Alpha 3 Allied strategy A FIRST 2 ROUND GAME CHANGER

  • The sealion is rough…. the J4 india crush is rough…this strategy is CONDITIONAL, but it may be an answer to stopping the sealion and/or the india crush.

    round 1 germans, 1 AC 2 TT. Navy kills vary between 109 or 110

    round 1 Russia
    buy 7 mech 3 inf at 37 save nothing
    move to the german front (up to you how) EXCEPT the two mech you start with, move 12 (and AA guns) of your 18 units to sakah the other 6 inf start heading for russia so they can save the day later.
    move the Cruiser to sz 114
    place 3 inf 2 in ukraine 1 in lennigrad the rest of the mech 3 in volgograd the other 4 in russia…
    Collect 37

    Round 1 U.S.A 52
    buy 2 AC one bobmer 1 TT save 1 dollar

    load inf and art to sz 10
    sz10 AC,dd, TT>89
    sz 10 tac and fighter > 101
    two fighters Hawaii>sz 89
    bomber CUS to EUS
    Phillipines fighter>guam
    collect 52 +1 saved total 53

    Round 1 U.K atlantic
    28 buy 9 inf save 1
    do “Nolls” med attack and go to sz 92 leaving a DD as a blocker from italian couter attack and IF POSSIBLE one-three boats in sz 91(2cruisers 1 BB)
    Capture Eire with the one inf from scottland,
    anything else that sticks out take advantage of…
    do what you can follow your plan of attack
    Collect 28 + 5 bonus +1 you saved -possible convoys FOR THE SAKE OF EASY MATH we will say end with 34(no convoy)

    Round 1 U.K Pacific 17
    buy 3 inf 1 art 1 mech save none
    take sumatra +4
    NCM move all avalible units except the planes to burma… and set up the necassary blocks from the jap navy
    RETREAT OUT OF MALAYA you cant hold it anyways
    Collect 21

    ANZAC 10 buy 1 inf 1 transport

    capture JAVA

    Move out of malaya and move your fighter from queensland to shan state(which should have four inf there maybe more)

    Round 1 French
    do what you can move your navy to U.K navies and move that one african toward Union of South Africa.

    ROUND 2 This round is now completely condtional based off the axis. We will assume germans bought 10 transports for the sake argument

    Round 2 Russians 37 buy what you feel is correct for the situation.
    Fight JAPAN? up north with the 12 dudes
    move to japan border up North with 12 dudes?
    move the now 9 mech inf to Kazakhstan
    Rest up to you (probably move to take a german territory (Finland or any of the 3 border territories CONDITIONAL!)
    Collect 35-37

    JAPAN 2-3; THIS IS WHERE ALL IS DECIDED FOR ALLIES TURN 3. If war is declared, we will be assuming a J4 india crush, these 9 mech inf sitting on Kazak must then move to east persia round 3, this will stop the J4 crush and save india.

    Round 2 U.S.A 53
    buy 3 bombers 2 trannies 1 inf save none
    THIS MOVE IS ENTIRELY DEPENDENT ON IF JAPAN HAS DECLARED WAR AND IF GERMANY BOUGHT 10 TT’s for the sake of argument they have NOT DECLARED WAR and Germany bought 10 Trannies!!!
    According to the rules i can “Patrol” sz 102 but cannot move transports.
    this being said I will move 3 fully loaded carriers to SZ 102 thats 5 fighters 1 tact these can now fly 3 and reach sz 110 and land in sz 103
    I place the three new bombers into EUS that is now 5 bombers in EUS.
    2 trannies placed in 101
    1 inf CUS

    this move combinded with the UK round 1 capture of eire allows you to kill the german Navy, the only way for the germans to survive is to buy more boats(which aren’t helping you sack russia any faster)

    Round 2 U.K Atlantic 34(for the sake of argument)
    buy 10 inf 1 art save none
    kill what you can
    move out of egypt and move into africa kill whatever amount of italians are in anglo egypt
    you will lose egypt, but save africa (hopefully)
    move a boat to 110 to stop bombardments(if he moved to 110) kill his 10 transports he probably only has 3 fighters defending. meaning (with a 2 brittish AC purchase) you can hit those transports with 4 fighters and a bomber.
    edited in 1/9/12: you can aslo move assuming your opponent hit 109 round1 1 AC 3crusies and 1 BB to sz 110 on this turn 2 shorebombardment block and scramble if the germans dont take this serously
    Place 10 inf U.K, 1 art africa
    Collect well it doesn’t matter you are probably going to lose your capital.
    ALSO IF YOU WANT you pick one inf/aa gun off malta unload the aa gun to africa and load 1 french inf onto your med transport then move that transport on round two to get 2 more inf two the grand defense of the U.K

    The rest is up to you… but at least now you have a game.

    so if all goes well.
    you saved india. you have killed the german navy. and have held the south africa complex meaning the U.K atlantic has an economy after they are liberated.

    Leaving the american boats in the pacific is up to you can bring them to the atlantic, but I prefer not to start from scratch.

    Also the moves in this post are a rough draft of what you can do, what you actually do, like I said, is conditional to how dice goes and how your individual opponent plays.

    round 3-END is up to you to decide and is also difficult to predict.

    side note if this has been done i am sorry i only have played f2f

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    how exactly again do the russians get into east Persia? BEFORE war is declared on the europe board?

  • @Gargantua:

    how exactly again do the russians get into east Persia? BEFORE war is declared on the europe board?

    Round 3 you lose London, Europe goes to war… you move as russia to east persia.  thats exactly how.

    Now I did say this was conditional…
    you would be implying the germans don’t take london at there favored battle and they don’t go to war with russia.
    or you would be implying germany is sitting there then.

    other wise Russia can’t move to persia. from my understanding of the rules even if round one you take persia via west india u.k inf(who returns to india round 3) russia cannot go to persia because it is printed on the “alantic side of the map”…

    So I guess the only question would be is if japan does the turn 2 attack and germany Sits there/fails at london. can russia move into persia since it was taken by a pacific britt and russia can declare war on japan?

    EVEN SO germany is screwed because U.S.A is in the war because Japan had to declare war to go for India… so really EXACTLY how CAN’T you move to persia if the axis are serious about victory.

  • 2024 '13

    Germany will probably take Scotland & Eire leaving no landing spot for the US strats.  Although this will mean 4 less troops for the London attack.

  • @BombsAway:

    Germany will probably take Scotland & Eire leaving no landing spot for the US strats.  Although this will mean 4 less troops for the London attack.

    you have just lowered the odds of taking england to a 60% that means you are losing an ass ton of planes just to take it.
    and that is with a battle calc that doesn’t take the aa guns as casualties. so it is probably around a 55% attack. i’ll take that over 90+%

    and thanks for killing off your airforce!

  • copper, would a mixed tanks (2) and mechs (4) force work as well in India instead of 7 mechs so you have more counter punch options to help China/UK later?

  • @Jeff28:

    copper, would a mixed tanks (2) and mechs (4) force work as well in India instead of 7 mechs so you have more counter punch options to help China/UK later?

    yep according to the calc it changes the results only slightly…and i like it becase IF the germans don’t bring russia into war round 3 and the japs are going for a round 4 take over, i can take india back with russia’s 6mech and two tanks, and the japs will have lost a decent amount of planes trying to take india without the russians there…add the russians there, the japs don’t win.

    good call jeff with the slight quantity to quality change, to make it an overall better move.

  • @BombsAway:

    Germany will probably take Scotland & Eire leaving no landing spot for the US strats.  Although this will mean 4 less troops for the London attack.

    also from sz 91 you can move 1 crusier to sz 119 and from 92 you can reach 110 thus stoping the germans from taking erie at all….like i said conditional…are you in 91 with brits? did your opponent leave your bb and cruiser alive in 110 round 1.

    but as i layed it out you can block sz 119 and sz110

  • 2024 '13

    It’s hard to be specific, as there numerous tactical possibilties surrounding sea lion.  I feel it would be very difficult to block a German amphib into Scotland & Eire rnd 3.  However, if odds of taking London drop to ~ %55 it would put Germany in a precarious position.

  • As Russia I declare war on Japan on turn 1 and send the tank and mech from volgorod to china. I take the tac & fighter to Szechwan as well. Now the tank, mech, and tac & ftr are now protecting china and in position to attack Japan. I believe it takes three turns for the tank and mech to get to India this way and the tac and fighter 2 turns.

  • @TheOne:

    As Russia I declare war on Japan on turn 1 and send the tank and mech from volgorod to china. I take the tac & fighter to Szechwan as well. Now the tank, mech, and tac & ftr are now protecting china and in position to attack Japan. I believe it takes three turns for the tank and mech to get to India this way and the tac and fighter 2 turns.

    its been a while since you posted this, have you tested this? just wanna hear how well your turn one war with japan is going.

  • Have you thought about how much Germany would have to divert away from their attack on London if you were to put the bomber and a couple infantry on Eireland, and 3 of your fighters on Scotland?  How many air units it would take for them to cover the transports going in through z110 and z109, and how many land units would it take to get both Eireland and Scotland if they don’t scramble?  If you do this little maneuver of putting a couple units in Eireland and 3 fighters in Scotland, they CAN NOT take London and both landing spots.  So the airstrike will work.

    The trouble with it though, is what happens if Japan does not go for India, but goes for Hawaii and Sydney instead?

  • @Vance:

    Have you thought about how much Germany would have to divert away from their attack on London if you were to put the bomber and a couple infantry on Eireland, and 3 of your fighters on Scotland?  How many air units it would take for them to cover the transports going in through z110 and z109, and how many land units would it take to get both Eireland and Scotland if they don’t scramble?  If you do this little maneuver of putting a couple units in Eireland and 3 fighters in Scotland, they CAN NOT take London and both landing spots.  So the airstrike will work.

    The trouble with it though, is what happens if Japan does not go for India, but goes for Hawaii and Sydney instead?  Â

    That would undoubtedly work in killing the navy, but I feel by moving that many units off of London it may end up causing Germany to just hit London with max force and possibly cause them to hold the u.k capital so long that japan will win on their side of the map.

    With the current strategy I laid out you can take back London (if it falls) and cut that German navy down. Allowing America to spend its money in the pacific and prevent a Hawaii capture and hold.
    I like on U.K turn 2, moving one boat to sz119 and the rest (the med boats) to sz110 pulling German units away from taking London and putting them in the SZ…
    That being said have you played a game with this U.K strategy you just laid out? And is it successful? Because I do get it that it undoubtedly kills the German navy and secures the Russian northern front allowing a capture of Finland and Norway but does the U.K get their capital back at a reasonable round so that you can still fight the japs?

  • @Vance:

    The trouble with it though, is what happens if Japan does not go for India, but goes for Hawaii and Sydney instead?

    You ever seen Japan win on the Pacific map without taking out India?

  • @Spendo02:


    The trouble with it though, is what happens if Japan does not go for India, but goes for Hawaii and Sydney instead?

    You ever seen Japan win on the Pacific map without taking out India?

    Sydney + Haw, check my game against bombsaway.

  • Strategy should be simple: send every units possible to London, dont try anything fishy ;)
    And send Australian fighters to India. (possible russians fighters if that will make the big difference)

    And buy some art if you expect germany going to Scotland, when they do you hit them hard for a round or 2 (but dont win, just do damage)

  • @ErwinRommel:

    Strategy should be simple: send every units possible to London, dont try anything fishy ;)
    And send Australian fighters to India. (possible russians fighters if that will make the big difference)

    And buy some art if you expect germany going to Scotland, when they do you hit them hard for a round or 2 (but dont win, just do damage)

    A simple post leads to the question of how….the length of the post is to explain how.

    I can do simple and vague.

    all units London and surrounding sz, kill German navy, reinforce India with a few Russians, save Africa, and use the Anzac as effectively as possible.

    Thank you for the productive post

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