The updated OPERATION FELIX-HEINRICH includes the revised SetUp of units in Spain that are described in the G40 Strict Neutral Expansion rulebook.
Neutral Blocks Discussion - Delta+1
Holy hell, too many options!
Guys, I know it’s cool and all to have your post count increased, but to make it easier for everyone could you list every option (with bold red letters for the option designation) in one post?
Don’t worry Jen, I don’t think anyone will be challenging your post totals any time soon.
Holy hell, too many options!
Guys, I know it’s cool and all to have your post count increased, but to make it easier for everyone could you list every option (with bold red letters for the option designation) in one post?
Don’t worry Jen, I don’t think anyone will be challenging your post totals any time soon.
Yea, I remember the last guy who had top post totals and he said I’d never pass him either - until I doubled his count! Gosh, I love playing this game! (crap, 14 rounds with no hits for anyone!!!)
the options are listed on page 11. We need more voters.
the options are listed on page 11. We need more voters.
There may be only a hand full of us, that sees this thing to the end.
Y’know, we could probably renew interest in this project by getting some games going. Once the current round of voting is done we will a good first bunch of rules more or less in place (gov in exile, neutral blocks, alpha 3 AA, china into India). A lot of people have time off over the holidays (i.e. university students etc.) and they might be interested in giving Delta 1 a try. Also don’t forget the wave of people who will get the games as Christmas presents and in the new year they will be eagerly looking online for whatever seems the latest and coolest.
That would be up to you guys, I detest playing online.
how come it says we have 8 votes but only 6 voters?
With only 6 votes and 12 options, perhaps we need to run the vote again? Actually I think we just playtest the most voted for options and see which one has the least impact on gamebalance.
EDIT: ah, I voted once. I figured why would we have 2 votes? Pick the system you like best, not the two best. I dunno.
Some voters only voted once, instead of the 2 votes they were allowed.
Some voters only voted once, instead of the 2 votes they were allowed.
I’ll vote later.
I don’t like any of them! They all result in USA/USSR attacking Germany.
Some voters only voted once, instead of the 2 votes they were allowed.
So what else next to “none of the above” should i vote? ;)
(actually, i don’t see a 2nd vote option)
Some voters only voted once, instead of the 2 votes they were allowed.
So what else next to “none of the above” should i vote? ;)
(actually, i don’t see a 2nd vote option)
I think you have to use both votes at the same time, if you vote only once and submit it, you don’t get your second one.
I vote for none of the above and “screw your reality, I will repace it with my own!” mwhuahahahaha….
No seriously, there should have been an option with the other two nations didnt come in right away…oh well. I’ll look them over again.
I vote for none of the above and “screw your reality, I will repace it with my own!” mwhuahahahaha….
hah, i was just watching Mythbusters before i checked the forum, funny coincidence :) (if that was a reference, at least)
If anyone thinks I should reset the voting to zero, and allow Vance to edit some choices, just say the word. We must do everything we can to get this right.
I don’t like any of them! They all result in USA/USSR attacking Germany.
I agree this is a rough issue, but through playtesting we can see if it is needed or not. Speaking of which I plan on setting up my board and playing a game of Delta this or next week if anyone is interested.
I don’t like any of them! They all result in USA/USSR attacking Germany.
I agree this is a rough issue, but through playtesting we can see if it is needed or not. Speaking of which I plan on setting up my board and playing a game of Delta this or next week if anyone is interested.
Sorry, I have a game this weekend, so I’m putting in tons of QT with the wife this week (as always before game days).
If anyone thinks I should reset the voting to zero, and allow Vance to edit some choices, just say the word. We must do everything we can to get this right.
What’s done is done. Leave it as is.
I don’t like any of them! They all result in USA/USSR attacking Germany.
I agree this is a rough issue, but through playtesting we can see if it is needed or not. Speaking of which I plan on setting up my board and playing a game of Delta this or next week if anyone is interested.
I used my mod powers too remove myself from the poll without voting. Basically I abstained but get to see how the vote’s working out (but it means I cannot vote now.) 1C it is.
James (seperate house rule thread) had a great idea for boosting the defense of neutrals. If you attack a neutral nation (pro your enemy or true neutral) they get the number of rounds + their territory value for your enemy to buy extra units to defend it. Any left overs could be captures (so if there is 1 or 2 IPC left over you can capture it.)
He also wanted annexed nations to give you their accumulated cash, but I think it would be better not to do this. That way you get punished for attacking neutrals and if you annex a neutral then the reward is having more income and free units and that’s it.