@captainwalker a73e2fa9-6c50-41b9-8ac4-5a253057794e-triplea_41695_1thai.tsvg
Botider (Axis) vs Jen (Allies) G40A2 +NO -Tech Gm3
yeah, il duce is not going to be too pleased to hear that he has to carry the reich in this game… :wink:
Hey, it could be AWESOME to show France controlling Berlin on Round 5 though! You gotta admit, it would make the community chuckle! Perhaps they will start to believe the dice are fickle beasts, no?
Good catch. EM had me going with an armored everytime I wanted to move one of my MI around. Makes more sense this way, I can race replacement MIs forward to replace those fallen against the enemy.
We getting a round from Japan, or are you hoping that if you wait until tomorrow the Dice Gods will forgive you for your heretical statements?
offering sacrifices to the dice gods in hopes of appeasement. it’ll be tomorrow… pretty chaotic right now in central alabama. a&a (and a lot of other things) have taken a back seat…
offering sacrifices to the dice gods in hopes of appeasement. it’ll be tomorrow… pretty chaotic right now in central alabama. a&a (and a lot of other things) have taken a back seat…
Good. I was in GA celebrating the death of Osama. I’m tunnelled into my home computer right now…maybe I should jump over to Alabammy and see ya, we can play live! lol.
japan 1
dow against russia
inf, rtl, trn, minor ic… spend $26combat
amur ( )
inf okinawa / arm japan via trn sz19 > sz5
inf, rtl japan via trn sz6 > sz5
6 inf, rtl, mech manchuria
4 inf koreachahar ( )
2 inf, rtl jeholanhwe ( )
3 inf, rtl shantung
3 inf, rtl kiangsuyunnan (4 inf)
3 inf, rtl kwangsi
ftr, tbmb kiangsu
2 sbmb japanhunan (2 inf)
3 inf, rtl kiangsi
ftr formosa
ftr, tbmb manchuria -
much better dice… the burnt sacrifices must have worked. for now.
2 sbmb, ftr, tbmb yunnan > kwangsi
2 ftr, tbmb hunan > kwangsi
2 ftr, 2 tbmb japan > manchuria
ftr okinawa > manchuria
ftr korea > sz5
tbmb sz6 > manchuria
cv, ftr sz6 > sz5
cv, 2 ftr, 2 dd, bb sz6 > sz33
inf, rtl japan > korea via trn sz20 > sz6
ca sz20 > sz34
bb, dd, sub sz19 > sz34
aa manchuria > amurdeployment
inf, rtl > japan
trn > sz6
minor ic > manchuriacollect
$31 + $10 (not at war with us) = $41added $12 to russia’s income… now $49.
- 2 Aircraft Carriers
- 1 Minor Industrial Complex
- 1 Destroyer
Combat: None allowed by law. Stupid Congress!
Fighter from Philippines to Guam
Destroyer, Submarine from Philippines to SZ 56
Battleship, Tactical Bomber, Fighter, Carrier, Cruiser, Destroyer, Transport from SZ 10 to SZ 26
Transport from SZ 26 to SZ 10
infnatry, Artillery from W. USA to Hawaii
Fighter from W. USA to Hawaii
Fighter from E. USA to SZ 10
Strat from C. USA to Hawaii
3 Mech, Arm from C. USA to W. USABuild: Destroyer, 2 Carriers in SZ 10
Collect: 52 IPC
- 4 Infantry
Combat Moves:
5 Infantry, Fighter to Yunnan
Rolls: 5@1 1@3; Total Hits: 35@1: (5, 6, 4, 1, 1)1@3: (3)
Rolls: 4@2; Total Hits: 14@2: (3, 3, 6, 1)
Collect 15
England 1:
- 3 Infantry
- 2 Artillery
- 2 Armor
Buy(16) - 2 Infantry
- 1 MI
- 1 Armor
England declares war on Japan
Combat Moves:
Artillery from Egypt, by transport to Tobruk
Infantry from Malta to Tobruk
Figther from Gibraltar to SZ 97
2 Infantry, Artillery, Armor from Alexandria to Tobruk
MI from Egypt to Tobruk
Fighter from Scotland to Holland
Infantry from W. France to Holland
Carrier, Cruiser, Destroyer, Tactical Bomber from SZ 98 to SZ 97
Fighter from Malta to SZ 97
Battleship from SZ 110 to SZ 91
Destroyer from SZ 106 to SZ 91
2 Fighters from England to SZ 91
Fighter from W. France to SZ 97
Infantry, Artillery from W. India to KWA
Fighter, Tactical Bomber from W. India to KWA
Fighter from Burma to KWA
2 Infantry from Hong Kong to KWA
Battleship, Cruiser bombardment of KwACombat:
Rolls: 2@1 2@2 3@3 2@4; Total Hits: 32@1: (4, 2)2@2: (1, 3)3@3: (2, 4, 5)2@4: (4, 6)
Rolls: 2@1 2@3 3@4; Total Hits: 32@1: (4, 6)2@3: (4, 3)3@4: (2, 4, 6)
Need your OOL here, also, I need your scramble orders for the S. Italy fleet.
gutsy move on kwangsi…
lose 2 sbmb, tbmb… tbmb, 3 ftrs remain
if you continue, remaining ool:
… ftr / tbmb / ftr / ftrin southern italy… scramble all 3 ftrs…
… bb hit / ger ftr / ca / ger ftr / ital ftr / dbb -
btw… where did you place the american ic?