wow that was a massacre by the germans. Kill the ships and keep the planes
12L - '41 - Botider (allies +9) vs. Ol' Blood&Guts (axis), -tech, +NO
sz53 cwlo dd ftr
2ftr sz57 => sz51
ftr sz53 => sz51
2cv sz57 => sz51
cv sz61 => sz37
ftr sz35 => sz37
2ftr Yun => FIC
ftr Kwa => FICMobilize
IC in FICCollect: 41 + 2 saved = 43
ic in fic… hmmm,… HMMMM,… HMMMMMMMMMM.
i dun like that…england 1
bb, cv, dd… spend $42, save $2combat
norway ( )
inf england via trn sz2 > sz3sz6 (ca)
ftr, bmb englandsz5 (trn)
ftr englanddice…
ftr @ 3, bmb @ 4
Rolls: 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 21@3: (3)1@4: (2)
ca @ 3
Rolls: 1@3; Total Hits: 11@3: (1)
ca killed, sub remains… ftr lost
inf, rtl australia board trn sz41 > sz43
inf trans-jordan > persia
3 inf, rtl, aa india > persia
inf burma > india
2 inf south africa > rhodesia
dd, trn sz 9 > sz2 … arm eastern canada > england
inf western canada > western us
ftr sz5 > sz3
bmb sz6 > englanddeployment
bb, cv, dd > sz3collect
$35 + $2 saved = $37moving along at a nice little clip here… i better slow down and pay attention. as if that will matter… but it sounds good and i can use it as an excuse… :wink:
moving along at a nice little clip here… i better slow down and pay attention. as if that will matter… but it sounds good and i can use it as an excuse… :wink:
actually, the faster the clip, the more I mess up too 8-)
Trj twol
ftr Trj => Egy
arm Blk => Epl
2inf Blk => Bul
arm Ita => Bul
cru sz14 => sz15Mobilize
2inf art in FraCollect: 21
whew! those guys didn’t mess around… didn’t want the cannelloni gettin’ cold!
us/china 1*
cv, dd, ca, ss… spend $40
*2 infcombat
none*kiangsu ( )
inf fukiennoncombat
cv, dd, ftr sz44 > sz56
ftr hawaii > sz56
ftr w us > sz56
ftr e us > sz56
bmb e us > w us
inf c us > w us
inf alaska > w canada
dd, trn sz10 > sz9
inf, rtl e us > e canada
cv, ss > sz56
dd, ca > sz10
*2 inf > chinghaicollect
$38 + $10 (NO) = $48 -
whew! those guys didn’t mess around… didn’t want the cannelloni gettin’ cold!
so unlike the Italians too! :lol:
Ger2-Buy: bmr, 5 inf, 4 arm…save 0
1. bmr Lib => sz9 dd
2. 2inf ftr Fin => Nwy inf
3. 2inf Fin/art Bst => Kar inf
4. arm Egy => Sud => Cng
5. arm Egy => Sud => Eaf
6. art Egy => Madsz9 1st hit
Rolls: 10@4; Total Hits: 610@4: (1, 2, 4, 2, 6, 5, 5, 1, 4, 5)
Rolls: 10@2; Total Hits: 210@2: (3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 1, 6, 6, 1, 3)
Kar twol
bmr sz9 => Lib
inf Alg => Lib
ftr Alg => Ger
ftr Lib => Ger
ftr Nwy => Ger
inf art 4arm Ukr => Epl
3inf Pol => Bst
5arm Ger => Bst
sub sz6 => sz12Mobilize
bmr 5inf 4arm in GerCollect: 58
boy, i can tell i haven’t played this in a while… bumbling and stumbling. sincerest apologies to the families of those GIs and naval forces disastrously killed off novia scotia. just not paying attention…
russia 2
7 inf, rtl, arm… spend $30, save $1combat
ukraine ( )
inf e ukrainemanchuria ( )
inf buryatiakarelia (2 inf, rtl)
3 inf, rtl archangeldice…
2 inf @ 1, inf/rtl @ 2
Rolls: 2@1 2@2; Total Hits: 22@1: (5, 1)2@2: (5, 1)
2 inf/rtl @ 2
Rolls: 3@2; Total Hits: 13@2: (2, 5, 5)
we’ll stop… no need to get those guys killed just yet. soon enough, i fear…
retreat 2 inf, rtl > archangel
ss sz2 > sz12
3 inf russia > belorussia
inf russia > e ukraine
2 inf caucasus > e ukraine
inf novosibirsk > chinghai
inf evenki > novosibirsk
4 inf yakut > evenki
2 inf buryatia > stanovoj
3 inf caucasus > russiadeployment
3 inf > caucasus
4 inf, rtl, arm > russiacollect
$31 + $1 saved = $32