@captainwalker ef3a0fec-b273-48b9-91d6-07c64c37afe9-triplea_41695_1his.tsvg
Botider (Axis) vs Jen (Allies) G40A2 +NO -Tech Gm4
England collects 26 IPC and has 6 IPC in Convoy Raid Damage in SZ 109. Leaving them 20 IPC since they do not own all of their territories nor have units in France.
Australia collects 26 IPC, gets 5 more for all of their original territories and 5 more for the allied control of the Dutch East Indies for a total of 36 IPC.
So yes, 20 England, 36 India
England collects 26 IPC and has 6 IPC in Convoy Raid Damage in SZ 109. Leaving them 20 IPC since they do not own all of their territories nor have units in France.
Australia collects 26 IPC, gets 5 more for all of their original territories and 5 more for the allied control of the Dutch East Indies for a total of 36 IPC.
So yes, 20 England, 36 India
Okay… Australia didn’t enter into the discussion. It’s England – London and Calcutta.
Your map is correct… but the money is slightly off…
England/London - $26 + $0 for NOs - $6 for convoy damage = $20
England/Calcutta - $26 + $5 for 1 NO (India/Calcutta has only 1 NO) = $31
Australia - $14 + $6 saved + $10 for 2 NOs = $30Italy is up with $41… posting some time soon.
Map with $$ updates… no units or NO’s touched…
Oh yea, Alpha 2, India doesnt have 2 NOs. lol.
too many versions to keep up with, even for you, doc. :wink:
(congratulations, btw)italy 3
inf, rtl, arm, cv, minor ic… spend $41combat
nigeria ( )
inf fearhodesia ( )
inf tanganyikatrans-jordan (inf)
2 inf, rtl, mech, arm egypt
2 inf, rtl, arm algeria via 2 trn sz92 > sz98
2 inf, 2 rtl, arm northern italy / inf greece via 3 trn sz97 > sz99 > sz98 -
and he fought like a frenchman…
trn sz92 > sz97
2 dd, 2 ca, bb, sub sz92 > sz98
ftr, tbmb southern italy > sz97deployment
inf, rtl, arm > northern italy
cv > sz97
minor ic > egyptcollect
$43let me know if any frenchmen are going anywhere… plotting g4 next. probably later tonight…
map with italian units actually placed. :-P
France does nothing.
And you never noticed I generally play one version at a time? lol
oh, btw… you can’t deploy the 4 chinese infantry to burma. they can move there (as far as i know), but mobilization must be made to a chinese-controlled chinese territory. obviously won’t affect germany’s turn, but before j4, let me know where you want those 4 inf. and if you want to relocate the ftr, that’s fine.
germany 4
9 inf, 3 rtl, arm, ss… spend $51combat
ss sz112 > sz125
fleet sz112 > sz91
2 ss sz109 > sz91
3 inf, 2 rtl norway > finland
7 inf, 2 rtl, 2 arm, ftr, tbmb, aa hungary > romania
arm, ftr, tbmb hungary > poland
7 inf, 2 rtl, arm, aa germany > poland
2 inf, arm west germany > germany
sbmb west germany > poland
inf northern italy boards italian trn sz97deployment
2 inf, rtl > france
ss > sz112
7 inf, 2 rtl, arm > germanycollect
$51 -
- Destroyer
- 10 Infantry
DOW: Germany, Italy
2 Inf to Bel
Arm to Nov
6 Inf to N. Ukr
Arm, Mech to Bel
3 Arm to N. UkrBuild: 3 Inf S. Ukr
Build: DD SZ 127
Build: 2 Inf Nov
Build: 3 Inf Vol
Build: 2 Inf RusCollect: 37 IPC
You brought German transports down to Gibraltar, but no Ground units. Confirm?
japan 4
2 inf, arm, cv, 2 dd … spend $44, save $2combat
sz20 (trn)
ftr sz36sz22 (trn)
ftr sz33formosa (inf)
inf, rtl caroline is via trn sz33 > sz20philippines (2 inf)
inf, rtl kwangsi via trn sz36 > sz35
inf palau is via trn sz36 > sz34 > sz35
tbmb sz36
ftr, tbmb caroline iscelebes ( )
2 inf kiangsi via trn sz36 > sz20 > sz35 > sz44dutch new guinea ( )
2 inf caroline is via trn sz33 > sz45java ( )
inf kwangsi via trn sz36 > sz42kwangtung (2 inf)
inf, arm kiangsi
inf, rtl kwangsi
tbmb hainansikang (5 inf)
2 inf szechwan
rtl shensi
ftr, tbmb, 2 sbmb kweichowyunnan (2 inf)
3 inf kweichow
3 ftr, tbmb kweichowfic ( )
inf kwangsisz37 (dd)
sub, dd, ftr, tbmb sz36 -
additional combat moves…
bb, ca sz33 > sz35
bb, ca sz36 > sz35 -
inf/rtl @ 2
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 12@2: (2, 4)
inf @ 2
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (2)
inf @ 1, inf/rtl @ 2, ftr/tbmb/2 ca @ 2, tbmb/2 bb @ 4
Rolls: 1@1 2@2 4@3 3@4; Total Hits: 41@1: (6)2@2: (2, 6)4@3: (5, 6, 1, 6)3@4: (5, 3, 4)
2 inf @ 2
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 12@2: (2, 5)
celebes taken w/out opposition
dutch new guinea taken w/out opposition
java taken w/out opposition -