sick statement.

    The only encouraging things to come out of this is knowing several people took bullets for people they loved.

    Indeed. True heroes. Thank you for pointing this out.

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