• This is tough, but I’ll try, in no order.

    1. Final Fantasy 7 or Tactics, can’t decide - PS
    2. Shadow Of The Colossus - PS2
    3. Contra - NES
    4. Shining Force 1/2 - Genesis
    5. Left 4 Dead 1/2 - Xbox360

    I’ve owned all of these and would probably change the list any other day. Also considered Xenogears, Castlevania Symphony of the Night (PS); Dynasty Warriors 2, Romance of the 3 Kingdoms 7 (PS2); Tecmo Super Bowl (NES); Shadowrun, Phantasy Star 2/4, General Chaos (Genesis); Red Dead Redemption, Mass Effect, Fallout 3, Elder Scrolls Oblivion, Castle Crashers (360); Shining Force 3, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Dragon Force, Guardian Heroes, Iron Storm (Saturn)


    I hear that Mass Effect 2 is pretty special.

    Red Dead Redemption is good but it hasn’t really grabbed me. I don’t really feel I can ignore the side mission type stuff and play just the story and that is kinda holding the whole thing back for me.

    I just picked up ME2 and am about 15 hours into it. So far, I prefer the first one. They aren’t drastically different, but it’s the little things that make a difference. However, ME2 is still a great game. The narrative is just as strong, and you are once again immersed in well designed space lore. The only thing I want to point out for picking it up on PS3 is that someone screwed up by getting the sequel but not the original.  I dont know why they did that as they game carries decisions you make from the first to the second (and on to the third). You also miss out on a great game and some poignant backstory. Watching Empire Strikes Back is nice, but why do it without seeing A New Hope.

    Red Dead is just as great in the narrative, maybe even more so. You need to finish the game just for the last hour of gameplay. Hell, even the last 10 minutes.  The entire game truly is an experience, and I did everything you could in it. The thing is, I could have been satisfied just riding around, doing nothing in particular.

  • @Jermofoot:


    I hear that Mass Effect 2 is pretty special.

    Red Dead Redemption is good but it hasn’t really grabbed me. I don’t really feel I can ignore the side mission type stuff and play just the story and that is kinda holding the whole thing back for me.

    I just picked up ME2 and am about 15 hours into it. So far, I prefer the first one. They aren’t drastically different, but it’s the little things that make a difference. However, ME2 is still a great game. The narrative is just as strong, and you are once again immersed in well designed space lore. The only thing I want to point out for picking it up on PS3 is that someone screwed up by getting the sequel but not the original.  I dont know why they did that as they game carries decisions you make from the first to the second (and on to the third). You also miss out on a great game and some poignant backstory. Watching Empire Strikes Back is nice, but why do it without seeing A New Hope.

    I think there is a download for PS3 which you watch a synopsis of the first and make some decisions on the way which creates a starting point for you with ME2. So not the full ride but something to get you started.

    Red Dead is just as great in the narrative, maybe even more so. You need to finish the game just for the last hour of gameplay. Hell, even the last 10 minutes.  The entire game truly is an experience, and I did everything you could in it. The thing is, I could have been satisfied just riding around, doing nothing in particular.

    In RDR it is pretty cool just to take a ride on your horse. However, even with that I don’t much like the checkpoint system. I spent rather a long time traveling to a story mission only to fall into a gulch (because it got like pitch black dark) and find myself entirely back where I’d started with nothing to show. For an open world game it felt kinda of stingy and cheap. And this was after unsatisfying experiences with poker and horseshoes. It rather dampened my enthusiasm. I want to finish it but always seem to end up playing BC2.

    I’ve got a backlog of unfinished games (RDR, Batman:AA, The Saboteur and some Move titles) plus a few things I’d like to play again (Uncharted 1 and 2) and that is without a lot of the stuff I’m excited about this summer. “inFamous 2” and “LA Noire” and Augusta National is in the new Tiger Woods golf game and the idea of playing that with the Move controls has considerable appeal. Probably as close as I’ll ever have a chance to get. Might have to take up caffeinated beverages again.

  • @Gargantua:

    The whole FF series is J U N K.

    No one likes that Crap,  Fallout was always a superior series.  And it was a PC game for ADULTS.

    I know you are trolling, but:

    I will admit that there are some subpar Final Fantasy games, but there are also some great ones spanning 5(!) console generations.  Many are being rereleased because they are classic.  Final Fantasy 7 to me was an epic during my high school days.  I rented a Playstation and the game just to play it, then bought both because it was so good.  It may not hold up to today, but it still has related content coming out over a decade after its release.

    Fallout is great too, but it has also had some stinkers.  Many people don’t like the newest incarnations (that run fine on the consoles, BTW), or that number 3 and New Vegas are pretty damn similar.  Or even that it’s just piggy backing on the success of Elder Scrolls.


    I think there is a download for PS3 which you watch a synopsis of the first and make some decisions on the way which creates a starting point for you with ME2. So not the full ride but something to get you started.

    Ah, well it’s something at least.  I realized afterwards that there are people playing the second without the first even on the 360, so I know the address that.  It’s just not the same as playing it though.  You know, building your badass team, seducing a squad member of whichever gender, tagging the blue alien chick, etc.  Actually, the newest Star Trek movie really reminded me of Mass Effect 1, although I know you disliked that movie.

    In RDR it is pretty cool just to take a ride on your horse. However, even with that I don’t much like the checkpoint system. I spent rather a long time traveling to a story mission only to fall into a gulch (because it got like pitch black dark) and find myself entirely back where I’d started with nothing to show. For an open world game it felt kinda of stingy and cheap. And this was after unsatisfying experiences with poker and horseshoes. It rather dampened my enthusiasm. I want to finish it but always seem to end up playing BC2.

    I’ve got a backlog of unfinished games (RDR, Batman:AA, The Saboteur and some Move titles) plus a few things I’d like to play again (Uncharted 1 and 2) and that is without a lot of the stuff I’m excited about this summer. “inFamous 2” and “LA Noire” and Augusta National is in the new Tiger Woods golf game and the idea of playing that with the Move controls has considerable appeal. Probably as close as I’ll ever have a chance to get. Might have to take up caffeinated beverages again.

    Yeah, I get frustrated at save systems too.  I can’t stand to go back and redo an area I just did.  If anything, Oblivion and Fallout 3 taught me to save constantly, if I can.  Regardless, you have a masterpiece waiting to be completed and I urge you to knock it out.  It could happen in a weekend or so and if not satisfied, I’m sure you could trade it in for some big bucks still.  I enjoyed the minigames but they should have been in multiplayer in the 1st place.  Adding them in DLC is BS, IMO.  Although the Undead Nightmare DLC is supposed to be the best of the year.

    Not enough time, too many games.  I know how it goes.  I feel the same way about many books I own, but not so much the games.  I generally keep it to a purchase every couple of months or so while trading in old games.  Very few I hang on to long term.

  • @Jermofoot:

    4. Shining Force 1/2 - Genesis

    Long live to the Force! It’s always time to fly Nazca bird of fight against the Kraken one more time  8-)

  • @M7574:

    panzer general
    allied general
    rbi baseball
    bill walsh college football

    honorable mention:  tecmo bowl (football)

    does my list date me? 8-)

    1. Battle Toads (SG)
    2. Super Tecmo Bowl (NES)
    3. Pitfall  (Atari)
    4. Double Dragon II (NES)
    5. Ninja Gaiden (NES)

    I just dated myself also.

  • @Funcioneta:


    4. Shining Force 1/2 - Genesis

    Long live to the Force! It’s always time to fly Nazca bird of fight against the Kraken one more time  8-)

    Hells yeah.  I picked up a Sega Genesis collection for the 360 with both of those on it…now I can get rid of my cartridges and Genesis!

  • So I put some real time in with RDR this weekend. Haven’t finished so no spoilers please. I continue to be underwhelmed.

    The big thing is I can’t see anything. Half the game is in the dark. It feels like a cheap way to make the game more difficult rather than an artistic choice for telling the story.

    It keeps putting me on the opposite side of the map after a story mission from the next story mission or where you initiate the story mission and where the non-exposition part of the mission starts are pretty far apart. Comes across as a cheap way to make the game feel longer.

    Again on can’t see anything and more reinforcement of the ‘cheap kills feel.’ A lot of animal encounters feel like the animal ‘spawned’ biting you. Maybe I couldn’t see it because of the cactus but then the animal just goes thru the cactus. Other times it’s on straight line charge until you pull a weapon. Of course if you were just skinning an animal you think you’re pulling a gun and instead pull the knife. Of course you have to select from the wheel in ‘real time’ and the thing is twitchy/finicky.

    It often feels like the programmers aren’t playing fair with you or worse were lazy.

    I’m not disliking the game overall but I’m just not finding what I inferred/what was implied I would.

  • 1. Halo Reach (xbox360)
    2. Left 4 Dead 2 (xbox360)
    3. Modern Warfare 2 (xbox360)
    4. God of War 3 (PS3)
    5. Assasin’s Creed Brotherhood (xbox360)

  • @frimmel:

    So I put some real time in with RDR this weekend. Haven’t finished so no spoilers please. I continue to be underwhelmed.

    The big thing is I can’t see anything. Half the game is in the dark. It feels like a cheap way to make the game more difficult rather than an artistic choice for telling the story.

    It keeps putting me on the opposite side of the map after a story mission from the next story mission or where you initiate the story mission and where the non-exposition part of the mission starts are pretty far apart. Comes across as a cheap way to make the game feel longer.

    Again on can’t see anything and more reinforcement of the ‘cheap kills feel.’ A lot of animal encounters feel like the animal ‘spawned’ biting you. Maybe I couldn’t see it because of the cactus but then the animal just goes thru the cactus. Other times it’s on straight line charge until you pull a weapon. Of course if you were just skinning an animal you think you’re pulling a gun and instead pull the knife. Of course you have to select from the wheel in ‘real time’ and the thing is twitchy/finicky.

    It often feels like the programmers aren’t playing fair with you or worse were lazy.

    I’m not disliking the game overall but I’m just not finding what I inferred/what was implied I would.

    Certainly there is something to be done about the darkness. The night cycle is supposed to be harder to see, but not completely blind. Check the video options for the game and you tv.

    The animal spawn thing can be a bummer…I remember the ninja cougar attacks. But you can get used to them and being equipped properly once you reacclimate to playing.

    As far as the distance thing…work towards the best horse (3 types) and use fast travel. I enjoyed the trips as it gave me a chance to become familiar with the lay of the land, which helped with future missions.

    Really though, I think the last bit of the game will be worth it.

  • I’m liking the story and I’m invested in Marsten’s quest but feel like I’m being forced into some things I don’t really want to spend time doing. I take some of it as an attempt to sort of immerse you in Marsten’s frustration at having to wait about or as an effort at ‘realism.’ The general store isn’t always open and you can’t call on the captain at 3 in the morning but neither do people have horse races in the dead of night or folks stand around waiting to pull you off your horse and steal it (only to get themselves shot in the head  :roll: ) in the middle of the night. So the dark would be ‘fine’ if there were other changes in the environment to go with it.

    Can you skip the skinning animations? Those are taking up way too much time for all the animals I’m expected to collect.

    Ninja Cougars - exactly.

    I’m going to stick with it till the end but I’m feeling I’ll more or less be ‘done’ with it after finishing the story.

  • @frimmel:

    I’m liking the story and I’m invested in Marsten’s quest but feel like I’m being forced into some things I don’t really want to spend time doing. I take some of it as an attempt to sort of immerse you in Marsten’s frustration at having to wait about or as an effort at ‘realism.’ The general store isn’t always open and you can’t call on the captain at 3 in the morning but neither do people have horse races in the dead of night or folks stand around waiting to pull you off your horse and steal it (only to get themselves shot in the head  :roll: ) in the middle of the night. So the dark would be ‘fine’ if there were other changes in the environment to go with it.

    Can you skip the skinning animations? Those are taking up way too much time for all the animals I’m expected to collect.

    Ninja Cougars - exactly.

    I’m going to stick with it till the end but I’m feeling I’ll more or less be ‘done’ with it after finishing the story.

    Havent been around in a bit - did you finish, frim?

    Dont think you can skip the skinning cutscenes. I kinda got used to it after a while.

    The missions certainly take a detour for length’s sake, but I think it adds to your experience at the end…as you say, frustrations.

  • Haven’t finished. The end of the story is in sight though. I spent the last session trying to rope one of the top tier horses, the black one, that didn’t work out so well. I also spent time trying to melee kill a couple of cougars and that didn’t work out to well either. The cougars melee was very annoying and makes me think trying to melee kill a bear will be an exercise in futility. I spent the one before doing the Mexico gang hideouts and doing the survivalist challenges on the Mexico plants. I’m trying to decide if I’ll just finish the story and be done with it or if I’m going to try for all of the SP trophies.

  • @frimmel:

    Haven’t finished. The end of the story is in sight though. I spent the last session trying to rope one of the top tier horses, the black one, that didn’t work out so well. I also spent time trying to melee kill a couple of cougars and that didn’t work out to well either. The cougars melee was very annoying and makes me think trying to melee kill a bear will be an exercise in futility. I spent the one before doing the Mexico gang hideouts and doing the survivalist challenges on the Mexico plants. I’m trying to decide if I’ll just finish the story and be done with it or if I’m going to try for all of the SP trophies.

    For the melee sidequests I think I tried wounding them first and then going in for the kill. But I have legitimately killed both with just a knife and I think the bears are easier.

    Here’s the thing about trophies/achievements: they are gimmicks to keep you hooked on the game longer. Now, I try to finish all the games I play but have less time these days. I only recently realized that going for 100% took too much time to achieve and I wasn’t really getting anything out of it. I don’t want to feel accomplished playing a game (although not a bad feeling) as much as I want to have fun. Does that help your decision?

  • My thing with this game is that the parts of it I like, I really like but they’re all mashed up with some things that miss the mark for me or just seem to come from a really skewed sense of fairness or sticks/carrots concepts or lazy programming.

    Like trying to cheat at cards. Get this suit and you can cheat. Okay that sounds neat, how do I do that? Ohh… there’s the cheat button, “You have been caught cheating!!!” Wait what?

    I’m so close on a lot of the trophies it seems kinda of silly not to see it through but on the other hand I’m not quite sure when the game is going to reach up and smack me down for trying. It would seem that a grizzlie can catch you from behind when you’re at a good gallop without making a sound for instance after its cloak of invisibility wears off. So great it was pretty easy to collect all those plants but the ninja bear just ate those twenty minutes of hunting and gathering because if you’d stopped and saved you’d be here with the ninja bears in the dark and still likely to end up in Blackwater if you’re killed and the bear camp save spot is just around this bend in the trail leaving you in a much better spot to go do that stranger task. :roll:

    I’m nearing the end but here I am doing something that I didn’t really like the first time it came up in the game (the Uncle mission where you break horses) and it’s giving me that cheap kills thing again. I broke the first two horses no problem (just like earlier trys) and then the next 7 horses I finally manage to lasso and get on to break (an annoying endeavor as the horses seem to be able to constantly ‘warp’ across the map and get out of the rope terribly easily) all throw me, with Marsten perfect on the horse and getting the feedback that you’ve broken the horse.

    So I’m at this for going on 45 minutes (to get the last horse when I got the first two I need in about 7-10) when Uncle gets in the path of the lasso and I fail the mission for attacking his horse.

    So first off I’m feeling jacked around for having to ‘redo’ a mission I’ve already completed earlier in the game and since the first Uncle mission hit me with a -50 honor loss I’m not feeling confident about the outcome to start with and also I’m feeling jacked around because the game isn’t playing ‘fair’ or isn’t working or both.

    Frankly all of this stuff on Marsten’s ranch is starting to feel like I’m getting set up for a whammy I’m going to find really cheap.

    I’m having a love/hate relationship with this game.

  • Ohh and I’m well aware of the point of trophies. I have five plats (highest/full completion PS3.) For the most part I typically think they are fun and good encouragement to see all the game has to offer. Some are just grinds that don’t hold much interest.

    My trouble with this one is rewards for pursuing the trophies seem uneven or like you’re not really progressing. Sort of ‘Lucy with the football’ deals.

  • Okay, not as cheap as I was expecting but still underwhelming (and pretty much not a surprise) and more or less in line with the slightly confused nature of the game. i.e. “Is Marston trying to walk a path to redemption or not?”

    Lassoing wild horses works much better with ‘casual’ targeting.  :-)

  • @frimmel:

    Okay, not as cheap as I was expecting but still underwhelming (and pretty much not a surprise) and more or less in line with the slightly confused nature of the game. i.e. “Is Marston trying to walk a path to redemption or not?”

    Lassoing wild horses works much better with ‘casual’ targeting.  :-)

    I was going to say I thought the ending would be very rewarding due to your frustrations.

    Honestly, I feel it had the strongest ending for a game that I can rcently remember.

  • Red Dead Spoiler Alert

    I’m going to talk about the ending of Red Dead so consider yourself warned.

    The thing is the whole game you’re playing a character who has put his outlaw ways behind him. Now for the most part in the story missions Marston in fact has. However… and here is my trouble with the game a lot of the side missions or tertiary stuff is Marston’s outlaw ways. You’re encouraged to act as an outlaw.

    By analogy Marston is an alcoholic and you’re expected to give him a bottle of whiskey and that rather bothered me. You’re an outlaw or you’re not and the game acts as though you can be both and that took something away from the narrative for me. Is this or is this not a story of redemption?

    I saw the end coming at least as early as during the trip to the wrecked riverboat. So given the ending and the kicker side mission (that I almost missed and is the real end of the story) the question of is Marston redeemed seems unanswered. Jack’s actions suggest that Marston was in fact not redeemed and I didn’t much like that. Or perhaps that choosing the outlaw life of the quick and the dead is an act of redemption.

    Just seemed that the authors didn’t in fact have anything to say. At least not anything new.

  • Theres so many great games, I’m going to choose genres and examples (for PS3.)

    1. Tekken 6 (Love it, love all the tekken games can’t wait for Tekken X Street Fighter)
    2. Call of Duty: Black Ops (It’s a fun game, and all my friends play it so it’s something we can all do.)
    3. Yakuza 3 (It’s awesome just basic street fighting and other stuff.)
    4. Prince of Persia: Sands of Times (Very fun killing things with my sword, nuff said.)
    5. Endwar (Like the strategic, but not holy s**t impossible.)

    Also I would like to mention Civilization Revolution, it’s a good game, but compared to the computer version, it kind of sucks.

  • Not in any particular order but here’s mine :

    call of duty modern warfare 2, mass effect trilogy, kagero deception 2, dark forces, phantasy star  8-)

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