I wasn’t saying that your idea was bad.
But yes, that makes sense.
How about letting neutrals defend their country on 3 instead of 2?
edit: so basically a ‘new’ unit: True Neutral Inf: attack 0, defense 3 movement 0. When annexed turns into regular INF.
but that only works when turned true neutrals become instantly activated, of course.
Wait, we’re locked into 1C still, right? It won the vote and I believe that was determined as done and over. We’re just talking about added units and whether or not there should be any and if so, how those added units are, right?
Jim, you raise a good point on Sweeden.
However, keep in mind that America’s not going to be attacking S. America. Why? 1) They lose their 10 IPC sovereignty NO negating any benefit of attacking S. American territories income wise. 2) They allow the Axis to land in S. America and annex territories. 3) There is no utility for America by taking Chile, Venezuela or Argentina (and defeinitly not the no ipc, no army territories!)
Lastly, Germany can already attack Turkey and crush the 8 Infantry there. Why is adding 2 Infantry and an AA Gun to Turkey going to make that bad - is it not enough?
It sounds like you think US won’t attack any true neutrals because of the loss of a 10 ipc NO. I don’t like that but it can be adjusted after play testing if it turns out the US is out of the picture.
I have Turkey with an aa gun, a ftr and an atry I think, perhaps a tank. I also added Turkish fleet units so that if Germany takes Turkey, Russia gets a fleet to help defend the Black Sea. IF Russia attacks Turkey Germany gets some ships in the Black sea to compensate.
Also don’t get confused by how this works, you attack a neutral, and the rest of the block turns immediatly. No ‘pro-axis’ or ‘pro-allied’. That is because as you point out US can attack Colombia and if the rest turns pro-axis…well Axis won’t be ever getting near SAmerica again.
Current Neutral Blocks Proposal.
Neutral Blocks
SAmerica- all territories in Samerica minus Brazil.
Middle East-Turkey, Arabia, Afghanistan
Iberia and Colonies-Portugal, Spain,switzerland and all African neutral territories including Liberia and Sierra Leone.
Mongolia is removed from the ‘strict neutral’ camp and is added to the Japanese/Russia non-aggression pact. If Russia attacks Japan, Mongolia remains neutral all game. If Japan attacks Russia Mongolia immediately joins Russia, replace Mongolian troops with Russians and place control markers on Mongolian territories.
Sweden is removed from the ‘strict neutral’ camp. It is now tied to the German NO for Swedish iron ore. So long as Denmark and the Baltic Sea is free of allied units or control Germany collects a 5 ipc NO. While Germany and Russia are neutral they do not block this convoy route, however once at war it can be blockaded by any ship, including subs or trns. If Russia controls both Finland and Norway then Sweden will join the Axis at the beginning of Germany’s next turn. Replace units with Germans.
Amended Force Pools for Neutrals
these units are in addition to the printed on infantry numbers located on the gameboard
Argentina) 1 aa gun, 1 artillery
Venezuela)1 artillery
Chile)1 artillery
sz65)1 dd
sz66)1 dd 1 CA
Turkey)2 artillery 1 armor 1 fighter
Arabia)1 fighter
sz100)1 dd 1 CA
Spain)1 aa gun, 1 fighter, 1 armor 1 artillery
Liberia)1 dd 1 sub
Mozambique)-1 artillery
Angola)- 1artillery 1 armor
sz91)1 dd
sz92)1 dd 1 CA 1 sub
Sweden)1 artillery 1 armor 1 fighter
sz114)1 dd 1 CA
When a neutral block is attacked, all other territories within that block immediately join the opposing side. Players choose which power the entire block will join. All units and territories are replaced with the new controlling power and they will collect ipcs for remaining territories in their next collect income phase.
Added Switz to Iberian block, added units to Safrican Neutrals, switched Liberian inf to dd/sub to represent interned Vichy ships. Added units to Turkey and Arabia.
12/4 edited Swedish Iron Ore NO.
12/5 finalizing
Adding this to 1C we get additional rules;
US loses its 10ipc NO for controlling the US if it violates neutrality, this represents costs incurred by the US for setting up banana republics.
An attack by an Axis power on any strict neutral territory while the USA and/or USSR are not yet at war will result in USA and USSR given the option to declare war on any or all Axis powers. This constitutes a provoked declaration of war and therefore would have no other ramifications in regards to other theatres.
If an axis power attacks Turkey when it is a strict neutral and Caucasus is not axis controlled, the Soviet Union preemptively destroys oil production facilities in Azerbaijan as part of its scorched earth policy. Germany may never again collect the 5IPC Caucasus oil NO, even if it controls Caucasus.
Current Neutral Blocks Proposal.
Neutral Blocks
SAmerica- all territories in Samerica minus Brazil.
Middle East-Turkey, Arabia, Afghanistan
Iberia and Colonies-Portugal, Spain,switzerland and all African neutral territories including Liberia and Sierra Leone.Mongolia is removed from the ‘strict neutral’ camp and is added to the Japanese/Russia non-aggression pact. If Russia attacks Japan, Mongolia remains neutral all game. If Japan attacks Russia Mongolia immediately joins Russia, replace Mongolian troops with Russians and place control markers on Mongolian territories.
Because we are using Alpha+2 rules as our foundation for Delta+1, the Mongolian rule must be voted in during a future poll for this to be included.
Sweden is removed from the ‘strict neutral’ camp. It is now tied to the German NO for Swedish iron ore. So long as Denmark is not controlled by the Allies Germany collects a 5 ipc NO. If Russia controls both Finland and Norway then Sweden will join the Axis at the beginning of Germany’s next turn. Replace units with Germans.
I like the idea of Sweden being on its own separate from other blocks, but if Russia uses valuable resources to take Finland and Germany, why reward Germanys failure by automatically giving them Sweden and $3 extra dollars?
My suggestion is, who ever controls both Norway and Finland, controls Sweden and receives the $3 income. That would give Germany a small boost to begin the game after they take Finland. However, It’s up for the taking if the allies want to invest units to take Norway and Finland.
The 6 infantry should only be activated if Sweden is attacked out right by a side that does not control both Norway and Finland already.
BTW…. My rule suggestions only seem complicated because I cover all angles with detail.
Amended Force Pools for Neutrals
Argentina) 1 aa gun, 1 art
Venezuela)1 art
Chile)1 art
sz66)1 dd 1 CA
Turkey)2 art 1 arm 1 ftr
Arabia)1 ftr
sz100)1 dd 1 CA
Spain)1 aa gun, 1 ftr, 1 arm 1 art
Liberia)1 dd 1 sub
Mozambique)-1 art
Angola)- 1art 1 arm.
sz91)1 dd
sz92)1 dd 1 CA 1 sub
Sweden)1 art 1 arm 1 ftr
sz114)1 dd 1 CAYou all know how I feel about force pools, but if you all agree to them, than so be it.
When a neutral block is attacked, all other territories within that block immediately join the opposing side. Players choose which power the entire block will join. All units and territories are replaced with the new controlling power and they will collect ipcs for remaining territories in their next collect income phase.Added Switz to Iberian block, added units to Safrican Neutrals, switched Liberian inf to dd/sub to represent interned Vichy ships. Added units to Turkey and Arabia.
Adding this to 1C we get additional rules;
1. US pays 10 ipcs the first time it violates neutrality as a penalty paid to League of Nations.
2. IF any axis country attacks any neutral country, US and Rus immediately declare war on them.(or whole axis?)
3. If Germ takes Turkey, Russia destroys the Caucasus oil fields, remove that NO. (I don’t like this addition, too many little rules and its very circumstantial.)
I agree with all of the 3 points above, if the Axis take Turkey its only $2, but it allows them to transport troops through the black sea, so I’m OK with taking away their oil NO. However, only as long as there is at least 1 Russian land unit in the Caucasus, to take away the oil NO for the round of and every round after Turkey falls.
Good work Jimmy, we will all discuss your recommendations and try to find a good frame work, my comments are in red.
Lets all please use JimmyHats amended Neutral Blocks suggestion (posted above) as a starting point for future discussions about this rule. We should also consider version 1C, which I have copied here in a post below. What do you like and what don’t you like about the suggestions posted on this page?
NEUTRAL BLOCKS - Version 1c.
A. An attack by any Axis power upon any strict neutral territory within a Neutral Block will result in all strict neutral territories and armies within that Block immediately joining whichever Allied power the Allied side chooses. An attack by any Allied power upon any strict neutral territory within a Neutral Block will result in all strict neutral territories and armies within that Block immediately joining whichever Axis power the Axis side chooses.
An attack by an Axis power on any strict neutral territory while the USA and/or USSR are not yet at war will result in USA and USSR immediately joining the Allies.
So long as Sweden is not controlled by the Allies Germany collects the 5 ipc NO for Swedish iron. If Russia controls both Finland and Norway then Sweden will join the Axis at the beginning of Germany’s next turn.
The Neutral Blocks are:
1. South America (VEN, COL, ECU, PER, BOL, PAR, CHI, ARG, URG)
2. Iberia & Africa (SPA, POR, ANG, MOZ, RDO, PRG, SIE, LIB)
3. Islamic (TURK, SAUD, AFG)
B. If the United States attacks any strict neutral territory, trade sanctions are imposed by the League of Nations for this reckless act of aggression against a neutral nation. USA may never again collect the 10IPC national sovereignty NO, even if it controls Western US, Central US and Eastern US.
C. If an axis power attacks Turkey when it is a strict neutral and Caucasus is not axis controlled, the Soviet Union preemptively destroys oil production facilities in Azerbaijan as part of its scorched earth policy. Germany may never again collect the 5IPC Caucasus oil NO, even if it controls Caucasus.
I think the best of both worlds would be 1C plus Jimmyhat’s force pools.
I would also like to see the Emergency Conscripts idea in poll 5 to resolve the Mongolia/nonagg pact issue, but wait and see how that vote goes (Emergency Conscripts is currently leading).
I think the best of both worlds would be 1C plus Jimmyhat’s force pools.
I would also like to see the Emergency Conscripts idea in poll 5 to resolve the Mongolia/nonagg pact issue, but wait and see how that vote goes (Emergency Conscripts is currently leading).
Thats where I was going. A few issues arose however.
The Swedish Iron ore NO: I was unhappy with the results of linking it directly to Sweden. The allies /have/ to invade sweden to negate the NO then. This IS historical, but made it too hard to disrupt. Then I had the idea of moving the No to Denmark. This is where most of the ore passed through, without control of Denmark a nation could blockade northern Germany and shut off the iron ore. That’s why I moved it to Denmark.
Russian Caucasus NO: This might be a good fix, I think however we shouldn’t require a Rus inf in Caucusus to destroy the oil wells. Germ would probably try and take Turkey with a bit of surprise or trickery, and troops are really not needed for this mission, the citizens living in the area should do just fine.
YG’s Swedish proposal
I like the idea of Sweden being on its own separate from other blocks, but if Russia uses valuable resources to take Finland and Germany, why reward Germanys failure by automatically giving them Sweden and $3 extra dollars?
My suggestion is, who ever controls both Norway and Finland, controls Sweden and receives the $3 income. That would give Germany a small boost to begin the game after they take Finland. However, It’s up for the taking if the allies want to invest units to take Norway and Finland.
The 6 infantry should only be activated if Sweden is attacked out right by a side that does not control both Norway and Finland already.
***Sweden is in a bit of a confusing position. The reason I added that they switch to Germany is to give the allies incentive to invade Norway before the Ruskies get to it. If the western allies can reach Norway, then Sweden can breath easy, if Stalin takes Norway and Finaland, then Sweden declares war on Russia in a final bid to escape communism.
Going by you’re suggestion, most likely Soviets will take all of Scandinavia and then Sweden would fall to their camp. It really is historically accurate to have most countries in Europe fearful of Stalinism, rightly I might add.
Perhaps, however,…… after being under Nazi rule for the first 4 rounds, maybe they would gladly trade Hitler’s ideals for Stalin’s. Besides, I don’t know to many games where the Russians are in a position to take both Finland and Norway.
? Sweden is never under Nazi rule. They are neutral and providing Hitler with Iron Ore. If Germany DOW’s sweden, they will have to defeat sweden’s decently large army and small fleet. Plus considering the chance that Sweden may join Germany if it remains neutral, I think most Axis players are going to leave it be.
Historically Sweden remained Neutral throughout the war, but the SS recruited there and they freely traded with Germany.
EDIT***I also like how sweden is separated from the strict neutrals. Its position in Scandinavia means it is already in the periphery, and like Mongolia the fact that it is surrounded by belligerents means it does not have the freedom to DOW other countries like SAmerica for example. Taking it out of the ‘strict neutral’ camp and any blocks does mean it is vulnerable. Beefing up its military is one solution, but this proposal also adds another solution which gives a ‘bonus’ to the surrounding powerhouses. Germany wants to keep Sweden neutral in the hopes of gaining the Swedish military if the war starts to go against them. Russia wants Scandinavia because it ‘potentially’ receives additional NO money from it. UK/US are also vested in Scandinavia, if they can capture Norway before the Reds, Sweden will remain Neutral.
I would also like to see the Emergency Conscripts idea in poll 5 to resolve the Mongolia/nonagg pact issue, but wait and see how that vote goes (Emergency Conscripts is currently leading).
I didn’t vote for this because I don’t really understand it. It seems to be similar to the 12ipc rule from A2 in that either side can receive troops. This is different because in my version only Russia can receive Mongolia. Not sure Japan needs the troops, I feel the Axis win by pressing Russia, and that will mean either attacking through Siberia or through the back of China, but either way Japan will be the aggressor. That being said, I realize my strategy might not be best for everyone and having multiple options is FANTASTIC. If my Mongolia idea isn’t used, a solution will have to be made for Mongolia in the neutral blocks.
I also will add that having Mongolia as a deciding factor between Russia/Japan aggression is historical, uses the ‘on game board’ information, and is very similar to A3’s Mongolia rule just less cluttered.
Something about the whole Sweden solution still feels very wrong to me.
Isn’t it better to make Sweden an absolute neutral? (not invadable) and change the NO to (for example) an Allies-free Baltic Sea? (abit like the italian Med NO), or possibly that + Axis ownership of Norway.
By the way, Sweden didn’t have that much of an army, i think…
Edit: or just add it to the Iberian block? I don’t see a problem when that would be the case (at least not right away)
Edit 2: abit insane idea: let Sweden chose the side of the richest side: count Allied and Axis combined income and once it goes over a certain amount, Sweden (and Switzerland?) will join that side. Economic opportunism!
just thinking out loud ;)
Something about the whole Sweden solution still feels very wrong to me.
Isn’t it better to make Sweden an absolute neutral? (not invadable) and change the NO to (for example) an Allies-free Baltic Sea? (abit like the italian Med NO), or possibly that + Axis ownership of Norway.
By the way, Sweden didn’t have that much of an army, i think…
Edit: or just add it to the Iberian block? I don’t see a problem when that would be the case (at least not right away)
Edit 2: abit insane idea: let Sweden chose the side of the richest side: count Allied and Axis combined income and once it goes over a certain amount, Sweden (and Switzerland?) will join that side. Economic opportunism!
I like this a lot, but I would change the NO to $5 for control of the Denmark straight. If it were for no allied ships in the Baltic, Germany wouldn’t be able to collect it until they have dealt with the Russian cruiser and sub (not fair IMO). I would (like SF said) make Sweden a special Neutral that is uninvadvable as well as Switzerland.
Something about the whole Sweden solution still feels very wrong to me.
Isn’t it better to make Sweden an absolute neutral? (not invadable) and change the NO to (for example) an Allies-free Baltic Sea? (abit like the italian Med NO), or possibly that + Axis ownership of Norway.
By the way, Sweden didn’t have that much of an army, i think…
Edit: or just add it to the Iberian block? I don’t see a problem when that would be the case (at least not right away)
Edit 2: abit insane idea: let Sweden chose the side of the richest side: count Allied and Axis combined income and once it goes over a certain amount, Sweden (and Switzerland?) will join that side. Economic opportunism!
I like this a lot, but I would change the NO to $5 for control of the Denmark straight. If it were for no allied ships in the Baltic, Germany wouldn’t be able to collect it until they have dealt with the Russian cruiser and sub (not fair IMO). I would (like SF said) make Sweden a special Neutral that is uninvadvable as well as Switzerland.
Well… as long as they are not at war, Russia isn’t an Ally and doesn’t disturb that NO, i think.
Still, control of Denmark straight sounds good as well.
(possible option in case Denmark sounds too easy: control over Denmark + no enemy ships in SZ112 and 113. Dunno… better keep it simple, i guess)
You are right about the Russian boats (tu-shay). I really like your idea about the NO for control of the straight + no allied boats in the Baltic… and here’s why…
I had a game yesterday where Germany and Russia were beating the hell out of each other and the Russian ships were ignored (very unrealistic). Germany could be forced to purchase a destroyer in order to get rid of the sub… I’m going to suggest it and call it both of ours (look for it in the Delta thread).
You are right about the Russian boats (tu-shay). I really like your idea about the NO for control of the straight + no allied boats in the Baltic… and here’s why…
I had a game yesterday where Germany and Russia were beating the hell out of each other and the Russian ships were ignored (very unrealistic). Germany could be forced to purchase a destroyer in order to get rid of the sub… I’m going to suggest it and call it both of ours (look for it in the Delta thread).
Great :)
true, I also have seen a game like that. Germany had their fleet run to the Med and they left the BB alone. This ship wouldn’t just sit by, he’d convoy raid!
I’ve thought alot about which territory to link to the NO. Norway I don’t like. It already has a convoy zone, and isn’t where the resources are from. It is the port where the iron is shipped out in the winter months, but that is because there is a rail line that facilitates this, however the ore could have also been transported directly to Stockholm.
Sweden was another option, it being where the ore is coming from originally. This proves rather hard for the allies to disrupt, and here I agree with Jenn that NO’s should be able to be disrupted.
Denmark seems the most logical because the islands provide a choke point for shipping, control of this area will negate any ore shipments along the entire North Sea and Skaggerat. If you hold Denmark then shipping from Norway cannot even reach Germany.
I like this addition of no allied ships in the baltic plus German control of Denmark. This allows Rus to place a ship if possible to disrupt it. I would say all ships, included subs must be clear of the baltic.
I’m just worried about requiring Germany to buy a destroyer to get the NO. Germany does not start with a destroyer, this would be a unit they must purchase and that seems a bit harsh.
We could, of course, fix both Sea Lion AND the destroyer problem by turning a Tactical Bomber into an Infantry in W. Germany and a Destroyer in SZ 113 and now, Germany does not have to purchase any specific units to accomplish it’s NO.
Also, the Russian ships should not prevent the NO if Russia and Germany are at peace.
Something about the whole Sweden solution still feels very wrong to me.
Isn’t it better to make Sweden an absolute neutral? (not invadable) and change the NO to (for example) an Allies-free Baltic Sea? (abit like the italian Med NO), or possibly that + Axis ownership of Norway.
well its important to get it right. Can you nail down an area that makes you feel odd?
By the way, Sweden didn’t have that much of an army, i think…
perhaps not as big as Spains but it was large enough, plus the terrain is horrible. Hard to represent their and other neutral’s force pools correctly, game balance is better than historical accuracy.Edit: or just add it to the Iberian block? I don’t see a problem when that would be the case (at least not right away)
As for making Sweden a strict neutral, do you mean just forbid countries from attacking it? I don’t like that, the game is Global after all. I thought my proposal would essentially end up with a neutral Sweden. Allies in Norway and USSR in Finland or Germany preeminent. It is a bit complex I will admit however the end result is what’s important.