- More likely, if England attacks Korea and lands planes in Amur this is an act of war and thus, Japan’s retalliation should not trigger the 12 IPC boon to Russia. I am not 100% on how the rules read, but I believe Japan would attack Amur and only kill the British units, leaving the Russians alone. In which case, presumably, the Japanese would have to retreat to friendly territory or something. I know this is how it works if England declares war on Japan and hides his ships with the American ones (while America is at peace.)
As already noted by Ruanek, the UK or Anzak (or US , for that matter, once at war) cannot land or move units into a russian territory on the Pacific boards until Russia or Japan declare war on each other. Until then, Russian territories remain “neutral” and are restricted similar to other “neutral” spaces.
But to address your other supposition, territories are not the same as Seazones. You CANNOT attack only one nations’ units in a territory and ignore others as you can in a seazone. If you plan to attack a territory that contains units not at war with, you’re absolutely REQUIRED to declare war on the power, even if you’re already at war with other units on that space.
This can only happen very rarely now. If Japan is at war with Russia, I believe the rules are written such that the UK is allowed to move into russian territories even when not at war with Japan. At that point, neither country is “neutral” on that side of the board (the UK is never considered neutral, even if it’s not at war with Japan because it’s already a nation at war with Germany/Italy, and the UK does not have the same “diplomatic” theater breakdown that the USSR has) so they can share spaces. And if Japan plans to attack a russian space with a UK unit, they must declare war on the UK in order to attack that russian space.
an unprovoked
Wow so basically as long as I can articulate that I was provoked. I get 12 IPC’s.
Oh whats that? you left 1 man in Amur, that’s PROVOCATION! I am Justified to attack!
It’s not that complicated, why feign outrage by it? Whoever attacks FIRST is unprovoked. Why beat a dead horse, even sarcastically?