Hey, thanks for all of the tips. I will give the Romulans two capitals and no one else more than one. However, thanks waraxis for reminding me about the Tellarites :wink: . I will be adding their territory. Ten I.P.C.'s should do it, don’t you think?
Also, E.G., I must disagree with your comment about the Federation only worrying about the defense of Earth, even though Betazed is not one of the Federation’s capitals, it is a major planet, and was taken by the Dominion. Plus, I believe increased patrols occured in all Federation capitals and major planets.
I don’t know about making the Federation having to research some of their most powerful ships. Plus, Ambassador classes, although used partly in the war, were decommisioned, I believe, when the Galaxy-class was introduced.
Also, I’m not real sure about the DS9 rule that you mentioned. One of the great things about Axis and Allies, at least this is what I think, is that you can change history. The DS9 rule would take this away from the game.
Waraxis, I think I’ve come up with a good way for the Tholians to come into the game. If a non-neutral power (UFP, Dominion, Cardassians, Klingons) succesfully influence them with a spy, they provide all of their income, which would be 22 I.P.C.'s, to the power that succesfully influenced them. The Tholians will have no military so therefore cannot be invaded. The Orions will not play a part in the game because they were just space pirates, not a major power.
Also, maybe an expansion that includes a general war :lol: . I don’t know about the torpedo rule, but maybe if an attacker or cloacked ship retreats, its defense is reduced by one and a starbase must repair it. Let me know what you think and thanks for your ideas, interest, and compliments.