AAW Outside Lime vs Sleeman's Cream Ale = Take 4 or 5 not sure which one
Odds, SCA is Allies
Rolling 1d12:
(4) -
Utilizing starting units from March 2009 :( he can’t wait any longer.
PS. Italy is on the clock
Sleeman’s Cream Ale? An inferior beer to the best Sleeman’s out there, India Pale Ale all the way!
Still waiting for Italy to make its moves!!!
In a dramatic turn of events (AKA hoping JC is to sleepy to notice) Italy is almost ready to go……
Italy Round 1$24
2 SF (8)
2 subsCombat moves
SZ44 (UK BS, 2 ESC)
From SZ BS, dest
from n.italy fig (2mr)
from Rome Bomber (4mr)
from sz48 PT
(question) can the dest go via B.Convoy H and continue? if so it does that from sz46AES (UK inf)
inf/art from FezzanCyrenica (2 inf, MG)
2 inf/fig from trips
inf from Fezzan
Tran from sz49 with inf/art from rome to sz47
fig/int from n.italy (2mr)FEA (UK 2 inf/jeep)
tank/inf from anst (tank via uganda blocking that)
Hft/art/inf from i.somali -
Anytime Outside Lime is ready to go…Italy is just sitting around waiting to be contolle.