• Customizer

    By Summer 1942, the American fleet was decimated - only this time, the carriers were at Pearl, while the battleships were out on manouvers the morning of the attack!

    The islands have been mostly occupied with convoys set u to collect for them and keep the troops on them supplied.


  • Customizer

    The fleet is redeployed to provide cover to the transports as the will now be used to reinforce China and get the situation back under control.

    A small foray into India.  A convoy will need to be set-up to supply the stranded infantry.


  • Customizer

    Setting up to restart the conquest of China.  Lots of Chinese infantry, but nothing some artillery and planes can’t handle.

    The carriers are redeployed to Rabaul to pin the Australians and harass their convoys they just set up.


  • Customizer

    The convoys are drawn on the map using a white board marker (the map is laminated) so they can be erased when not in use, or rerouted to avoid harassment.  Without the transports in the convoy routes, Japan cannot collect for the money, or keep the troops supplied.


  • Customizer

    We got up to Summer 1942 and stopped.  We’ll start again from the beginning since we have a better idea of how to play Japan and China in that crucial first year.  So far, it feels as though China will hold out until Japan has to pull away to occupy the islands and attack the British and Australians.

    The carrier planes should be put to more use against China, but then they will need to be redeployed to the South Pacific along with most of the fleet.  Despite teh huge monetary advantage the US has ($100/turn) because of the long build times for capital ships, it will be 1943 before the US really gets going.

    Of course, we need to play that far to see if it happens that way, but it seems like it should.

  • Customizer

    Coach will print this for you, but I don’t know what he charges.  He can print it on vinyl as well.  I’ll get him to post the cost on his website as well.

  • Customizer

    As for Pacific - it can be played linked to the Europe half.  The map itself is pretty much set - just going to have ANZAC in a diferent colour.  The set-up may undergo some tweaks.  The rules may need some streamlining as well.  Variable is testing for me as well.  Maybe in the fall we’ll have it done.


  • Sponsor '17 TripleA '11 '10

    While I have been unable to devote the time this great game deserves due to other commitments lately, I can tell you all this:

    jim010 has put a ton of work and research into making this game a very accurate representation of the war. The mechanics are complex but straight forward. You will have to divert your thinking from A&A. This is not so much a variant of A&A as it is it’s own creation. The map is very user friendly in its design; you can easily memorize the terrain types and recognize required markings. But for me, between the work I do for Coach and HBG, and the help I’ve been giving djensen on the ‘41 and 42’-2 releases, I’ve been swamped!

    I do hope to get back to this soon. The setups will be thoroughly tested by the time this one’s ready, and the rules are already solid and beautifully laid out in rulebook form.

  • Customizer

    Thanks Variable.

    Midnightexpress, I just contacted Coach.  He can print the map on vinyl for you.

  • Customizer

    Coach will charge $39.95 plus shipping.  He will print it on vinyl.  The size is 28 inches by 44 inches.

  • Sponsor '17 TripleA '11 '10

    Be sure to check out my full review of the Pacific game here:


  • -On page 9 of the rules it is stated that “A naval/air unit can choose to either move, patrol, or perform Strategic Warfare”
    If the naval unit chooses to move, is it still required to return to its home post at the end of the turn or can it use this option to relocate to another port? Or, must a naval unit use RP’s to move to a new port during the Redeployment phase?

  • Customizer

    Relocation can only occur in the Redeployment phase.  Therefore, it must return to its original base.

  • Can warships be added to convoys for protection? If so, how does one go about attacking these convoys and would  this attack be different depending on whether one was using an air or a naval attack?

  • Customizer

    Yes, warships can be added during the Convoy phase. � Anyship you please.

    To attack, there are 2 ways:

    Through Strategic Warfare with a sub or bomber (stage 1 of Combat) or through Naval Combat with any other unit (stage 2 of Combat).

    Bombers and subs always find a convoy, so no need to roll interception. � All other units need to roll to intercept a convoy.  Tac and fighters attack together with ships in regular naval combat.

  • @jim010:

    Yes, warships can be added during the Convoy phase. � Anyship you please.

    To attack, there are 2 ways:

    Through Strategic Warfare with a sub or bomber (stage 1 of Combat) or through Naval Combat with any other unit (stage 2 of Combat).

    Bombers and subs always find a convoy, so no need to roll interception. � All other units need to roll to intercept a convoy.  Tac and fighters attack together with ships in regular naval combat.

    Strategic attack is a single round (I believe) but would the warships escorting the convoy-transports be allowed to fight back against the bombers (I think only destroyers would be allowed to attack the subs).
    On the other hand, if a regular naval attack successfuly intercepted a convoy, would the battle continue until one side or the other was annihilated or retreated. If this is possible and the convoy retreats, to where does it retreat?

  • It seems to me that having the Initiative on a front is actually a disadvantage in naval operations.
    The player moving 2nd can react to the first player’s moves and choose to patrol in the most effective sea zones as well as selecting his own sea routs that avoid patroling enemy fleets.

    Is this assessment correct or have I misunderstood the rules?

  • Customizer



    Yes, warships can be added during the Convoy phase. � Anyship you please.

    To attack, there are 2 ways:

    Through Strategic Warfare with a sub or bomber (stage 1 of Combat) or through Naval Combat with any other unit (stage 2 of Combat).

    Bombers and subs always find a convoy, so no need to roll interception. � All other units need to roll to intercept a convoy.� � Tac and fighters attack together with ships in regular naval combat.

    Strategic attack is a single round (I believe) but would the warships escorting the convoy-transports be allowed to fight back against the bombers (I think only destroyers would be allowed to attack the subs).
    On the other hand, if a regular naval attack successfuly intercepted a convoy, would the battle continue until one side or the other was annihilated or retreated. If this is possible and the convoy retreats, to where does it retreat?

    The convoy can retreat to either port it services.

    You are correct, that only ASW units can hit the subs, and only fighters can hit the bombers.

    In regular naval combat, the fighting keeps going until one side is destroyed or retreats.

  • Customizer


    It seems to me that having the Initiative on a front is actually a disadvantage in naval operations.
    The player moving 2nd can react to the first player’s moves and choose to patrol in the most effective sea zones as well as selecting his own sea routs that avoid patroling enemy fleets.

    Is this assessment correct or have I misunderstood the rules?

    You are correct. With initiative you go first.

    But at sea, you have the responsibilty of realizing your opponent sees your movements and can react to them. You could patrol in areas that barricade his fleet, or set up your movements in a way that he would have to cross a point, or multiple points, of patrolling.

  • How can fighters defend convoys against bomber stategic attacks?
    Do they need to be on board carriers attached to the convoy?
    Can they patrol a sea zone through which the convoy passes?
    If this is possible, will these defending fighters only be able to fight bombers which attempt to intercept a convoy (I believe this interception of the convoy by the bombers is automatic) in the sea zone in which the defending fighters are patrolling?

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