I’ve being waiting to try a British tactic where I forgo the Taranto raid in favour of bringing the British fleet up in defense of a German Sealion. As follows:
1 fig (10)
1 inf (3)
save (16)
1 tac SZ91 to Lon
1 fig Lon to SZ92
1 DD 1 CV SZ91 to SZ92
1 fig Alx to SZ92
1 inf 1 arm Que to either Gib (if Germany is in position to assault) or to Lon
Collect Income
29+5+16=50 IPC
2 CV (32)
2 DD (16)
save (0)
1 DD 1 CV 2 fig SZ92 to SZ110
3 fig 1 tac Lon to SZ110
Mob Units
2 CV 2 DD SZ110
Final analysis:
3 DD, 3 CV, 1 tac, 5 fig SZ110 = 6 2’s, 1 3, 5 4’s (average 6 hits)
Germany could potentially attack with:
2 SS, 1 CA, 1 CV, 1 dBB, 4 fig 3 tac 1 bom = 2 2’s, 5 3’s, 5 4’s (average 7 hits)
BUT, Great Britain can absorb 3 of these hits with her carriers. This leaves us with:
1 DD 2 dCV, 1 tac, 5 fig (average 5 hits)
1 dBB, 3 fig 3 tac 1 bom (average 5 hits)
Continuing onwards, the British would lose their low hitting 2’s before her 4’s, and Germany will lose her precious airforce. In any case, Germany wouldn’t be able to do a Ger3 Sealion. Those 11 transports? Useless.
Germany could just go around SZ 110 to drop on the other side of England in SZ 109 (which UK could block with a DD). But they could just drop the troops off in Scotland from SZ 119 or SZ 111 and go from there for G4. Depends on what they really want to do then with those 11 transports (just go for broke in Novograd?) Then they build a bunch of subs to use as fodder to kill the fleet next round.