Tech advancement PLZ Respond

  • I came up with an idea that I think is nifty so here you go:

    nearlyall tech’s(minus hbmr and eventually factorys tech and long range) can be continued on up

    for ex. jet fighters are rolled twice in your techs now they roll at “6”(auto hit) and if you roll 'em againthen auto + 1 D6

    but you choose if they go up at the beginning(before you roll you say cont. up and if rolled and they can they are… or you canre-roll each one that otherwis would)

    long range can only go up once and factorytech twice….



    even if you don’t like it……

  • Two things come to mind: One is that tech is a risky adventure as is and rarely used so often as to warrant “levelling up”. Two: The tech rules seem good as is, to me anyway.

    Other than that: Interesting. I dont understand the "but you choose if they go up at the beginning(before you roll you say cont. up and if rolled and they can they are… or you canre-roll each one that otherwis would) "

    Personally I don´t think I will ever use this, but if you and the people you play with like to tech develop, then it´s probably a good idea to develoip new ideas for this - as you have done. There are other subjects on this matter on this forum. You may find them interesting.

  • Tech’s yes are always interesting to me…what I was meaning was that at the beginning of your turn if you do roll tech’s you state either that if a tech you already have is rolled then it is “upped” or not… I know what you mean about tech’sthey are risky and I don’t roll them to often except when you play one of those wow-let’s-roll-a-lot-of-tech’s- scenarios… But the Idea sounds fun to me (especially rockets…)

  • @Guest:

    …But the Idea sounds fun to me (especially rockets…)

    Okay, but… how DO you UP a rocket!?!?

    No dirty remarks, thank you, gentlemen!

  • '19 Moderator

    multiple rockets

  • Doh! :oops:

    Thank you Homer Simpson and Merriam Webster…

  • Several Rockets…. Yes!!! lots of 'em (Bye Bye income…)

  • @Anonymous:

    Several Rockets…. Yes!!! lots of 'em (Bye Bye income…)


  • Where can I play someone?

  • @American:

    Where can I play someone?

    Go to the “games” section, start a new thread, and request a game. Become familiar with “dicey” ( as well as mapview etc.
    Maybe check out one of the threads there to see how the average game is played out.
    Good luck.

  • I personally would never use this leveling up rule. When I roll for a tech … what I’m hoping for is HEAVY BOMBERS. If I already have some other tech and I am rolling for another tech – I would never choose to level up my existing tech … instead I would prefer to reroll (hoping to roll HEAVY BOMBERS). I think the idea is creative and could be useful. I like having options! I guess I might would use it IF I already had HEAVY BOMBERS, but IF I already had HEAVY BOMBERS – more than likely I wouldn’t even bother rolling again (I’d be buying all the bombers I could).

    Just my opinion…

    Mista Biggs 8)

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