The idea was to either deny Russia from collecting the money back there, or keep Russia from bringing the 18 inf to Moscow.
6 extra inf for a total of 24 inf back there? Russia can still peel back enough inf to turn the tide in Europe, and defend its turf against Japan, it seems to me. Russia gets $18 in units versus $12 the Alpha 2 way. It’s getting tougher to hit Russia, but I assume that is their intent.
Well, 1st of all, if Japan position his troops properly, then we can see that the 2 inf in Buyant-Uhaa will just never make it to Moscow. That’s impossible with proper Japan play.
So this means Russia effectively only gain 4 inf for Defense of Moscou. 4inf = 12 IPC, so that is equivalent to the 12 IPC they were given from Japan invasion in Alpha +2.
That’s no big deal at all. In fact, when you think of it, Russia could at least buy for 12IPC worth of material AND PLACE IT WHERE they wanted in Alpha 2. In alpha 3, they gain 6inf (2 of which are going to dye next turn), and these inf are probably not placed where the russian player would really want them to…
The only real advantage for Russia in Alpha 3 is that they can attack Japan without giving them 12 IPC. But that’s all.