what is alpha 3.9?
What some people choose to call the final version of Alpha 3 which included a slight german naval shuffle, etc etc etc
Thank you. Just now looking into A&A again after long hiatus. Where can I find said version, and when was its release? The latest update (Feb 2012) on HGD says it includes changes to Germany, but I don’t see any that are in green.
Also, how strong is the consensus for this new version? Do people still play Alpha 2 here, or does pretty much everyone feel the worthiness of moving on to the latest Alpha 3?
SZ114 is the change. True, it’s not in green. Personally I don’t refer to OOB setup charts and setup based on the alpha changes, so the green/red highlight is irrelevant (to me) unless tracking the changes for some reason.
I’m not sure if consensus or even worthiness should be a factor any more. This appears to be the final version and is going to supercede the first edition OOB rules with the 2nd edition printing. Alpha 2 exists only as a playtesting option that developed into Alpha 3. If you feel it’s better, or don’t want to change to the new setup, that’s your prerogative, but the official version IS and WILL BE the 2nd Edition printing, which is based on Alpha 3 (probably already to print).