@The_Good_Captain off line for a couple of hours
Jim010 vs Questioneer AAG40 2+ lowluck
Sorry, I’ll do France tonight- our anniversary…so I was busy the last couple of days.
Happy anniversary.
Ugghh…having trouble with the new ABattlemap again- crashed on me- tried reinstalling it and it won’t work. I got try a couple things…if it doesn’t work I may have to go back to Func’s module- sorry for the delay- it may be 2-3 days.
Ok- got it. screwy module… :| :?
This low-resolution module usually works fine, but every once in a long while (3 weeks or so) I have issues and have to reinstall it-weird. I’m getting Win7 next week so maybe that will help…I got crappy Vista right now. I’ll get to my turn later- sorry for the delay. Thanks. -
France 2
NCM- on map
Italy collects- $34- -1damage- fixed it on my map.
just bumpin w/my other games
1 sb, 4 tanks 5 mec, 1 inf
sz112 to sz127
1 BB, 1 CV, 11 TT (load from Wge 3 inf, 3 art, 8 tanks, from Nor 8 inf to Lenin)Wge to Lenin
1 fht, 1 tac, 1 bmbsz112 to sz114
1 sbsz110 to sz109
1 sbPol to Epl
14 inf, 3 artHun to Epl
4 inf -
Wge to sz114
1 fht, 2 tac -
Do you scramble in sz127?
Since Alpha+3 is coming out- let’s play that instead. Might as well wait and see the changes. Now that Alpha+3 will be here I have a very deflated interest in playing this Alpha+2 game. I forfeit this game in favor of wanting to play Alpha +3- so its an easy win for you- though it may not have any meaning being an “old” version now… :wink:
I guess you aren’t scrambling, then.
In truth, this Alpha 3 will lead to another alpha or to a Beta anyway, so the question is can we really play competitively anyway.
From I read, the new rules are minor tweaks anyway.
_**"Krieghund has reminded me that the “100% Pacific” issue has not been fully resolved yet. To post Alpha +3 before it is would be a waste of time. I know good advice when I hear it and you can either thank Krieghund or throw cabbage at him. I think in the long run you’ll do better to thank him.
More work is still needed and the Alpha +3 is officially postponed till further notice.
Your continued feed back on this matter and other issues is, as always, greatly appreciated.
The problem is that this effort can’t go on forever. A request of those of you who are gracious enough to contribute your ideas and share your game experiences here. When I tell you that I can’t use or don’t agree with you on a given proposal or idea… let it go. Move on. If I say “No thanks” there’s usually a good reason for it. To keep repeating the same thing(s) only jams up and slows down this effort. I hope you understand. Thanks
By the way, no scramble then…
Battle of sz114
1 sb, 1 fht, 2 tac vs 1 BBatt = 12 pips = 2 hits
def = 4 pips
Rolls: 1@4; Total Hits: 01@4: (6)
Battle of Leningrad
11 inf, 3 art, 8 tanks, 1 fht, 1 tac, 1 bmb, 1 BB vs 14 inf, 3 art, 1 fhtAA
The way AAs work, you can either roll each for the fht, tac or bmb separatley, or combine the pips to see if you get a hit, but then I choose the casualty.
Combo the pips
Rolls: 1@3; Total Hits: 11@3: (1)
lose fht
Battle of Leinin
11 inf, 3 art, 8 tanks, 1 tac, 1 bmb, 1 BB
att = 56 pips = 9r2
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (6)
14 inf, 3 art, 1 fht
def = 38 = 6r2
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (3)
Lenin 2
5 inf, 3 art, 8 tanks, 1 ta, 1 bmb
att = 46 = 7r4
Rolls: 1@4; Total Hits: 11@4: (3)
5 inf, 3 art, 1 fht
def = 20 = 3r2
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (2)
Lenin 3
1 inf, 3 art, 8 tanks, 1 tac, 1 bmb
att = 42 = kill
1 fht
def = r4
Rolls: 1@4; Total Hits: 11@4: (3)