I will use D6. All infantry will attack at a 1 and defend at a 2. All armored tanks will attack at a 3 and defend at a 2. Here are the ship stats.
Federation- Battleship Class, Soveriegn, Attack 4 Defend 4. Heavy Cruiser Class, Akira, Attack 4 Defend 3. Destroyer Class, Defiant, Attack 3 Defend 3 (Due to its heavy armored hull). Marine Carrier Class (Carries 2 infantry or one armor) , Iwo Jima, Attack 1 Defend 1.
Dominion- Battleship Class, (Due to this vessel’s unique ability to carry fighters, this vessel may carry two Dominion destroyers) , Dominion Warship, Attack 5 (Due to its superior firepower) Defend 4, Heavy Cruiser Class, Alpha Attack Ship, Attack 4 Defend 3, Destroyer Class, Attack Ship, Attack 3 Defend 2, Marine Carrier Class, Dominion Troop Transport (If you know where to get schematics please tell me!) , Attack 1 Defend 1.
Cardassian Union- Battleship Class, Keldon, Attack 4 Defend 4, Heavy Cruiser Class, Galor, Attack 4 Defend 3, Destroyer Class, Hideki, Attack 3, Defend 2, Marine Carrier Class, Janissary, Attack 1 Defend 1.
Klingon Empire- Battleship Class, Negh’Var, Attack 4 Defend 4, Heavy Cruiser Class, Vor’Cha, Attack 4 Defend 3, Destroyer Class, K’Ral, Attack 3 Defend 2, Marine Carrier Class, Chava’kal, Attack 1 Defend 1 (Can carry 3 infantry or one armor due to the superiority of the Klingon Marine Corps.)
Romulan Star Empire- Battleship Class, D’Deridex Heavy Warbird, Attack 4 Defend 5 (Due to its superior armor) , Heavy Cruiser Class, Griffin, Attack 3 Defend 4 (It sacrificed maneuverability over firepower) , Destroyer Class, Shrike, Attack 3 Defend 2, Marine Carrier Class, Kestrel, Attack 1 Defend 1.
Breen Confederacy- Battleship Class, Breen Warship, Attack 5 Defend 4 (Due to the superiority of Breen weaponry) Heavy Cruiser Class, the Breen Navy did not have or did not use heavy cruisers in the Dominion War, Destroyer Class, Breen Destroyer, Attack 3 Defend 3 (Due to the superiority of Breen weaponry) , Marine Carrier Class, Breen Troop Transport (Again, if you have the schematics please show me where to find them, thanks) , Attack 1 Defend 1.
Ferengi Alliance- Battleship Class, Marauder, Attack 4 Defend 4, Heavy Cruiser Class, the Ferengi Navy never issued a heavy cruiser class vessel for its fleet, Destroyer, Tokom, Attack 3 Defend 2, Marine Carrier Class Vessel (Again, if you have the schematics please show me where to find them as soon as possible, thanks) , Attack 1 Defend 1.
Bajoran Militia- I am still considering making Bajor and New Bajor part of the Federation since the only navy the Bajoran Militia has is two destroyers and one marine carrier. Its army only consists of 4 infantry, one armor, and also an industrial complex for the industrial part of the game. Plus, it only starts the game with 11 I.P.C.'s, Bajor-6, New Bajor-5. I’ll keep you posted.
Tholian Assembly- I am considering taking the Tholians out of the game because none of their ships have really ever been seen, unless you know of schematics or times that they have been seen. If you have any thoughts on this please speak out.
Starbases will also be involved in the game. Since they have no maneuver capability, they will defend at a 5. Examples of where starbases will be placed are one on Earth (Federation capital) , and one on Deep Space Nine (A major outpost for the Federation, and also a heavily armed and armored facility :D ).
Well, there you have it. I still have a lot of work to do. Since I can’t really find any workable pieces to use, I’m having to make my own paper pieces and I’m really not the best artist in the world :-? . So, I could really use any help possible. Again, if you have any questions or thoughts please tell me of them as soon as possible. I apologize for any spelling errors.