Gargantua (Allies) vs Commander Jennifer (Axis) Russia Test

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Just so everyone knows what’s at stake….

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Also - for the record, and per Larry’s comments today answering my question,  I take it the rule regarding the Mongolian Territories is exactly what he posted?

    This will be posted on Alpha +3:

    Soviet/Japanese Non Aggression Pact:
    If the Japanese attack any Soviet territory that is adjacent to any Mongolian territory, all Mongolian territories (Olgiy, Dzavhan, Tsagaan-Olom, Central Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, and Buyant-Uhaa) are placed under the control of the Soviet Union at the end of the Japanese Combat Move phase, in the same manner as though the Soviet Union had moved land units into a friendly neutral territory. These territories have Soviet control markers placed on them, and their standing army units are placed on the board and are controlled by the Soviet Union player from then on. This occurs regardless of the state of relations between the Soviet Union and Japan at the time of the attack, with one exception. If the Soviet Union attacks any Japanese-controlled territory bordering these Mongolian territories while Mongolia is still neutral, Mongolia will remain neutral and not ally itself with the Soviet Union.  ~ Larry

    I am playing with that understanding.

    Figured we were playing with the published Alpha 3.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    The department head WORKS for me.

    As for this whole, “I’ll assume you won’t scramble” I may have, and could “ask” for a re-roll with my fighter right now!

    I won’t, but please, defer my decisions to me in the future :D

    As for posting, maybe tonight… maybe tomorrow, we’ll just have to see dear, I don’t give out all the facts on the first date.

    Figured I could just roll your extra fighter if you decided to scramble it.  Generally not an issue, but first round is REALLY annoying because of scrambles (ie British Suicide Pilots).

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Whoah whoah whoah whaoh…. WHOAH!

    What are 8 guys doing in Finland?  Lucy have some Splainin to do!

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Oh wait I see… It’s supposed to be by Karelia, you forgot to bump over the transport.

    I’ll do it on my Russian move.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Russia 1

    37 IPC’s

    7 Infantry = 21
    4 artillery = 16

    0 IPC’s Remaining

    NCM and Placement as per map

    Map attached…


  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Oh wait I see… It’s supposed to be by Karelia, you forgot to bump over the transport.

    I’ll do it on my Russian move.

    Transport south of Finland, west of Novgorod.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Japan 1:


    • Transport
    • 3 Armor
    • Save 5

    Declare War on Russia

    Combat Moves:

    Infantry from Okinawa to Amur
    Infantry from Iwo Jima to Amur
    2 Artillery from Japan to Amur
    4 Infantry from Korea to Amur
    6 Infantry, Artillery from Manchuria to Amur
    Infantry from Jeh to Cha
    Infantry from Jeh to Anh
    3 Infantry, Artillery, Fighter Tactical to Yunnan
    3 Infantry, Artillery 2 Fighters, 2 Tacticals to Hun
    2 Strategics to Yunnan


    DiceRolls: 2@1 2@2 1@3 3@4; Total Hits: 52@1: (6, 5)2@2: (4, 1)1@3: (2)3@4: (4, 3, 2)
    DiceRolls: 4@2; Total Hits: 04@2: (6, 4, 5, 4)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    DiceRolls: 2@1 2@2 2@3 2@4; Total Hits: 52@1: (1, 1)2@2: (5, 1)2@3: (6, 5)2@4: (2, 4)
    DiceRolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 12@2: (4, 1)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    3 Fig, 3 Tac, 2 Strat to Kwa
    Warships (all) to SZ 36
    Inf/Arm from Jap to Kor
    8 Fig, 5 Tac to Man

    Build: Tran in SZ 6
    Build: 3 Arm in Jap

    Collect: 1 Saved + 10 FIC + 30 TT = 41 IPC


  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Should be some fighters/tacticals in W. Germany as well…(2fig,2tac) and the guys from Denmark were supposed to be on that list as well of units in W. Germany.  Anti-Walkin movements.

    It shouldnt have made any impact on Russia, but if you want to rewind for that, we can.


  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    I’m sorry Jen,

    But, you made all the exact same moves against Jmite yesterday.  It’s very clear that those were your intentions, to move exactly as such.

    You can’t just adjust your moves because it’s been a day?  And you saw how JMITE ripped your “plan” apart in the last 12 hours.

    I play a friendly game,  if it’s still your turn, then you can adjust your pieces.  If I have played my turn, then it’s too late.  I would expect the same rules to apply to me, and I’m very dissappointed that you would stoop so low!

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    You also rolled dice with Japan… then changed your moves… the next NO NO.

    If Dice are rolled, it’s also too late :(

    You wouldn’t want to see me adjust my purchases after a battle would you?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    You also rolled dice with Japan… then changed your moves… the next NO NO.

    If Dice are rolled, it’s also too late :(

    You wouldn’t want to see me adjust my purchases after a battle would you?

    After what battle?  And purchases were not changed.  But whatever, we can invalidate the test if you like.  I leave it up to you, want a real test or move the Danes to W. German and land two fig, two tac from SZ 111 to W. Ger?

    Since nothing was affected for England, India, Australia, America or China, and no dice changed and no purchase orders changed, I fail to see the relevance to your reluctance, unless you are admitting you cannot possibly win the game if the change is made?

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    The relevance is that you made a mistake,  didn’t fix it, Then played the Japanese turn.

    I moved my pieces, because of how you moved YOUR pieces,  I also made my buy and placement, based on the location of your units.  Now you want me to redo my entire Russian Purchase and Placement  (WHICH INVALIDATES YOUR JAPANESE MOVE), because you have moved your fighters and units to differnet locations, it’s crap.  This, of course, is AFTER you have rolled dice with Japan which, had they been abysmmal, also would change your own placements and courses of action.

    For example, I now want to stack in Amur, considering the redeployment of your Axis aircraft in Europe, I can’t do said move at this time.  Because said territory was attacked.

    We’re on the the American / British turn now, which I’ve already taken the time to plan, which I would now also have to replan…

    I wish things could be different, but there is alot riding on this game, Like a tournament game, and if you said it’s the end of your turn, it’s the end of your turn, and worse you rolled dice, you’ve locked it in.  You can ask for a fix, but it’s up to your opponent to allow it, and if the dice have been rolled you are pooched.

    You are asking me to allow this change,  Sometimes I’ll be forgiving, but in this case (AS WITH YOUR OTHER GAMES - Jmite, Questioneer etc)  You made a significant point of putting your planes in Holland.  That was your plan, and you made your move.  I made my moves and purchase in strict accordance to your aircraft placement.

    If nothing rode on the game, it would be a different story, or if the moves were obvious and nominal (Like forgetting the transport to Finland) or you had ASKED politely,  I’d be more willing to cooperate.

    Thus, we are going to regretably proceed with the allies turn,  Please ask DM to moderate if you disagree, I will approve of any decision he makes.

    You may choose to resign the game as a loss, or stay in the fight. (The dice are with you so far friend!)  That is the decision you can make.

    I would expect no different respect, or reprieve from you, if the shoe was on the other foot.  The dice are the end all be all :S.


  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I did offer options.

    We can rewind to Russia purchase units phase if you like.  I highly doubt there is anything you would have done differently.  There really is not a whole bunch of things Russia can do that is different from what you did do.  At least, not that is equivalently effective.  If Russia does not change, then Japan does not need to change.  Nothing Russia will do will effect Japan too much, unless you leave units in Amur, in which case all those units would have to roll a battle.

    We can leave it as is, but then you are agreeing that your only option to perhaps save the game requires Germany to fail to paste the NCMs from Denmark to W. Germany.  That seems a very weak argument and would derail your entire argument that Russia can stand alone against Italy, Germany and Japan without any outside help from the other allies. (Which is the opposite to my argument that i have been making for at least a week now.)

    We can leave it as is and not have a transport load dropped in W. Germany at all.

    If there is a 4th option, let me know.  I only see those three.

    1)  Rewind and redo Russia.
    2)  Admit defeat that you HAVE to have this mistake to win.
    3)  Don’t exploit it and leave everything as is.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    I’m not exploiting anything.  I’m playing by the RULES and being gracious at that. You are asking for favours.

    If you are unhappy, start a new game.

    Admit defeat yourself, you FAILED to post your moves, not me.  You are the one who feels that they HAVE to correct this mistake to win in your opinion. That’s your problem.

    Shall we call in a moderator?  Let’s get a referee ruling.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    So you want option 2.  I gave you 3 and offered to let you choose.

    Moving a few infantry and a couple planes when there have been no moves by England yet cannot possibly effect anything Russia did.  If anything, redoing Russia would allow you to exploit the Japanese attack (but that probably won’t change either, since I doubt you are going to put those units in Amur only to have them killed off by the Japanese.)

    What is your resistance?  I understand it’s a favor, a favor designed to make it a true test, not an exploit because my copy paste forgot to grab the Danes moving south and a favor to move a couple of planes with plenty of movement spaces over.  And?  I promise not to scramble them. (Dont want too anyway.)  Maybe that’s what you are retisent about?  It’s the only shift of power I really see that isn’t a complete exploit.  Rules yes…but do you want the spirit of the test or the letter of the test?  Do you think it would be any different in games to come?  Doubtful.  I’ve already altered the text files I copy paste for Germany.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Oh, and if you like you can have IL and/or DM take a gander.  If they say change it so we can actually TEST a strategy then you’d have to abide by it, if they say leave it so we can test my copy / pasting skills I’d have to leave it too.

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