94Canuck's Global 1940 Alpha + 2 Setup Charts and Game Aids

  • Great work Canuck!

    Printed on hardboard and looks great!

    For those having trouble printing them:
    Had this proublem at the copyshop too.
    What should help is:

    • open in photoshop
    • change pixel size to 300
    • save as pdf
    • print pdf

    Thanks again Canuck!

  • TripleA

    ^ that or just scale to fit your print media and you won’t loose any resolution.

  • '10

    I have uploaded all of these files to the FMG server in easy to download PDF format!

    See them here:

    Thank you again 94Canuck for your contribution to the community!

  • '10

    These are awesome, Canuck! Thanks for sharing. Also, thanks FMG for converting them to PDF for ease of printing!  :-)

  • I know it’s been said many times already…

    Great job 94Canuck - These are my favorite charts to date.

  • Global NO chart missing Collect 5 IPCs per turn that Germany controls the United Kingdom. Theme: High national prestige.

    On Japan set up chart Shangtung should be spelled Shantung.

  • TripleA


  • I am relatively new to this forum but I love the dedication and ingenuity of its players. Canuck94 these charts are AWESOME. I just printed them out and am going to laminate them at Kinkos. Great job man and thanks.

  • TripleA

    It has nothing to do with you being ‘that guy’, it has to do with your approach in general.  A simple, “spelling mistake on the NO chart, fyi” would have sufficed.  Will update tomorrow.

  • Hey these charts are awesome! Thanks.

    In the research chart it should be super not suber submarines.

  • TripleA

    Both corrections made, files updated.

  • Great work 94Canuck! Really nice aids.

    Any chance you will be making some task force markers?

    And any chance you will be making equivalent aids for the Europe 1940?

  • TripleA

    Hey, I have given thought to Task Force markers however haven’t had the time just yet.

    As for Pacific/Europe standalone charts, I also hadn’t planned on that.  Bob had already completed full sets for both which I currently use, and IMO are really well done.  If there was a big demand for matching charts for the stand alone games I’m sure I could however.

  • But Bobs does not include alpha +2, right?

  • TripleA

    That is correct.  Bob has opted to not update until Alpha is 100% finished which I can understand completely.

    In addition, Bob’s charts for NO’s etc would suffice, however as I understand it the Alpha setups are to be used for both stand alone games, but I might be wrong on that.  If so you would only need one set of setups, which you could use mine for.

  • Great :D

    I dont understand, why these aids dont come with the game in the first place… But then it is great, someone has the ability to make some, that looks great :D

  • On your tech board for jet fighters, you have fighters misspelled.

    Found some more - very minor, but I am a nitpicker - especially for something as nice as what you’ve created:

    On the national objectives board, ANZAC’s NO for controlling Malaya should say “its”, not “it’s”.

    National objectives board again. Italy’s first objective says Souhern France, not Southern France. Additionally, the comma is missing between Egypt and Southern France. I believe it is sitting at the end of Gibraltar.

    France’s unit placement card. Normandy is misspelled.

    US unit placement card. Western US - Fighters is plural.

    Please don’t take my notes as criticism. I love what you have done and I am excited to print them out!



  • TripleA

    Updated plus some other things I found you didn’t catch.  I’m sure there are more :)

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    I’m printing in color and laminating these aids as soon as possible.

    This quality is better than game Quality.  Any chance we can get a list of the new rules in a chart format?  Or even on a page one could tape into the rulebook?

  • TripleA

    That is on the to do list actually.  I’ve been looking at a good way to format and condense the multiple pages down to just one or two.  The scramble portion is so long.  That will probably get done when I work on the stand alone charts for Europe/Pacific.  I’m just trying to weed through the multiple posts to determine what setup is to be used for the standalones, and what NO changes there are.  I don’t want to do them if I have the wrong info.  I also might do a battleboard just for keep it all the same.

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