It’s Easy Baker.
Did you know in Canada we’ve been caught using experimenal biological and chemical- weapons on our own troops? That we have highly sophisticated weapon manufacturing facilities for said weapons, stuff that you only think you saw in Far Cry?
And how long was it before people really heard how “bad” the residential schools were? The higher up’s in government weren’t aware of the abuses at the time, for the most part they are just staffers.
For Goebbels, his department was propoganda, how many “Negative” reports about German war atrocities do you really think he and his staff heard? And how many of his own people if he knew, do you think he told? This isn’t Heinrich Himmler’s SS - charged with the task.
If you really want the point to sink in, drive around your own city, and look at all the factories and businesses, and ask yourself, do I really know everything about how those places work, and whats going on in there? If you’re a plumber, you plumb, you don’t install millwork.
Heads of a different snake, in a basket of secrets.