@leemorrison You’re being polite. Yes I got my bomber and some air shot down during the first two turns but I overextended very badly with Japan, mostly because I underestimated the value the tanks would give you in terms of exploiting openings in my positions.
Our game is without time limit. No rush. Cannot upload right now so I rather chill and wait.
Our game is without time limit. No rush. Cannot upload right now so I rather chill and wait.
Stall all you like we will be here ready to crush you.
It is okay. You needed time to do USA China and UK. Planning is hard.
It is okay. You needed time to do USA China and UK. Planning is hard.
and i’m more busy than at just about any other time in my life. we will try to get you the moves today.
Ah do not tell me that USA China and UK are separate players. This is going to be funny.
dutch is running USA/CHINA/ANZAC
I am running Russia/UK
it doesn’t normally take us long to coordinate - we are just both unusually busy today.
please use this thread for xdap tournament discussion only.
please keep your own game discussions to your game thread.
please use this thread for xdap tournament discussion only.
please keep your own game discussions to your game thread.
B*tch slap!
and i’m more busy than at just about any other time in my life. we will try to get you the moves today.
I feel your pain :|
Would like 3 day rule reinstated for my game or at least make it a 5 day rule. Want to finish this game sooner than later.
Also need a ruling on editing. Like is there a limit to how many edits someone can make after posting. Any dice rolled means no more editing? Edit for only bugs, all posts final?
Need something more concrete here.
Would like 3 day rule reinstated for my game or at least make it a 5 day rule. Want to finish this game sooner than later.
no need to reinstate a 3 day rule which never existed. you can use the delay of game rule, in your game if it has been over 96 hours add the penalty to whichever power you like.
from reply 799 of this thread
-Delay of game penalty.
If you have not provided adequate/reasonable notice. And your team does not post within a 96 hour period your opponent will be awarded in immediate cash.
+5 IPC’s First Infraction
+10 IPC’s Second Infraction
+20 IPC’s Every other InfractionTo whichever singular power on his side he deems fit. (If your opposing team cannot decide, YOU decide.).
The opposing player does retain the right decline a penalty…
Also need a ruling on editing. Like is there a limit to how many edits someone can make after posting. Any dice rolled means no more editing? Edit for only bugs, all posts final?
Need something more concrete here.
gargantua has made it clear.
1. Garg is in charge, and is the sole administrator for resolving game conflicts (So get the F along), if tournament rules need to be clarifiied, or you have questions, comments, or suggesstions, direct them to ME.
5. Regular Tournament concepts and common sense, like being courteous, and posting regularily etc APPLY, and are submit to my whim and wrath as previously explained in rule # 1.from reply #3 of this thread.
2. ALL GAMES MUST REMAIN FRIENDLY, and your intention must be to play your opponent at thier best. Ridiculous changes are too much, but for the little things - let em slide. Of course, come to me if there are problems, and I’ll make the call.to sum it up, let the little edits slide. if it bothers you, you can go to garg for him to
bitch slap youlisten to your complaint and adjudicate. -
The dramatic game has ended. The dice gods have smiled on me again, the Italian fleet had a glorious defense! The allies have conceded.
Dairyqyrn has won!
The dramatic game has ended. The dice gods have smiled on me again, the Italian fleet had a glorious defense! The allies have conceded.
Dairyqyrn has won!
yes. it would be easier to make it to the final and beat you in 2 straight than to try to come back and win this one now that the dice have bludgeoned us yet again, this time probably fatally. :lol:
big bracket update.
dairy qyrn allies defeats boldutch
dairy qyrn reaches the finals and needs to wait 3 more rounds for their final opponent
boldutch move to the extra death bracket and needs to wait 2 more rounds for the final extra death bracket gameallweneedishank allies get the decision over cannibalized by fluff
allweneedishank faces death by ancients
cannibalized by fluff have reached extra death and painfully leave the tournament.wewin allies defeats invisible greens
wewin advances to face atlanta axis
invisible greens have reached extra death and painfully leave the tournament.OFFICIAL UNTIL PROVEN WRONG XDAP Tournament Bracketing 2013-05-07.xls
TripleA has come out,
I recommend using it to start any new games:
veq -
bracket update
death by dice concedes to ancients
ancients advances to allweneedishank
death by dice have reached extra death and painfully leave the tournament.OFFICIAL UNTIL PROVEN WRONG XDAP Tournament Bracketing 2013-05-23.xls
the ancients vs. allweneed game will be concluding in mid september… :-P
the ancients vs. allweneed game will be concluding in mid september… :-P
the deadline for round 6 is the end of june.
and hank and i play fast so this one is going to be finished or be judged by the deadline. -
the ancients vs. allweneed game will be concluding in mid september… :-P
the deadline for round 6 is the end of june.
and hank and i play fast so this one is going to be finished or be judged by the deadline.You and hank may play fast but…… :roll:
is this tournament still going?