• How would this battle plan played out?

  • I think it would have played out very differently from the actual war, and it would have more closely resembled the Franco-Prussian war. Belgium would have been completely overrun and would have more then likely asked for terms. This would have freeded up a number of German forces to either put toward a push deeper into France, or, more likely, been sent against Russia.
    I also think that Italy would have chosen to remain neutral, no matter what the English promised. With Germans surrounding Paris and the Entante wuld look weak and inept. The psychological impact on the world can not be underestimated. Leaders around the world would see this as a clear sign that Germany was the new leader in global politics. Countries like Italy, Japan, Romania, Spain, portugal, and even the US would be giving serious thought about whether or not to shift their support to the Central powers. The ramifications of that can not be understated.
     The French army would have fought valiantly, attacking again and agina aginst the Germans surrounding Paris. However the Germany would have dug the same deep trenches, as they did in historically, and bleed the French army white. The people and leaders trapped in Paris would face a horror and depravation that would not be re-seen till the siege of Lenningrad. In the end, the French goverment would have asked for terms, perhapse after the terrible winter of 1914-1915, and the Germans would have, once again, sat and dictated terms in Versailles to the western allies, then turned east and beat the crap out of Russia

  • What exactly was the original plan?

  • @i:

    What exactly was the original plan?

    Germany leaves Alsace-Lorraine lightly defended, depending on forts and tough terrain to help the defence.And allow France to push into Germany somewhat. Meanwhile the Germans place the bulk of the invading Armies on the right flank on the front, which has invaded Belgium and the Netherlands to out flank French defense. This large Army Group is to swing around Paris and take the city, while trapping most of France Army between Paris and Alsace-Lorraine.

  • thanks, if that was the original what did they do instead?

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17

    Well, it’s all here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schlieffen_Plan

    The main difference is, that in reality the Germans didn’t make their right wing as strong as it should have been according to the original plan. The plan called for a particularly massive German right flank sweeping through the Low Countries and North West France, and reaching as far as the Channel. The center (Alsace-Lorraine) as well as the Eastern front (against the Russians) would be relatively weak. The idea was, to defeat France before Russia could mobilize in force.

    So that entire plan is very different from the 1870 Franco-German war, when Germany first defeated an initial French advance into the Rhineland, and then won a series of victories in Northern France. But I don’t think that the plan as originally conceived, would have met with great success. The main flaws in the original Schlieffen plan were, imho:
    (a) It banked on a slow Russian mobilization - in reality, the Russians invaded soon, and while they were soundly defeated, their initial advance required an answer of course.
    (b) It called for an invasion of the Netherlands, which would not have contributed much to the main purpose of defeating France and would have consumed valuable additional resources to defeat the Dutch.

    I hold it for possible that a different modification of the plan would have been more successful, however. If the right flank had been reinforced at the cost of Alsace-Lorraine, while still meeting the Russians and invading Belgium only, then the Germans might have reached the Channel ports in time, and it could have been more difficult for the British to land in great numbers. But that’s still pretty tough, considering the available roads and means of transportation.
    Anyway, that wouldn’t be the original Schlieffen plan, so the answer that most closely resembles my view on the original plan would have been “Germans get slowed down and get defeated near Paris, while the Russian horde takes East Prussia”.

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