• 2007 AAR League

    Hey, thanks for all of the tips. I will give the Romulans two capitals and no one else more than one. However, thanks waraxis for reminding me about the Tellarites :wink: . I will be adding their territory. Ten I.P.C.'s should do it, don’t you think?

    Also, E.G., I must disagree with your comment about the Federation only worrying about the defense of Earth, even though Betazed is not one of the Federation’s capitals, it is a major planet, and was taken by the Dominion. Plus, I believe increased patrols occured in all Federation capitals and major planets.

    I don’t know about making the Federation having to research some of their most powerful ships. Plus, Ambassador classes, although used partly in the war, were decommisioned, I believe, when the Galaxy-class was introduced.

    Also, I’m not real sure about the DS9 rule that you mentioned. One of the great things about Axis and Allies, at least this is what I think, is that you can change history. The DS9 rule would take this away from the game.

    Waraxis, I think I’ve come up with a good way for the Tholians to come into the game. If a non-neutral power (UFP, Dominion, Cardassians, Klingons) succesfully influence them with a spy, they provide all of their income, which would be 22 I.P.C.'s, to the power that succesfully influenced them. The Tholians will have no military so therefore cannot be invaded. The Orions will not play a part in the game because they were just space pirates, not a major power.

    Also, maybe an expansion that includes a general war :lol: . I don’t know about the torpedo rule, but maybe if an attacker or cloacked ship retreats, its defense is reduced by one and a starbase must repair it. Let me know what you think and thanks for your ideas, interest, and compliments.

  • @UKcommander:

    Also, E.G., I must disagree with your comment about the Federation only worrying about the defense of Earth, even though Betazed is not one of the Federation’s capitals, it is a major planet, and was taken by the Dominion. Plus, I believe increased patrols occured in all Federation capitals and major planets.

    I don’t know about making the Federation having to research some of their most powerful ships. Plus, Ambassador classes, although used partly in the war, were decommisioned, I believe, when the Galaxy-class was introduced.

    Also, I’m not real sure about the DS9 rule that you mentioned. One of the great things about Axis and Allies, at least this is what I think, is that you can change history. The DS9 rule would take this away from the game.

    Yet when the Federation ws going to liberate DS9 Starfleet Command only mentioned the defence of Earth as a concern and not any other planet. This is not to say that the other planets are not important, it is just that since Eart hsi the capital of the Federation it is the most pivital planet for the Federation to hold.

    True, you can change history, but even Axis & Allies has some historical realism to it. This rule would simply make DS9 an important base to hold. You can also make the rule expire if the Federation liberates DS9. Therefor, if the Dominion re-take the station again, the rule no longer applies. You could also make the time limit rather large to allow the Federation a bit of breathing room.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Hey, sorry I haven’t been on for awhile. I just don’t like the DS9 rule. I am thinking about adding mines as a special weapon, or maybe minelayer ships. So if the Federation wanted to mine the DS9 sector, they can. Same goes for any power in any territory. I was thinking of having the mines acting as AA guns. If you role a 1, one enemy vessel is destroyed. In my opinion, 10 I.P.C.'s and the only way between the Alpha and Gamma Quadrants makes this sector important enough.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Anyone seen waraxis lately?

  • 2007 AAR League

    The Federation and Dominion playing pieces are now complete. The Cardassian, Romulan, Klingon, Breen, and the Ferengi have yet to be completed. Also, I have decided to make the Romulans and Breen non-neutral powers because I recently discovered that they entered the war sooner than I thought. Any thoughts on this?

  • after so many turns will the cardassians defect against the gemhedar as they did in the series, such as if that alliance does not have a certain number of points by a certain length of the game.

  • Moderator

    this is like a nuke-the-world scenario :wink:

  • 2007 AAR League

    If the Cardassian income goes to 13 or below then the Cardassian forces will switch sides. Thanks for reminding me of this tmz, or I would have forgotten it. In case you were wondering the Cardassian Union starts out with a total income of 43 I.P.C.'s. GG, what is a nuke-the-world scenario? Thanks for all the feedback and updates will continue to come :D .

  • 2007 AAR League

    The Cardassian units are coming along nicely. I should have them done soon but not today since today’s Sunday. The Hideki’s, and marine carriers still need to be made plus the armored tanks.

    Since I’m now including the Romulans and Breen as major powers at the beginning of the game, how about starting the game in 2374, thereby giving the Dominion control over DS9. Any thoughts on this? Thanks :D .

  • Moderator

    are you going to semi re-design the board???

  • UKcommander I would add Orion’s as pirates, Just don’t give them a large fleet. Also don’t allow anybody to attack their home base. In Star Trek nobody could ever really prove that the some Orions were pirates but everybody had a feeling. Besides the Orions were always great at playing sides off each in public while supporting one side in secret. If you add the Orions give at least half thier ships cloaking devices.

    As for the Tholians I would make them a minor power but also give them a decent fleet but maybe have their ship production very small thus making it hard for them to rebuild. If money causes you problems with making your game then by all means forget the Tholians and just make them a money addation to who ever controls them. If your cash flow is real bad then cut the Orions as well.

    If I had the money for this project I would make forces for both. That’s just me of course. Sorry about the late response.

  • 2007 AAR League

    I’m not going to do much else except add the Gorn and take away the Tholians. Sorry waraxis but no Orions either. I think the game should just be left the way it is at this point. Hopefully I’ll get some work done on it this weekend, but no new updates right now.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Just keeping the post alive right now. Still no updates, been really busy lately. Hard to find time. I’ll keep this post updated as much as I can.

  • 2007 AAR League

    The Cardassian pieces are complete and I’m hoping to make some headway on the Klingon pieces today.

    I’ve decided to add the Bajor(6) and New Bajor(5 I.P.C.'s) territories to the Federation. Also, I’ve decided to let the Tholians remain in the game and I’m reconsidering the Gorn being in the game.

    What are your thoughts on this: If the Tholians are attacked or fully influenced by a power they just provide economic income instead of becoming militarily involved in the game. It just seems really hard to come up with any good Tholian pieces. I would love to hear your guys’ thoughts on these ideas. God Bless.

  • here are counters , data sheets and soon the map to star trek dominion war for A&A


  • Woah, this is an interesting thread albeit originally a very old thread. Was there any more work done on this?

    I’ll post an article on the website about this if I can get all the rules, etc.

  • LGTI MicroMachines made soft plastic minis of TNG-era Federation, Klingon, Romulan, Ferengi and Cardassian ships. The company went under in 1998, but they’re still availible on Ebay.

    Star Fleet Battles may be somewhat ancient, but it’s most certainly still about, courtesy of Amarillo Design Bureau Inc. They produce a very extensive range of starship minis including TOS-era Federation, Klingons, Romulans, Orions, Tholians and Gorns.

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