Good Action Argo ! Sounds way cool. Do you plan on making a triplea version ?
Next new game
Irock, Warrior, and Others,
As you may already know by now we are, as we speak, working on a new series of games as I just described below. The (proposed) name is:
Expanded A&A-The Naval Series with the 1st game to be Coral Sea and The Solomons Campaign.
We’re investigating the possibility that you could play 2 or 3 COMPLETELY separate games on the same map(at DIFFERRENT times). the Coral Sea naval-air battle, the huge Solomons Campaign, and maybe a Battle of the Bismark Sea scenario, too.
I’ve had so many players express their interest and approval in my stated goal for a game that would be designed based on a “Battle-Specific”(the Solomons Campaign) map, Enlarged to
G-40 size, and utilizing all the new units and their new capabilities.I think that this would be nothing short of a revolution in our A&A gameplay.
Of course none of this would be the least bit possible without HBG and FMG making available all of the wonderful new units that they plan. My hat’s off to them for their efforts here.
Tigerman, as an experienced “Map Master”, has agreed to do the map(Haleluyah!!!) which will take a bit of time as what we’re proposing is HUGE! Not only in the amount of changes, new rules, and improvements(?) that we plan, but in shear SIZE as well.
Stay tuned to the various postings for updates.
And if this seems the least bit interesting to you, get INVOLVED and let us know YOUR ideas or opinions. We will all benefit from having all ideas considerred.
We’ve started our own thread here in the Variants Section for this game called
Expanded A&A-The Naval Series Coral Sea and The Solomons Campaign.
Stop in and check it out, ask questions, or offer suggestions anytime.Like I Say,……What Do YA’LL Think???
“Tall Paul”
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