@dawgoneit I set up the game, hope it’s ok?
Good luck and have fun!
2012 - AA50-41 - Find League Opponents Here
Djens a new one?
Blood Guts a game? :mrgreen:
I think we’re almost done with our game so I’ll start a new one with you after that.
Sounds good to me…for both of you 8-)
Djens a new one?
Blood Guts a game? :mrgreen:
I think we’re almost done with our game so I’ll start a new one with you after that.
as soon as we finish we start a new one ok :)
Djens a new one?
Blood Guts a game? :mrgreen:
I think we’re almost done with our game so I’ll start a new one with you after that.
as soon as we finish we start a new one ok :)
Looking to pick up another game.
I need a new opponent (someone I haven’t played yet this year). -
Want an easy victory? Play me. I am getting better though. Also, if you haven’t played with TripleA yet, you must try it. “It is so choice. If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up.”
Looking to pick up another game.
I need a new opponent (someone I haven’t played yet this year). -
Sounds good.
I do have TripleA and played one league game with it last year. I forget the version, but I dowloaded it in the fall. I can check the version tonight, but we should be good to go.
I guess I can start the bidding. I’ll go 11…
Huh? What is there not to trust?
I’m game for a battlemap game. :P� I don’t trust TripleA.�Â
Their dicey is inferior! :P
I don’t know about that…I will say the kill ratio of aa guns is a lot more realistic…or should I say not kill ratio :-D
Looking for 1 more game, will play on Battlemap or TripleA.
Looking for another game (Battlemap or Triple A).
Preferrably someone I haven’t played yet this year. -
Looking for another game (Battlemap or Triple A).
Preferrably someone I haven’t played yet this year.triple a i am on
who starts the bid
Hey Darth, I’ll play you. We haven’t played in quite some time.
I’d rather use Battlemap because Triple A at the moment is really buggy for me.
ok, I’d like to see if I still know how to play the allies, so if anyone want to play the axis against me with a bid of 9, I’m in.
A few points I’d like to mention :
I’m asking a game here, so of course that would be a league game, but that does not mean I intend to play the required the good number of games to maybe go into the playoffs ; I dunno if I’ll have time to play enough games, but league is where most people are playing, and who knows, maybe I’ll find the time :)
My main point is to try my allied strategy and to have fun :)
I’m not interested in playing the axis for the moment, so I do not want to process in any bidding phase ; if you feel very confident in your play and want to give me a higher bid I won’t say no :). I do not provide what I will do with 9ipc for the moment, because that might change according to the games or my mood of the day.
I will try to play as often as I can, but tournament games will have my priority, and I will consider this game as the same level than my current g40 game with Funcioneta (and any rematch we might do). That does not mean I will be very slow, but I might be a little longer than 72 hours to respond at some point (even if most of the time I believe I will play around once a day or two). So if you want to play a fast game forget me, I would not like the game for some time warnings. I’d appreciate an opponent with the same average behavior.
I can play either tripleA or ABattleMap, but I have a strong preference for the second option (easier for moving pieces and try to see how the map could look a turn ahead ; and TripleA usually makes you - at least I - play faster, thus one can make mistake one would avoid by taking the time of writing your moves for instance).
Long speech for a single opponent search, but I prefer to be honest with my “conditions” :lol:
If you’re interested, pm me. I should take only one game for the moment, but I believe I’ll play others later on.
got my game
I’m looking for a game. I’d like to give AA50-42 a shot but it doesn’t have to be that, it can be '41.
Battlemap or Triple A, but not the most recent version of Triple A because it is too buggy on my end.
By most recent TripleA, do you mean
We can also try the new development version, 1.5 if you would like.
I’m looking for a game. I’d like to give AA50-42 a shot but it doesn’t have to be that, it can be '41.
Battlemap or Triple A, but not the most recent version of Triple A because it is too buggy on my end.
Yes, I mean It’s so buggy I can’t post the map or turn moves, or even SEE the turn moves.
I downloaded 1.5. Let’s have a game using that Dj. I’ll big 14 for the Allies.
If anyone would like a Battlemap league game please pm me
Looking for a game. Probably a slower pace while tourney is going on.