I already started a post, messaged you in chat about it. Do you have a dicemail registered already with TripleA?
Isnt the game just broken if USA builds a major factory in Norway?
You can also bring in the carrier for a free hit and an additional one if you’re prepared to lose it…
I was accounting for the CV, which BTW gives you two free hits but no fire power. Germany matches two free hits with CV +BB. Germany matches your DD with it’s CV (both hit on two), matches one FT with a CA, beats your other fighters with it’s defensive fighters, and beats your TB with a BB (the BB always rolls at four, even alone).
As someone else said: The Allies can afford such losses in the beginning….
…Not attacking the German fleet (even at bad odds) will allow the Germans to build an “all land units’ buy” to use against Russia. Even if you do have to replace 15-20 IPCs worth of ships, it’s still better for the Allies than if they don’t make the Germans do that.
But attacking at bad odds allows Germany to walk into England. UK is a small dog in that battle, but Germany only needs mutual destruction. which makes UK a big dog.
I would argue that “in the beginning” is when England can least afford losses, because this is when they’re most vulnerable.
You can also bring in the carrier for a free hit and an additional one if you’re prepared to lose it…
I was accounting for the CV, which BTW gives you two free hits but no fire power. Germany matches two free hits with CV +BB. Germany matches your DD with it’s CV (both hit on two), matches one FT with a CA, beats your other fighters with it’s defensive fighters, and beats your TB with a BB (the BB always rolls at four, even alone).
As someone else said: The Allies can afford such losses in the beginning….
…Not attacking the German fleet (even at bad odds) will allow the Germans to build an “all land units’ buy” to use against Russia. Even if you do have to replace 15-20 IPCs worth of ships, it’s still better for the Allies than if they don’t make the Germans do that.
But attacking at bad odds allows Germany to walk into England. UK is a small dog in that battle, but Germany only needs mutual destruction. which makes UK a big dog.
I would argue that “in the beginning” is when England can least afford losses, because this is when they’re most vulnerable.
Of course you’re making some valid points as well; I’m not denying that. However, Britain can buy infantry and a tank or two to fend off a possible sea lion (which wouldn’t come before turn 3 anyway in my example as Germany bought a sub, des and CV (i.e. no transports). Allowing the German fleet to remain(completely) intact will offer them the possibility later on in the game to delay landings on the West European coast for a turn or 2 more than they otherwise would (with or without the assistance of the Luftwaffe). If only for that reason, it’s certainly worth considering attacking the German fleet, even at bad odds, as inot doing so will basically give Germany two or 3 more turns to deal with the USSR before the western Allies can get too close for comfort.
In my game I actually did attack and destroyed the entire German fleet at a loss of only one destroyer and a tactical bomber. I do admit these rolls were completely insane (Germans had bought a CV and 2 transports to add to their existing fleet).The turn after two subs tried to destroy the remaining British carrier loaded with two fighters, but the subs missed. Had they scored even just one hit, the CV would have been crippled and the fighters wouldn’t have had a place to land (They were off the German occupied Norwegian coast). However, again the British were incredibly lucky: the subs missed 3 times and the CV scored two hits in defense (fighters couldn’t participate as only subs were attacking). However, these completely outrageous results may have also somewhat clouded my judgement. Of course, normally speaking the Germans will sustain far minor losses and at the same time wipe out the British. Also a destroyer, a CV and a sub will make for different results than just the CV and two (additional) transports.
In my latest game, my G1 naval attack was close to failure. I failed to destroy the French and British cruisers in the same sea zone while I lost my own cruiser, and I lost 3 subs and 1 fighter. The land attack went far better.
What this resulted in was my ships being protected behind the wall of Denmark-Norway. I believe this itself could be a very effective strategy, however you will have to figure out how to destroy ships, yet keep yours able to retreat back through the straits. As it stands now, my ships (CV, BB, 3 Trans) can only be attacked by Britain’s 4 aircraft.
Still, I would rather have destroyed his cruisers and then moved my ships back through the straits on my own accord.
What this resulted in was my ships being protected behind the wall of Denmark-Norway. I believe this itself could be a very effective strategy, however you will have to figure out how to destroy ships, yet keep yours able to retreat back through the straits.
Related to this: Just make sure you always have (at least) one sub being the Germans. Place it in the Baltic and you will keep the British from getting their NO for there not being any German subs on the board. They simply cannot easily attack a sub in the Baltic! First they’ll have to take Denmark to do so! (and control it from the beginning of their turn; so the Italians could even take it back…)
You are an underdog in that battle, and if you lose or even draw you have no planes to defend England and Germany still has three transports. UK will fall terribly turn three, taking poor Canada with it. sad
Yeah, perhaps, it all depends on the rolls. But you know what, at least I am somebody on this Forum who will put up a fight. I am like Churchill in this game. I know I am gonna have casualties and loose units and I don’t pussyfoot around to try and keep my precious stacks alive while my enemy gets the advantage. Maybe some of you should read some Sun Tzu and play REAL games with REAL dice against opponents you are REALLY in front of instead of all this email crap.
I ask you this who think a British counter attack to be futile. What would you do instead? Assuming you are trying to protect your airpower ( and don’t forget the two aircraft, one TAC and one Fighter, you have on the carrier next to Gibraltar)
would you just sit there and polish you pretty fighters for the Hun to blow them up the next day? If you would, you and Neville (Pussy) Chamberlain would become fast friends.I wouldn’t attack if the odds were grossly out of favor, but if they were equal or close to it, then I will hit your Kriegsmarine and take some of them to the bottom. “Fortune Favors the Bold”, the man who said that never lost a battle.
What this resulted in was my ships being protected behind the wall of Denmark-Norway. I believe this itself could be a very effective strategy, however you will have to figure out how to destroy ships, yet keep yours able to retreat back through the straits.
Related to this: Just make sure you always have (at least) one sub being the Germans. Place it in the Baltic and you will keep the British from getting their NO for there not being any German subs on the board. They simply cannot easily attack a sub in the Baltic! First they’ll have to take Denmark to do so! (and control it from the beginning of their turn; so the Italians could even take it back…)
Typically I will send my subs down to the South coast of Africa… they are pretty well safe down there and they sap IPCs from convoys.
But you know what, at least I am somebody on this Forum who will put up a fight. I am like Churchill in this game. I know I am gonna have casualties and loose units and I don’t pussyfoot around to try and keep my precious stacks alive while my enemy gets the advantage.
Well, FYI… Churchill didn’t go seeking the Germans out in the early stages of War. The Battle of Britain did come to him, not the other way around. It is important to put the Germans off their game however you can, but not to the point of wasting what little you do have. Yeah, it might work once in a while to be agressive like that, but I tend to play games the way that gives me the best shot at winning; not taking gambles early in the game that might screw me over for the rest of it. Opportunism is a very good thing, but there is a difference between a good opportunity and reckless waste.
Admiral Nimitz on the coming Battle of Midway ordered Spruance and Fletcher: ‘‘…be governed by the principle of calculated risk, which you will interpret to mean the avoidance of exposure of your forces to attack by superior enemy forces without good prospect of inflicting, as a result of such exposure, greater damage to the enemy.”
I think that is a wise idea, especially for those who are undermanned and under-armed.
Maybe some of you should read some Sun Tzu and play REAL games with REAL dice against opponents you are REALLY in front of instead of all this email crap.
At least some of us don’t play “this email crap”… and we do roll dice. I am one of them. And as for Sun Tzu, I have, and have read, the Art of War. Unfortunately the element of surprise cannot be modeled well in Axis and Allies.
I ask you this who think a British counter attack to be futile. What would you do instead?
I would build up and prepare, if the Germans were threatening a Sealion attack. There is not a whole lot more you can do on UK1. If Germany does not threaten Sealion, then I would start building/rebuilding my Navy on the West coast of England, or Canada, or explore my other options.
( and don’t forget the two aircraft, one TAC and one Fighter, you have on the carrier next to Gibraltar)
There is only a tactical bomber on the carrier. Unless we are talking about Larry’s revised setup option, which I have not examined yet.
I see your point. I would build up and brace for a German attack. I am just saying that if the Germans bought transports the first round instead of a destroyer and sub, I would probably hit it. It’s like you said, all about calculated risk. I have played this game for 10 plus years and I have lost a lot of games, but I think the bolder I have been (within logic and reason) the better my gambles have paid off.
I agree with you though, good points.
I see your point. I would build up and brace for a German attack. I am just saying that if the Germans bought transports the first round instead of a destroyer and sub, I would probably hit it. It’s like you said, all about calculated risk. I have played this game for 10 plus years and I have lost a lot of games, but I think the bolder I have been (within logic and reason) the better my gambles have paid off.
I agree with you though, good points.
Good. I am glad we are of an accord. I did not wish to sound hostile.
I would say that if the Germans just bought transports, I would very likely hit it too. But not if they also bought a Carrier and stacked planes on it.
Very true, those fighters are very needed in Defense, as they are stronger in that regard.
Also, I did once have a sucessfull Dunkirk evacuation of my French Fighter from the French battle. I am pretty sure its a house rule, but the way we usually play is that if there are no attacking air units, then the defending air unit can retreat to a safe territory within its range if it survives the first round of combat.
Of course it did, and my opponent forgot to throw a Stuka at France, so the Dewontine came in very useful for a possible sealion defense and also to land on a carrier later on as a defender.