Thank you for clarifying!
Who wants Roundels like AAA Europe/Pacific 1940 ?
Please vote for (7) Seven Countries
I am wanting to make nice Roundels just like in Axis and Allies Europe / Pacific 1940.
They would have the same thickness and colors as existing Roundels.
If there is enough Interest I can make a run of them and on the second run we can make others.
If there are other Roundels wanted please let me know!1A. Italy - Out of the Box
You need to specify which roundels for each country, as many nations changed their designs mid-war to avoid confusion with enemy types.
The stuff you’ve been putting on ebay looks pretty good as far as designs. By the way, thanks for the rockets. Just got them yesterday.
The roundels I make on eBay are on 3/4" Avery labels stuck to a AAA roundel.
I am going to make roundels just like you get in a Europe 1940 game.
They should be first class. -
I was just saying that as far as which roundel designs to use (which flags), the ones you already use would be great. But better quality is always appreciated!
What I’d find most useful is double-sided “Pro” markers.
That is, a Pro-Allied symbol on one side, and a Pro-Axis symbol on t’other.
This makes it easier to track loyalties using house rules (in which allegiance can be changed by things like diplomacy), and when using historical set-ups (in which many loyalties are different, e.g. Iran and Iraq).
Even with OOTB rules you might need these when there has been a “wipeout” in an attack on a neutral.
Here are my votes:
1A. Italy - Out of the Box
2. China Communist - I personally wont use a communist Chinese roundel.
3. Canada - OOB - The Canadian roundel you showed is not the OOB roundel. This is the OOB roundel.
4. Poland - Dont personally care for your version. The official roundel from WWII was actually a square. Here is an adaptation of the official WWII roundel adapted to a circle. (Ignore the green.)
5. Dutch = OOB - Works for me.
6B Finland - (Technically 6A is correct but I would avoid swastikas where possible.)
10b. India - Union Jack - **(Most bang for your buck, even though its not India per say) **
Just my opinions. Take them or leave them. Good luck with the project.
I appreciate your comments on the roundels.
Yes, I will go out of the box whenever possible.
I agree, I will not use the swastika.
Why do you like the Romania roundel over the other version?
Union jack for india is a good choice, I like it better than the post war roundel.
Great comments, thanks.
I do not like your choice of roundel for poland, but I am all about accuracy, thanks. -
I realize that the gold cross Romanian roundel is more correct being used from 1 May 1941 to 3 September 1944, but the Round version was used during WWII immediately before and after those dates so I think its not too big of a streach to use the round one. Plus it conforms to existing (though some might say apocryphal) A&A Miniatures.
Here’s what Poland’s official roundel for WWII looked like (and yes I agree its a bit bland):
Found this roundel used by China begining in 1949. I suggest you adapt the star design in a circle shaped roundel.
P.S. you might find this link a great resource: -
I couldn’t find the OOB Brit roundel on that site
Could not find your stuff on eBay. Can you post a link to your store?
You need to do the Axis Italian fasces symbol
Canada maple is post war
Dutch roundel was an orange triangle from 1940
Hungarian cross should be a square
Chinese star should be yellow
Full roster of WWII roundels are featured on my WIP card designs: