Yes I do, did the turn without it but I need it for you to get the rolls
11L '41 - Manstein (axis) v BoldFresh (Allies) Bid 6, +NOs, No Tech
in france - kill 3 germans, 1 italian
and again, another fighter down.
fleet - to z7
kar - 3 ftr (kar), arm (rus)
rus - ftr (z16)place 3 inf, art, arm (gbr)
place trn (z7)collect 19, has 19
well, that pretty much is going to seal my defeat. these dice have not let up for one moment all game.
Italy 7
with 26 Italy buys
4 tanks (20), 2 inf (6)Combat moves
Ukraine (mt) - 2 tanks (czech)
Eastern Ukraine (mt) - tank (caucasus) blitz and returns to caucasus -
Noncombat Moves
Inf, art (italy) => france
Inf (balkans) => italy
3 inf, art (balkans) => bul/rom
tank (italy) => bul/romMobilise
4 tanks - caucasus
2 inf - italyItaly collects 19+10=29, has 29
if you didn’t actually see it you wouldn’t believe a guy could be this unlucky right? :lol:
Usa with 48 buys acc, ftr, 2 bom
SOLOMONS SEA ZONE () - sub (z38) has to move from the zone in combat move or fight since the zone is hostile
wca (2inf) - Inf, ARM, bom (eus), ftr (z56)
z62 (trn) - ftr (z56)
iwo () - inf (mid)Combat:
Wca - Inf, ARM, ftr, bom vs 2 Inf
Rolls: 1@1 2@3 1@4; Total Hits: 21@1: (4)2@3: (6, 2)1@4: (2)
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 02@2: (5, 5)
I think I collected 48 in error last round because u had Alaska. If so I will just switch one of the bomber to a fighter on the buy
yeah i should have had 46 to spend this round, so one of those bombers will be a fighter.
z59 - ftr (wca), ftr (z62), 2 des, acc (z56)
z52 - sub (z48), 5 subs (z53)
mid - bom (wca)
eca - ftr (z7)place 2 ftr, acc (z56)
place bom (wus)collect 46, has 46
here’s the correct map, sorry for the confusion.
actually, if you don’t mind, i’d rather move the sub from z38 to z51 (not to z46).
blimey. you certainly give me a lot to think about with your US play
Germany 8
with 50 Germant buys: 10 inf (30), 4 tanks (20)
Combat Movement
East Poland (mt) - 11 inf, 2 art (Pol), 5 tanks (Ger)Non Combat Movement
Eastern Ukr (mt) - tank (Pol)
Ukraine - 2 inf, 2 art (Bul) + 2 tanks (Pol)
Caucasus - 4 tanks (Bul)
East Poland - 5 tanks (Ger)
Poland - 4 inf, 3 art (Ger) -
5 inf in France
5 inf, 4 tanks in GermanyGermany collects 41+15=56, has 56
with 18 russia buys 6 inf
nov () - blitz and back to russia with arm
rus - 2 arm (kar)
fin - AA (kar)
kar - inf (bst)place 6 inf (rus)
collect 15, has 15
Japan 8
With 65, Japan buys:
3 fighters (30), 4 infantry (12), bomber (12), 2 tanks (10) - save 1Combat movement
Tank (ching) blitz through novosibirsk to evenkiAustralia (3 inf, art, AA) - inf, art (borneo), art (Sum), 2 fighters (sz49), BB bombard
come on guys put up SOME RESISTANCE.
1 for 7, time for a hit!!