cool one last pitch then Nakajima Ki-43 Hayabusa. for those who think it looks like the zeke.
the Hayabusa.
the Zero.
the way to tell differences between the 2 fighters are the cockpit, and the wings. the Oscars Cockpit is smaller and shaped more like a Bubble than the Zeros. maybe the cockpit would be to hard to see in such a small scale
but the shape of the wings will be a lot different that you would be able to tell the difference in such a small scale. it looks triangular here is another picture to show
even at a small scale you still would be able to tell the difference with the shape of the wings.
the main reason i really want to see the Oscar included is that it was an iconic fighter for japan it actually was in use in 1939, so it fits the “Early war fighter” perfectly. they were also used for the kamikaze attacks toward the end of the war.
As for the late war fighters. the 2 arguments are impact vs quality
Ki-84 Hayate/Frank was considered the Japaneses best fighter through out most of the war. plus it was the 3rd most produced fighter behind only the Zero and the Oscar. the fighter was already known to be great to counter the newer allied fighters and was known to go toe to toe with Mustangs. so with the combination of being 3rd on the list of being produced AND being a beast of a fighter this would still be my first choice.
but if it was about just the quality of the fighter i would still be OK with the Ki-100. appearance wise would be kinda compromise between those of us who like the tony and those of us that like the frank.
this is the frank
the tony
and finally the Ki-100
this is a paragraph from wiki to describe the abilities of the KI-100 against the then greatest fighter for japan the KI-84, and i know wiki isn’t truth but yeah
“During March and April 1945 experienced instructors from the Akeno Army Flying School flew the Ki-100 in extensive tests against the Ki-84(Frank), which was considered to be the best of the JAAF fighters then in operational service. Their conclusions were that, given pilots of equal experience, the Ki-100 would always win in combat.”
so there my last push for these fighters, an again i respect every one else’s opinion on this matter its just i love ww2 fighters and its the piece i collect the most out of all A&A pieces, and i just need to express my opinion on why i would love to see these pieces produced.
thanks for reading