@andrewaagamer I definitely agree, I was horrible at playing the Axis but it just took a few games and some new strays to see the unbalance. And I too don’t like nerfing strat bombers because it seems to unbalance it more.
Bizarre attacks
I like bizarre moves. For non-regulation games (non-tournament, non-league) because it puts the other player off and might show you something neat that you can use for regulation play.
I’ve seen MANY players land Germany in Brazil and put a complex there. Good way to annoy the crud out of America (Italy would be better, but sometimes they’re not in a position too.)
Seen invasions of Canada as well (in Alpha 3.9 no less!) with mixed effects. What happened there, once, was that the landing happened, America went full ground forces and japan sunk the American navy - it was a suicide move, but it worked. Germany lost like 200IPC worth of ground units, but AMerica lost at least that much in naval units, probably more.
So bizarre moves have their purpose. Canadian shield was bizarre, then mainstream, then bizarre again. (And yes, I’ve been known to pull it out once or twice in a “classic” game since nO ONE sees it coming anymore!)
The US navy could not sneak out of the Pacific?