Building naval units in occupied sea zone

  • Playing a current game and this is the issue. I have sea units in z110 (sub, cruz, AC with tac and fighter, battleship and 3 trans) I also have 9 trans in sz113 with no planes in WGR (only a bomber) to scramble. On UK’s turn he builds a AC and flies the plane from UK to sz113 sinks the trans and lands on the new carrier which he placed in sz110 which is where my navy is. I am just checking to see if this is ok for the UK player to do. I think it is questionable. What is everyones thoughts? I can attach map if needed.

    By the way I am not complaining, I am just looking on a ruling. First forum game and this is a learning experience.

  • When moving aircraft in combat, you have to have a valid landing zone for those aircraft.  A purchased CV is a legal landing zone, therefore this is a legal move.  Good to see your enemy using some more advanced tactics.

  • Somewhere hidden in the rulebook it says that the planes don’t actually land until the “deploy new units” round, which tells that a newly purchased carrier is indeed a legal landing space.

  • Customizer

    Yes, this is a perfectly legal move, and quite inventive I might say.  However, since that UK carrier and fighter are in a hostile sea zone, on Germany’s turn they can immediately attack that carrier.  With the heavy navy you have in SZ 110, the Brit carrier and fighter will surely be lost.  On the other hand, since that fighter sank 9 German transports and probably delayed a successful Sealion, perhaps the loss of the carrier and fighter is a good trade.
    I have a hard time thinking of sacrificing expensive units like that.  Might be a flaw in my strategies.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Don’t just think of current cost, think also of opportunity cost.

    If you delayed Sea Lion, you might have scored an extra 32 IPC for England which is more than the cost of a carrier and a fighter.  On top of that, you denied Germany 63 IPC in transports, two rounds of an NO (one for not taking this round, one for needing to replace transports) and 32 IPC plunder from your banks.

  • Thanks for your replies. Although I hate the answer I will take my lumps. I always thought that in order to land a plane on a newly built carrier the plane must be located in the territory that the carrier is built in and must be on the ground in that territory. So what happens when you build a carrier have planes in that territory that moved their 4-5 spaces landed back in the territory but once the carrier is built can be placed on the carrier in that sea zone. This happens all the time, does the plane get an extra move to land on that carrier? There seems to be a glitch in the rules in my opinion.

    As far as strategy this hurts more then just IPC’s, delaying sea lion is huge more units in UK more units in Russia less units for Germany to place near Russia. Plus Japan, they were posed to take control of the Pacific on round 3 but now may have to delay one more round in order to keep US out of the war otherwise US moves on UK and Africa before Germany is ready.

  • Official Q&A


    Thanks for your replies. Although I hate the answer I will take my lumps. I always thought that in order to land a plane on a newly built carrier the plane must be located in the territory that the carrier is built in and must be on the ground in that territory.

    That was true in Revised, but has not been true in any A&A game since then.


    So what happens when you build a carrier have planes in that territory that moved their 4-5 spaces landed back in the territory but once the carrier is built can be placed on the carrier in that sea zone. This happens all the time, does the plane get an extra move to land on that carrier? There seems to be a glitch in the rules in my opinion.

    In order to land on a new carrier, an existing plane must end its movement in the sea zone in which the carrier will be mobilized.  It may not be moved onto the carrier from a land territory in the Mobilize New Units phase.

  • Out of curiousity, why didn’t you scramble three fighters from Western Germany to defend the transports in 113?

  • 2nd round no planes besides a bomber in wgr all planes were in Hol. Not the smartest but again I did not think planes could land on newly built carriers without first making it back to the territory the carrier was built in. Big learning experience.  :-(

  • it sounds to me like you need to surrender and start over.  I say that because now you’re mostly screwed, certainly cannot launch a sealion.  Chalk it up to experience and try again, knowing now that you need 3 ftr minimum in WGerm……

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Honestly, I’d let you redo the German turn and start over from that point, now that you are aware of the rule.

  • i did, and we agreed that we would play out and see what happend, with the option of going back to that turn and try over without the sinking of 9 transports.

  • it’s all good, I wanted to play this out to see how it all turns out. I do plan on trying to play out the game prior to the sinking of the transports. I am am struggling from this disaster though. When something like this happens you start looking at other strategy that can help out your situation that you normally wouldn’t consider. :wink:

  • Yep. no Fortress europe, rather a fortress africa right now ;)

  • Customizer

    It may not be all bad.  Did Germany have a decent amount of men and equipment along the Russian border?  If yes, then I would say go ahead with Barbarossa and use your Luftwaffe and subs to keep the Brits out of the water.  Plus, the subs can convoy raid Britain so they don’t have enough to even build a navy, much less put it in the water to be sunk by your subs and planes.  If you can do this, then Britain will pretty much be neutered with a bunch of men trapped on their island and perhaps Italy will do good in Africa, thus taking even more points away from Britain.  So, while losing 9 transports is a nasty set back, you could come out of it good still.  Good luck.

  • I did not have enough hitting force on the Russian front lines so I had to wait to attack the ruskies. However the med and africa are going pretty well along with the middle east. It is to early to tell. It has been interesting.

  • it sure has, but unless japan and germany can pull up some kindda trick soon, i think the many fronts opening up right now is going to spread them thin to protect and hold on to ground. But then again, Booger-10 is playing a good game, with alot of untraditional moves that seem to work pretty well right now. So i should never say never, altough it is a uphill battle for him.

  • I am feeling the pinch, the game has been decided it is just how long before the wheels fall off.

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