• Just noticed something when reading the scramble section again.

    Can you only scramble when an island with an airbase is being attacked?

    If so are Japan, Australia, and Britain islands?

    Does China have an actual capital for the Axis to take over and take China’s IPCs?

  • In OOB, only islands can scramble. Japan is an island; Oz and the UK are not.

    China has no capital and doesn’t lose ipcs.

  • In the Alpha.+1 rules under the new scramble rules.

    Can different countries all scramble together as along as there are no more then 3 fighters? So like a combination of two U.S and one U.K. fighters on a U.K. island or coastal territory

  • yes

  • Here is the scenerio U.S. want to invade German coastal territory A. The sea zone the U.S. is invading from is touching both territory A and territory B. Territory B has an airbase with fighters on it. Can Germany scramble fighters from territory B even though the attack is on territory A?

    Does the attacker have to assign where everything is going before the defender decides to scramble? Meaning you better have enough protection at sea if you send everything inland for an invasion.

  • @wilk7011:

    Here is the scenerio U.S. want to invade German coastal territory A. The sea zone the U.S. is invading from is touching both territory A and territory B. Territory B has an airbase with fighters on it. Can Germany scramble fighters from territory B even though the attack is on territory A?

    Does the attacker have to assign where everything is going before the defender decides to scramble? Meaning you better have enough protection at sea if you send everything inland for an invasion.

    Only planes from A can scramble unless the US is also invading B.(This is for Alpha + 0.1)

    Yes, Germany decides how much to scramble after the US moves its units; thus, you better have enough forces to win against all those planes whether they go into the sea zone or stay on land.

  • Official Q&A


    Here is the scenerio U.S. want to invade German coastal territory A. The sea zone the U.S. is invading from is touching both territory A and territory B. Territory B has an airbase with fighters on it. Can Germany scramble fighters from territory B even though the attack is on territory A?

    OOB - Yes.
    Alpha+.1  - Only if there is a sea battle before the assault.

  • @Krieghund:


    Here is the scenerio U.S. want to invade German coastal territory A. The sea zone the U.S. is invading from is touching both territory A and territory B. Territory B has an airbase with fighters on it. Can Germany scramble fighters from territory B even though the attack is on territory A?

    OOB - Yes.
    Alpha+.1  - Only if there is a sea battle before the assault.

    OOB is only yes if B is an island.

  • Official Q&A


  • A mech wants to blitz from A through B into C. A tank accompanies the mech by moving from D through B into C. Is this allowed? I  don’t think so, since I’m sure that the tank must accompany the mech for its entire move, but I wanted to be sure.

  • Official Q&A

    You’re right, it’s not allowed.

  • So I guess this rule was Larry’s intent?  It doesn’t explicitly say this in the rules.  It just indicates the mech inf must “move along” with the blitzing tank.  There is no passage (that I can find) that suggests that they must originate in the same territory.

  • Official Q&A

    “Move along with” means exactly that.  They must start and end their moves together.

  • Is China in control of the lone fighter on their territories or does it belong to the US since it is represented by them?

  • It belongs to China

  • How do people keep it straight?

  • @wilk7011:

    How do people keep it straight?

    US fighters usually don’t end up in China before Japan kills the Chinese plane. if you can’t keep track of it, put a Chinese roundel under it.

  • That’s what I do - at setup, a Chinese symbol under it.

    They should have made a unique flying tigers unit with the shark teeth on it!!!

  • @wilk7011:

    How do people keep it straight?

    we use a US fighter from an older A&A version

  • Just wanted to clarify as there are two conflicting answers to this question:


    Here is the scenerio U.S. want to invade German coastal territory A. The sea zone the U.S. is invading from is touching both territory A and territory B. Territory B has an airbase with fighters on it. Can Germany scramble fighters from territory B even though the attack is on territory A?


    Only planes from A can scramble unless the US is also invading B.(This is for Alpha + 0.1)


    OOB - Yes.
    Alpha+.1  - Only if there is a sea battle before the assault.

    Krieghund is right in this case. Here’s the explanation from Larry:

    In situations where a sea zone is served by more than one airbase, Korea and Japan into sea zone 6 for example, each of the territories (or both in this case) can scramble up to 3 fighters and/or tactical bombers. On the other hand, if Korea is specifically being attacked by an amphibious force, and there is no sea battle occurring, only the aircraft in Korea can participate in the scramble.

    To sum it up: If there is a sea battle, involving an amphibious assault or not, all neighboring aircraft that meet the scramble requirements can participate in the sea battle. If there is only an amphibious assault and there is no sea battle, only the territory be attacked from the sea can scramble up to 3 aircraft.

    Explanation from here: http://harrisgamedesign.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=4060

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