Yes, they can do that even if the powers are at war. The presence of a sub belonging to an enemy power does not block movement.
Hi guys. I’ve been following most threads for a little while and, even though I guess this question has been vastly discussed, I have not found an answer to it.
My question is the following: do you ever invade strictly neutral territories. Indeed, it is my understanding that in so doing, one would allow their enemies to seize all the remain ones as if they were pro-their faction.
The only one that I feel would have any strategic value might Turkey, as it would allow direct passage from mainland europe to asia and stalingrad.
I would love to hear your point of views on that!
In purely strategic value for the allies, there is also Spain (i think it was James Aleman who came up with that idea).
Spain is within 1 turn’s range from USA, where they can also build an IC, and from where they can go on over land (no need for more fleet, except for shucking more extra troops from America), faraway enough from the big axis cities.
You’d need an overwhelming landing force to grab and hold Spain though, and a good cooperation with the UK, reinforcing Spain (with some fighters for example), or taking Normandy, as well as not too many Axis forces within reach that turn.
Would take very careful planning and it will have big consequences (opening Turkey for one)
As for your question, i don’t think i’d do it (giving the Axis 16 free units doesnt appeal to me)
Would it not be profitable for the italian forces to attack greece. bonus income and the national objective too.
Would it not be profitable for the italian forces to attack greece. bonus income and the national objective too.
Sure, but greece isn’t a strict neutral, of course
yea its pro-allies my bad.