HBG - Axis & Allies Parts/Accessories and Custom Piece Sets Store!

  • Customizer

    I’d love to see a B29 and a Hellcat and/or Wildcat.

  • @coachofmany:

    Yes, we are working on the French, UK, US, French/Neutral WW1, and German Minor Sets

    Some late ww1 German Infantry with Steel helmets would be great, also some minor powers like Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia etc.

  • Customizer

    Well if we’re going to wish, Chinese units would be good too. I would love to see a gunboats, corvettes, and midget subs. Personally I’m more for additional unit types over improved OOB pieces. Doesn’t really matter though because I end up buying them anyway lol.

  • Sponsor '17 TripleA '11 '10

    HBG Japanese Expansion Set (Set 2) is now on Pre-Order!


  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    HBG Japanese Expansion Set (Set 2) is now on Pre-Order!


    OH YES!

  • Customizer



    HBG Japanese Expansion Set (Set 2) is now on Pre-Order!


    ––All I can say is,…YEAH! I pre-ordered three of these sets also and will be looking to add additional numbers of certain units whenever you start individual sales of this set.

    Three Cheers for HBG!
    Hip, Hip, Hoorah!, Hip, Hip, Hoorah!, Hip, Hip, Hoorah!

    “Tall Paul”

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    HBG just posted these on FB:

    Deutschland-class pocket battleship

    F-86?  Definitely US jet fighter

    UK tank

    German Infantry for next Axis minor set:

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Absolutely loving the Pocket Battleship!  Not sure why I like them so much, but I always have. Excellent choice HBG boys.  :-)

  • @LHoffman:

    Absolutely loving the Pocket Battleship!   Not sure why I like them so much, but I always have.

    Same here.  Very  nice!  What set(s) will these be part of?

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer



    Absolutely loving the Pocket Battleship!�  � Not sure why I like them so much, but I always have.

    Same here.  Very  nice!  What set(s) will these be part of?

    On FB they said this was part of the next Axis Minor set. The US jet fighter was simply said to be part of the “next US set”.

  • Customizer

    I imagine the next US set would be the US Expansion Set since we already got the Supplement set.

    Loving the Pocket Battleship. That was one of the pieces I was most looking forward to in the FMG German set. A little surprised it will be in the Axis Minors set since this particular unit was exclusively used by the German Navy and not any of it’s minor allies. Still, really looking forward to this piece. Who knows, perhaps in an alternate timeline Romania or Finland could be operating Pocket Battleships. Wonder what kind of values we should give it. Perhaps Attack=4, Defense=3, Move=2, Cost=15 and 1 hit to sink. Sounds about right.

    How about that German infantry with the great coat? He looks nearly identical to the one FMG showed us way back at the beginning of plans for their German set but got shelved for a possible future special units set.

    That Churchill tank looks pretty cool. I guess work has started on a British set. That’s great, because they need some new pieces.

    Sculpt Infantry (special).jpg

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Very similar indeed… though I do not mind since FMG is defunct at present. Here’s hoping they make it back though…

    Still, very cool.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Also from Facebook:   Midway - class heavy carrier United States

  • Customizer


    ––I really like the German Infantry sculp, especially the greatcoat. And since this is a GAME, we can use the
    “Midway” class heavy carrier to offset the “Shinano” class carrier of the Japanese. I’m ready for them.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Coach,

    A Midway Super CV! Now that is just totally cool.  I am waiting to see if you develop a Montana Class Battleship to take on Your Version of the Yamato. Your production of vehicles and ships is coming close to the detail level of Navwar and GHQ.
    Again Excellent work. :-D :-D :-D


  • Now that things are up and running, HBG will definitely need to address missing US sculpts in order to round out their offerings.  This includes artillery, a fleet carrier (if the Midway Class carrier is going to be a larger than normal sculpt) a cruiser, light cruiser, destroyer, submarine and transport.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Would HBG be able, interested or inclined to release projections of what will be included (unit-type wise) in future sets? Since everyone seems to be randomly throwing around suggestions for what they would like to see in future sets. Perhaps we could make it more organized or directed if we knew HBGs (current) plans for future sets.

    I know you guys usually do put the unit list out for discussion as the sets are being designed. But it seemed like HBG is bouncing around from designing Japanese to German to American to British right now. You guys must have an idea of what you are looking to include in these sets; I am curious if you would share those ideas for either information or collaboration. However, I understand it is your prerogative to reject or accept that, and you have your own reasons for doing so.

  • I posted a note on their facebook page about this.  There should be a basic formula for every nationality; units that exist in every set.  Various bonus units could be included on a nation by nation basis.  For HBG to achieve their goal of replacing the OOB units, each nation needs at a minimum:

        -Self Propelled Artillery
        -Mechanized Infantry/Armored Car

        -Dive Bombers OR Torpedo Bombers OR Light Bomber  (Sculpt would depend on nation)
        -Air Transport

        -Fleet Carrier
        -Light Carrier

    Because of mold sizes, these units would most likely be realized over the course of a few sets, similar to what is being done with the Japanese sets at present.  There will be room for extra “bonus” sculpts in the various sets.  This is where pocket battleships, light cruisers, jets, paratroopers, tank destroyers, etc. could be fit in.  IMO this formula is the most efficient and will yield the best results both economically and from a gaming perspective.  It would also provide consistency (which is perhaps the most important factor) throughout the entire range of nations being offered.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    For HBG to achieve their goal of replacing the OOB units, each nation needs at a minimum:

        -Self Propelled Artillery
        -Mechanized Infantry/Armored Car

        -Dive Bombers OR Torpedo Bombers OR Light Bomber  (Sculpt would depend on nation)
        -Air Transport

        -Fleet Carrier
        -Light Carrier

    If you are talking about a minimum for OOB replacement, then we would have a 1-1 sculpt count… Meaning, if it is not an OOB sculpt, it is not included in this list. Which is why I would say that you should not include SP Artillery, Air Transports and Heavy/Light (Anything) Carriers.

    It is really just a technicality. I do want these units, but they should not be labeled under OOB replacement; especially if this were to be offered under an “OOB Replacement” title.

    You could make an argument for tech upgrade related items, such as advanced artillery, jet fighters and paratroopers (air transport?) be included as OOB replacement sculpts, but light carriers, self-propelled artillery and “heavy” tanks are not in the equation.


    IMO this formula is the most efficient and will yield the best results both economically and from a gaming perspective.  It would also provide consistency (which is perhaps the most important factor) throughout the entire range of nations being offered.

    That is really what I was looking for as a customer: consistency and understanding of the system by which pieces are chosen for inclusion in a set.

    It is HBGs choice how to organize their product line. If that means random, then it is random; if that means formulaic, then there is a format. Ultimately, as long as the pieces are produced, diverse and good quality, it doesn’t matter to me how HBG organizes their offerings. It would be nice to have a somewhat standard way, just so everyone’s expectations are based on what HBG intends. And so that we are not asking for the moon when it is really not financially prudent, not enough demand or it does not fit in with the stated production philosophy. As long as the customers (pseudo-developers) and the company have the same assumptions, people should not be upset or confused.

  • Sponsor '17 TripleA '11 '10

    To all:

    I assure you that HBG has a plan and we are following that plan. Our first priority is expanding available options so everyone can pick and choose how to build their sets at home. Later, we will come back and take care of “basics”. Remember that our scope and technology has changed dramatically over the last year and a half as the current sets have progressed. Therefore, slight tweaks in set composition are needed. We have learned much over this time and continue to learn from you. More A&A games have come out, HBG has expanded what it wants to do, and demand has increased for variety of pieces and units.

    HBG must address all these issues at once while keeping up production of current product offerings. This is like landing a plane on a carrier! Trying to hit a moving target takes a lot of forethought and skill. You see us showing you bits and pieces of many 3d models over many sets. We’re not just haphazardly choosing these. Different 3d modelers work at different speeds. Some models are more complex than others, etc. We must have 3 or 4 “irons in the fire” in order to keep up with customer demands. It takes longer than a month to plan and execute a compete set of pieces. What you are seeing is a glimpse of what is to come over the next 6 months or so.

    Doug (Coach) has taken pain-staking care to plan out each and every set we currently want to do. But giving out all of our “secret sauce” is suicide. So we show things we think you will like or things we need help deciding on to gauge reaction and modify the plan accordingly. The Japanese Expansion Set is a perfect example of this.

    You know we listen. Just keep giving good positive constructive feedback, and we will know what to make. Keep buying the sets we make and we can afford to keep making more! Thank you all for your valued concern and tons of research, help, ideas, and support that continues to allow us to build your dream.

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