These are some rules that I think could add some new balancing elements to the game while also keeping with historical accuracy.
1. I think that for every turn that the allies control northwest Persia, persia and eastern persia russia should get +3 ipc’s per turn. this represents the allied movement of supplies through Russia.
2. This is not my idea but I heard of a rule where you can use artillery that are adjacent to a complex/airfield/naval base to attack them like a strategic bombardment
3. For every turn that Karelia and archangel are controlled by Germany they get +3 ipc’s. representing the stopping of the murmansk run.
4. Tech dice reduced from 5 ipc’s to 4 ipc’s per roll, represents the technological achivements made with jet fighters and radar etc. seeing as noone uses them at 5ipc’s perhaps even reduce the cost to 3 ipc’s.
5. Battleships reduced cost to 18 ipc’s, Aircraft carriers reduced to 15 ipc’s. When a ship is damaged it costs 1 ipc to repair when adjacent to a naval base.
6. If Germany is +30 ipc’s and italy is +20 ipc’s without national objectives Spain and Argentina Becomes pro axis, if the allies control all territories adjacent to Turkey for one full turn Turkey becomes pro allies. If spain becomes pro-axis Portugal becomes pro allies, representative of the political climate in 1940-1945.
7. If the allies take finland they get +4 infantry immedeitelly, representative of political climate.
8. Allied bombers strategic bombing Japan proper will do +4 damage instead of +2 , representative of the fire bombings.
9. Japan gets +5 ipc’s for every turn it controls all Chinese territories, representative of national prestige.
10. +2 ipc’s to Italy and Germany for control of Romania (only available once all allied powers are at war) representative of Ploesti oil fields.
11. after 3 turns France collects half of the income of its combined territories (european board only) and may place units on London, represntative of the free french forces.
I understand the implementation of all of these rules may unbalance the game but I believe that some of them are viable and should be implemented